#include #include #include #include #include const int width = 800; const int height = 800; const int fps = 60; const Color bg = BLACK; const Color fg = GREEN; const float THRUST = 0.04f; const float RUDDER = 0.05f; const float NOSE = PI/8; const int LENGTH = 36; const int SPAWN_RATE = 10*60; const float S_SPEED = 4.0f; const int LAZER_LENGTH = 3; const int MAX_SIZE=5; typedef struct B { Vector2 pos; Vector2 vel; int size; } Asteroid, Bullet; Vector2 sky[512]; Asteroid asteroids[128]; Bullet bullets[16]; bool alive = 1; Vector2 pos; Vector2 vel; float angle; int l = 0; int clamp(Vector2 *vec) { if (vec->x > width+LENGTH) vec->x -= width+LENGTH; if (vec->x < -LENGTH) vec->x += width+LENGTH*2; if (vec->y > height+LENGTH) vec->y -= height+LENGTH; if (vec->y < -LENGTH) vec->y += height+LENGTH*2; } double magnitude(Vector2 *vec) { return sqrt(pow(vec->x, 2) + pow(vec->y, 2)); } int randVec(Vector2 *vec, float m) { vec->x = rand() % 256; vec->y = rand() % 256; double mag = magnitude(vec); vec->x /= mag; vec->y /= mag; vec->x *= m; vec->y *= m; } Vector2 wingpos(int w) { int x, y; float a; if (w > 0) a = angle + (NOSE / 2.0f); else if (w < 0) a = angle - (NOSE / 2.0f); x = pos.x - LENGTH * sin(a); y = pos.y - LENGTH * cos(a); return (Vector2){x, y}; } int drawPlayer() { DrawTriangleLines( pos, wingpos(-1), wingpos(1), fg ); } int shoot() { Vector2 position = pos; Vector2 velocity = (Vector2){ vel.x + S_SPEED * sin(angle), vel.y + S_SPEED * cos(angle) }; int i = 0; while (i < sizeof(bullets) / sizeof(Bullet)) { if (bullets[i].size == 0) { bullets[i].pos = position; bullets[i].vel = velocity; bullets[i].size = 1; break; } i++; } } int addAsteroid(Vector2 position, Vector2 velocity, int size) { int i = 0; while (i < sizeof(asteroids) / sizeof(Asteroid)) { if (asteroids[i].size == 0) { asteroids[i].pos.x = position.x; asteroids[i].pos.y = position.y; asteroids[i].vel.x = velocity.x; asteroids[i].vel.y = velocity.y; asteroids[i].size = size; return 0; } i++; } return 1; } int spawnAsteroid() { Vector2 s,v; if (rand()%2) { if (rand()%2) s = (Vector2){0, rand() % height}; else s = (Vector2){width, rand() % height}; } else { if (rand()%2) s = (Vector2){rand() % width, 0}; else s = (Vector2){rand() % width, height}; } float n = -sqrt(pow(s.x - (width/2), 2) + pow(s.y - (height/2), 2)); float m = (float)(rand() % 7 + 1); v = (Vector2){ (s.x-(width/2)) / n, (s.y-(height/2)) / n }; addAsteroid(s, v, (rand()%MAX_SIZE)+1); } int breakAsteroid(int i) { asteroids[i].size -= 1; if (asteroids[i].size > 0) { // split the velocity in 2, adding a bit extra from the lazer double m = (magnitude(&asteroids[i].vel) + 0.3*S_SPEED)*0.5; randVec(&asteroids[i].vel, m); int s = pow(2, asteroids[i].size + 1); addAsteroid( (Vector2){asteroids[i].pos.x - s, asteroids[i].pos.y - s}, (Vector2){-asteroids[i].vel.x, -asteroids[i].vel.y}, asteroids[i].size ); asteroids[i].pos.x += s; asteroids[i].pos.y += s; } } int collideAsteroids(Asteroid *a, Asteroid *b) { int aa = pow(pow(2, a->size+1), 2); int ba = pow(pow(2, b->size+1), 2); int ta = aa+ba; const int x = a->pos.x - b->pos.x; const int y = a->pos.y - b->pos.y; const int d = x * x + y * y; const double u1 = (a->vel.x * x + a->vel.y * y) / d; // a to b const double u2 = (x * a->vel.y - y * a->vel.x) / d; // adjust a along tangent const double u3 = (b->vel.x * x + b->vel.y * y) / d; // from b to a const double u4 = (x * b->vel.y - y * b->vel.x) / d; // adjust b along tangent // adjust to work with different masses; const double vu3 = ((aa - ba) / ta) * u1 + (2 * ba) / ta * u3; const double vu1 = ((ba - aa) / ta) * u3 + (2 * aa) / ta * u1; // set new velocity b->vel.x = x * vu1 - y * u4; b->vel.y = y * vu1 + x * u4; a->vel.x = x * vu3 - y * u2; a->vel.y = y * vu3 + x * u2; } int reset() { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { sky[i] = (Vector2){rand() % width, rand() % height}; } for (int i=0; i < sizeof(asteroids) / sizeof(Asteroid); i++) { asteroids[i] = (Asteroid){(Vector2){0,0}, (Vector2){0,0}, 0}; } for (int i=0; i < sizeof(bullets) / sizeof(Bullet); i++) { bullets[i] = (Bullet){(Vector2){0,0}, (Vector2){0,0}, 0}; } for (int i = 0; i < (rand()%10) + 3; i++) { spawnAsteroid(); } alive = 1; pos = (Vector2){(float) width / 2, (float) height / 2}; vel = (Vector2){0.0f, 0.0f}; angle = 0; } int draw() { BeginDrawing(); ClearBackground(BLACK); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { DrawPixelV(sky[i], fg); } if (alive) { if (IsKeyDown(KEY_RIGHT)) angle -= RUDDER; if (IsKeyDown(KEY_LEFT)) angle += RUDDER; if (IsKeyDown(KEY_UP)) { vel.x += sin(angle) * THRUST; vel.y += cos(angle) * THRUST; } pos.x += vel.x; pos.y += vel.y; clamp(&pos); drawPlayer(); } if (IsKeyDown(KEY_SPACE)) { if (!l) { l = 1; if (alive) shoot(); else { reset(); return 0; } } } else { l = 0; } if (rand() % SPAWN_RATE == 0) { spawnAsteroid(); } for (int i=0; i < sizeof(bullets) / sizeof(Bullet); i++) { Bullet *b = &bullets[i]; if (b->size > 0) { DrawLineV( b->pos, (Vector2){b->pos.x - LAZER_LENGTH*b->vel.x, b->pos.y - LAZER_LENGTH*b->vel.y}, fg ); b->pos.x += b->vel.x; b->pos.y += b->vel.y; clamp(&b->pos); for (int j=0; j < sizeof(asteroids) / sizeof(Asteroid); j++) { if (CheckCollisionPointCircle(b->pos, asteroids[j].pos, pow(2, asteroids[j].size + 1))) { b->size=0; breakAsteroid(j); break; } } if (CheckCollisionPointTriangle(b->pos, pos, wingpos(1), wingpos(-1))) { alive = 0; } } } for (int i=0; i < sizeof(asteroids) / sizeof(Asteroid); i++) { Asteroid *asteroid = &asteroids[i]; if (asteroid->size > 0) { int csize = pow(2, asteroid->size + 1); DrawCircleLines( asteroid->pos.x, asteroid->pos.y, csize, fg ); for (int j=0; j < sizeof(asteroids) / sizeof(Asteroid); j++) { if (i!=j) { Asteroid *other = &asteroids[j]; if (CheckCollisionCircles(asteroid->pos, pow(2, asteroid->size + 1), other->pos, pow(2, other->size + 1))) { collideAsteroids(asteroid, other); break; } } } // Doesnt necessarily catch all collision cases :/ if ( CheckCollisionPointCircle(pos, asteroid->pos, csize) || CheckCollisionPointCircle(wingpos(-1), asteroid->pos, csize) || CheckCollisionPointCircle(wingpos(1), asteroid->pos, csize) || CheckCollisionPointTriangle(asteroid->pos, pos, wingpos(1), wingpos(2)) ) { alive = 0; } asteroid->pos.x += asteroid->vel.x; asteroid->pos.y += asteroid->vel.y; clamp(&asteroid->pos); } } EndDrawing(); } int main() { srand(time(0)); reset(); InitWindow(width, height, "game"); SetTargetFPS(60); while (!WindowShouldClose()) { draw(); } CloseWindow(); return 0; }