#!/bin/sh NAME="pinentry" DESC="Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol" MAKEDEPS=" ncurses libcap libgpg-error libassuan gcr libsecret" PKG_VER=1.2.0 SOURCE="https://gnupg.org/ftp/gcrypt/pinentry/pinentry-$PKG_VER.tar.bz2" ADDITIONAL=" pinentry-curses-ss.post-install pinentry.post-install pinentry.post-upgrade " prepare() { default_prepare cp -ar "$BUILD_ROOT" "$BUILD_ROOT-libsecret" } build() { _build \ --disable-libsecret \ --enable-pinentry-curses \ --enable-pinentry-tty cd "$BUILD_ROOT-libsecret" _build \ --enable-libsecret \ --enable-pinentry-curses \ --disable-pinentry-tty } _build() { ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --disable-pinentry-gtk2 \ --disable-pinentry-gnome3 \ --disable-pinentry-qt \ --enable-fallback-curses \ "$@" make } check() { make check } package() { make -C "$BUILD_ROOT" DESTDIR="$PKG_DEST" install # created by post install scripts so we can override with other UI versions rm -f "$PKG_DEST"/usr/bin/pinentry }