from random import randint, random from tkinter import Canvas, PhotoImage, Tk from typing import List from config import Config from font import Font from frame_counter import FrameCounter from inputs import InputController from sprite import Sprite from textures import TextureFactory class Game: """A generic game object""" def __init__(self) -> None: """Initialise the game """ = Tk() game_width, game_height = ( Config.WIDTH*Config.SCALE, Config.HEIGHT*Config.SCALE ) self.w, self.h = Config.WIDTH, Config.HEIGHT"{game_width}x{game_height}") self.canvas = Canvas(, width=game_width, height=game_height, bg="#000") self.canvas.pack() self.texture_factory = TextureFactory(scale=Config.SCALE) self.effect_player = EffectPlayer(self) self.frame_counter = FrameCounter(self.canvas, Config.FPS) self.inputs = InputController(self) self.sprites = [] self.score = 0 self.alpha = 0 def start(self): """Start the game""" self.loop() def tick(self): """Update the game's sprites""" for sprite in self.sprites: sprite.tick() self.effect_player.tick() def loop(self): """Loop the game at a set framerate""" self.alpha += 1 self.tick() self.frame_counter.next_frame(self.loop) def clear_all(self): """Remove all game sprites""" for sprite in self.sprites: sprite.destroy() self.sprites = [] class GameSprite(Sprite): """A sprite which belongs to a game""" def __init__(self, game: Game, image: PhotoImage): """Initialise the sprite :param game: The game which this belongs to :type game: Game :param image: The image to use for the sprite :type image: PhotoImage """ = game super().__init__(game.canvas, image, (0, 0)) def move(self, x, y): """Move the sprite by a certain amount :param x: Amount of pixels to move right :param y: Amount of pixels to move down """ # if the object needs to move less than a pixel # only move it every few frames to create this effect if abs(x) >= 1: self.x += x elif x != 0: if % (1/x) == 0: self.x += 1 if abs(y) >= 1: self.y += y elif y != 0: if % (1/y) == 0: self.y += 1 self.update_position() class GameEffect(GameSprite): """An effect that can be played within game""" def __init__(self, game: Game, image: PhotoImage, duration=10, momentum=(0, 0)): """Initialise the game effect :param game: The game which this belongs to :type game: Game :param image: The image to use for this :type image: PhotoImage :param duration: How long this effect should last for :param momentum: Which direction to move this effect """ self.start_time = game.alpha self.duration = duration self.velocity_x, self.velocity_y = momentum super().__init__(game, image) def tick(self): """Move the effect by its momentum and remove it if its over""" super().tick() self.move(self.velocity_x, self.velocity_y) alpha = - self.start_time if self.duration != -1 and alpha > self.duration: self.destroy() class AnimatedEffect(GameEffect): """An effect which involves animating an image""" def __init__(self, game: Game, images: List[PhotoImage], frame_time=1, momentum=(0, 0)): """Initialise the effect :param game: The game which this belongs to :type game: Game :param images: The images to use for this animation :type images: List[PhotoImage] :param frame_time: Length of each frame of the animation :param momentum: Direction to move this effect """ self.start_time = game.alpha self.frame_time = frame_time self.images = images self.frame_start = game.alpha super().__init__(game, images[0], duration=len( images)*frame_time, momentum=momentum) def tick(self): """Animate the effect""" super().tick() alpha = - self.start_time i = int(alpha // self.frame_time) if i < len(self.images): self.set_image(self.images[i]) else: self.destroy() class EffectPlayer: """An object which concerns itself with managing the effects""" def __init__(self, game: Game) -> None: """Initialise the :param game: The game which this belongs to :type game: Game """ self.sprites = [] = game self.explosion_frames = [] self.star_image: PhotoImage def load_textures(self): """Load effect textures""" self.explosion_frames = ["explosion{i+1}") for i in range(3) ] self.star_image ="star") def tick(self): """Update all effects""" for sprite in self.sprites: sprite.tick() self.sprites = Sprite.remove_destroyed(self.sprites) def create_stars(self): """Initialise the stars in the background""" for _ in range(100): self.create_star(True) def create_star(self, new=False): """Add a star to the background :param new: Whether this star should be added at the top of the screen or anywhere """ x = randint(0, if new: y = randint(0, else: y = -1 speed = randint(1, 4) * 0.1 duration = 2* / speed star = GameEffect(, self.star_image, duration=int(duration), momentum=(0, speed) ) star.set_pos((x, y)) star.send_to_back() self.sprites.append(star) def create_explosion(self, position=(0, 0)): """Create an explosion effect :param position: location of the explosion """ for _ in range(randint(1, 3)): m = ((random()*2)-1, (random()*2)-1) explosion_sprite = AnimatedEffect(, self.explosion_frames, frame_time=5, momentum=m) explosion_sprite.set_pos(position) self.sprites.append(explosion_sprite) def splash_text(self, text, duration=50): """splash_text. :param text: :param duration: """ text_img = Font.load_text(, text) position = ( (*len(text)) // 2, ( // 3 ) text_sprite = GameEffect(, text_img, duration=duration) text_sprite.set_pos(position) self.sprites.append(text_sprite) class DamageableSprite(GameSprite): """Sprite with health points """ def __init__(self, game: Game, image_name: str, hp=3): """Initialise the sprite :param game: The game which this belongs to :type game: Game :param image_name: The name of the image to use for this sprite :type image_name: str :param hp: The number of hit points this sprite spawns with """ self.image = game.texture_factory.get_image(image_name) self.white_image = game.texture_factory.get_image( f"{image_name}:white") self.hp = hp self.animation_frame = 0 super().__init__(game, self.image) def damage(self, amount=1): """Decrease number of hit points by an amount :param amount: """ if not self.destroyed: self.hp -= amount self.animation_frame = 5 if self.hp <= 0: self.hp = 0 self.destroy() def tick(self): """Update the sprite""" super().tick() if self.animation_frame > 0: self.animation_frame -= 1 if self.animation_frame % 2 == 0: self.set_image(self.image) else: self.set_image(self.white_image) if __name__ == "__main__": print("!!!") print("This is not the main file!") print("Pleae run\n\tpython\ninstead!") print("!!!")