import vim from . import apps # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # name: # description: This file evaluates the command arguments # provided by the user, calls the runApp function, # and inserts valid output to the user's buffer. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # DEFAULT_APP = vim.eval('g:pickachu_default_app') def MainFunction(): # This section is for getting the # arguments from the user's Vim # command. arglength = int(vim.eval('a:0')) CHOOSEN_APP = DEFAULT_APP CHOOSEN_FORMAT = None if arglength > 0: CHOOSEN_APP = vim.eval('a:1') if arglength > 1: CHOOSEN_FORMAT = vim.eval('a:2') # We run's runApp function to get an output. output = apps.runApp(CHOOSEN_APP, CHOOSEN_FORMAT) # Now, if runApp gave us an output, we can use the # Vim API to print the output to the user's buffer. if output: pos_y, pos_x = vim.current.window.cursor vim.current.line = vim.current.line[:pos_x+1] + output + vim.current.line[pos_x+1:] vim.current.window.cursor = (pos_y, pos_x + len(output)) else: print('Pickachu - Canceled')