# Configure with [fxsdk build-fx] or [fxsdk build-cg], which provide the # toolchain file and module path of the fxSDK cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.15) project(pong) include(GenerateG1A) include(GenerateG3A) include(Fxconv) find_package(Gint 2.1 REQUIRED) set(SOURCES src/main.c # ... ) # Shared assets, fx-9860G-only assets and fx-CG-50-only assets set(ASSETS # ... ) set(ASSETS_fx assets-fx/example.png # ... ) set(ASSETS_cg assets-cg/example.png # ... ) fxconv_declare_assets(${ASSETS} ${ASSETS_fx} ${ASSETS_cg} WITH_METADATA) add_executable(breakout ${SOURCES} ${ASSETS} ${ASSETS_${FXSDK_PLATFORM}}) target_compile_options(breakout PRIVATE -Wall -Wextra -Os) target_link_libraries(breakout Gint::Gint) if("${FXSDK_PLATFORM_LONG}" STREQUAL fx9860G) generate_g1a(TARGET breakout OUTPUT "pong.g1a" NAME "pong" ICON assets-fx/icon.png) elseif("${FXSDK_PLATFORM_LONG}" STREQUAL fxCG50) generate_g3a(TARGET breakout OUTPUT "pong.g3a" NAME "pong" ICONS assets-cg/icon-uns.png assets-cg/icon-sel.png) endif()