from dataclasses import replace import math from enemy import EnemyAttributes from formation import ( CircleFormation, CircleFormationAttributes, EnemyFormation, FormationAttributes, FormationEnemy, ) from game import Game class CircleBossFormation(EnemyFormation): """Enemy Formation for the circular game boss""" RADIUS = 10 CYCLE_PEROID = 500 COUNT = 6 def __init__(self, game: Game, attributes: EnemyAttributes): """Initialise the circle boss :param game: The game which this boss belongs to :type game: Game :param attributes: The attributes on which to base spawned enemies :type attributes: EnemyAttributes """ self.image_name = "enemy0" self.minion_image_name = "smallenemy0" self.alpha = 0 attributes = CircleFormationAttributes( radius=40, period=300, count=CircleBossFormation.COUNT, velocity=attributes.velocity, cooldown=attributes.cooldown, hp=attributes.hp//2, reward=attributes.reward*10 ) self.circle_formation = CircleFormation( game, self.minion_image_name, attributes) super().__init__(game, self.image_name, attributes) def create_enemies(self): """Spawn the boss""" self.spawn_enemy((-4, -4, 0)) def tick(self, player): """Update the boss's position :param player: The player which to check collision with :type player: Player """ super().tick(player) self.circle_formation.x = self.x self.circle_formation.y = self.y a = (self.alpha/CircleBossFormation.CYCLE_PEROID)*2*math.pi - math.pi r = 50*math.sin(a) - 25 p = math.sin(a*2)*100 self.circle_formation.attributes.radius = math.floor( CircleBossFormation.RADIUS + (r if r > 0 else 0) ) self.circle_formation.attributes.period = math.floor( 400 + (p if p < 100 else 100) ) self.circle_formation.tick(player) # When the boss is dead, the minions will all die if len(self.sprites) == 0: if len(self.circle_formation.sprites) > 0: self.circle_formation.sprites[0].damage() else: self.destroy() def destroy(self): """Remove the circle boss""" super().destroy() self.circle_formation.destroy() def hide(self): """Hide the circle boss""" self.circle_formation.hide() return super().hide() def show(self): """Show the circle boss""" return super().show() class SnakeBossFormation(EnemyFormation): """Enemy formation for the snake boss""" LENGTH = 32 def __init__(self, game: Game, attributes: FormationAttributes): """Initialise the snake boss :param game: The game which the boss belongs to :type game: Game :param attributes: The attributes of which to base spawned enemies on :type attributes: FormationAttributes """ self.minion_name = "smallenemy1" self.tail_name = "smallenemy1_evil" self.head_name = "enemy2" self.phase = 1 self.phase_timer = 0 super().__init__(game, self.minion_name, attributes) def create_enemies(self): """Spawn the snake""" head_attributes = replace(self.attributes) head_attributes.hp *= 100 self.head = FormationEnemy(, self.head_name, (0, 0, 0), head_attributes) self.sprites.append(self.head) for i in range(SnakeBossFormation.LENGTH): self.spawn_enemy((0, 0, i+1)) tail_attributes = replace(self.attributes) head_attributes.hp //= 5 self.tail = FormationEnemy(, self.tail_name, (0, 0, SnakeBossFormation.LENGTH+1), tail_attributes) self.sprites.append(self.tail) def spawn_enemy(self, offset): """Spawn one enemy unit of the snake :param offset: The offset of the enemy """ attributes = replace(self.attributes) if offset[2] % 6 == 0: attributes.cooldown = 40 else: attributes.cooldown = -1 enemy = FormationEnemy(, self.image_name, offset, attributes) self.sprites.append(enemy) return enemy def position_enemy(self, enemy: FormationEnemy): """Position the enemy on the game screen :param enemy: The enemy to position :type enemy: FormationEnemy """ if self.phase == 2: p = 120 / (100 + math.cos(self.phase_timer / 400)*20) * 120 else: p = 120 m = 4 t = ((-enemy.offset_a*m) + / p + math.pi a = // 2 b = // 3 c = 0 if self.phase == 2: n = 10 - (2000 / (self.phase_timer+2000))*5 else: n = 5 enemy.set_pos(( int(self.x + a*math.sin(n*t+c)), int(self.y + b*math.sin(t)) )) def tick(self, player): """Update the position of the enemies :param player: The player which to check collision with """ super().tick(player) if self.phase == 1: self.head.hp = self.attributes.hp*100 if self.tail.destroyed: if len(self.sprites) > 1: self.sprites[-1].damage(amount=(self.attributes.hp//4)) else: self.head.hp = self.attributes.hp * 3 self.phase = 2 elif self.phase == 2: self.phase_timer += 1 self.head.attributes.cooldown = int( 20 + math.sin(self.phase_timer / 50)*10)