#!/bin/sh NAME="icecat" DESC="GNU IceCat web browser" MAKEDEPS="make rust cbindgen gnupg mercurial perl-file-rename python-jsonschema" DEPS="nodejs alsa-lib atk cairo dbus ffmpeg fontconfig freetype2 gdk-pixbuf glib gtk3 icu libevent libffi libpng libvpx libwebp libx11 libxcb libxcomposite libxdamage libxext libxfixes libxrandr musl nspr nss pango pixman zlib dbus-glib" PKG_VER=91.9.0 SOURCE="git://git.savannah.gnu.org/gnuzilla.git" ADDITIONAL=" icecat.desktop " build () { ./makeicecat } package () { DESTDIR="$PKG_DEST" MOZ_MAKE_FLAGS="$MAKEOPTS" ../mach install install -m755 -d "$PKG_DEST"/usr/share/applications install -m755 -d "$PKG_DEST"/usr/share/pixmaps local _png for _png in ../browser/branding/official/default*.png; do local i=${_png%.png} i=${i##*/default} install -D -m644 "$_png" "$PKG_DEST"/usr/share/icons/hicolor/"$i"x"$i"/apps/icecat.png done install -m644 ../browser/branding/official/default48.png \ "$PKG_DEST"/usr/share/pixmaps/icecat.png install -m644 ../icecat.desktop "$PKG_DEST"/usr/share/applications/org.mozilla.icecat.desktop # Add StartupWMClass=icecat on the .desktop files so Desktop Environments # correctly associate the window with their icon, the correct fix is to have # icecat sets its own AppID but this will work for the meantime # See: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1607399 echo "StartupWMClass=icecat" >> $PKG_DEST/usr/share/applications/org.mozilla.icecat.desktop # install our vendor prefs install -d $PKG_DEST/usr/lib/icecat/browser/defaults/preferences cat >> $PKG_DEST/usr/lib/icecat/browser/defaults/preferences/icecat-branding.js <<- EOF // Use LANG environment variable to choose locale pref("intl.locale.requested", ""); // Disable default browser checking. pref("browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser", false); // Don't disable our bundled extensionsn the application directory pref("extensions.autoDisableScopes", 11); pref("extensions.shownSelectionUI", true); EOF }