#!/bin/sh NAME="ruby-kramdown" _gemname=kramdown DESC="A fast, pure Ruby Markdown superset converter" MAKEDEPS=" ruby-rake" PKG_VER=2.3.634 SOURCE="https://github.com/gettalong/kramdown" ADDITIONAL=" gemspec.patch " prepare() { apply_patches # Remove tests that require gem "stringex" (we don't have it in aports yet). rm test/testcases/block/04_header/with_auto_ids.* } build() { rake gemspec gem build $_gemname.gemspec } check() { rake test } package() { local gemdir="$PKG_DEST/$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.default_dir')" gem install \ --local \ --install-dir "$gemdir" \ --bindir "$PKG_DEST/usr/bin" \ --ignore-dependencies \ --no-document \ --verbose \ $_gemname # Remove unnecessary files and rubbish... cd "$gemdir" rm -r cache build_info doc extensions }