diff options
2 files changed, 122 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/notes.txt b/notes.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index db9a03e..0000000
--- a/notes.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
- for xipkg config
-in config define repo sources like this:
- <source name>: <url or filepath>
- davidovski:
-then specify repos that should be loaded:
- repos: core extra other
- to contain all working files:
- "working dir" to keep xipkg files and
- will look something like this:
- packages/
- core/
- extra/
-place to store publickeys for sources.
-/var/lib/xipkg/installed/<pkg name>
- /info - info about the package that has been installed to the system
- /files - text file with all the files that it installed to the sysetm (for later removal purposes)
-go to each source and list packages in a repo
-find the most popular package hashes
-download all keys
-if a xipkg file is specified and there is a corresponding .info as well, it will install it directly
-if its a url, then download the xipkg file and its .info
-if its a package name:
- check if it exists,
- if that package name exists in multiple repos, then prompt to ask which repo to take from
-to check a package is already installed, search for its name in /var/lib/xipkg/installed
-to install package need to:
- - find the package in a place in /var/lib/xipkg/packages
- - find all dependencies and subdependecies in a tree, and repeat install for any that are missing
- - aquire .xipkg from correct source (look for the
- - verify that the hash of xipkg is right
- - check against every publickey in /var/lib/xipkg/keychain (maybe better ideas?)
- - untar the xipkg
- - list all package's files in xipkg into /var/lib/xipkg/installed/<pkg name>/files
- - copy the pkginfo to /var/lib/xipkg/installed/<pkg name>
- ( do not use a symlink since later syncs can make the information inacurate)
- - copy all the files into their place on the system
- (actually install the package)
- - make an install reciept that contains:
- * the source that the package was downloaded from
- * the key that was used to validate the package
- * the date the package was installed
- * the user that installed the package
- * if the package was installed as a dependency
- * other info?
- - ?? run some post install scripts??
- - ?? clean up??
-find the package's installed files in /var/lib/xipkg/installed/<pkg name>/files and remove them from the system
-(? maybe check if other packages need them, and dont remove then?)
-remove all the info from /var/lib/xipkg/installed/<pkg name>
-(? check )
-do a sync
-if a package is specified, only upgrade that one package
-packages need updates when the hash listed in the package sync is different to the installed
-create a dependency tree and try upgrade core packages first (shouldnt matter really, since upgrading shouldnt have any dependencies other than xipkg and its subdependencies)
-to upgrade a package find that package in the repo and compare its pkginfo with the installed's package info
-if the VERSION_HASH is different then upgrade (guessing newer)
-if the CHECKSUM is different AND the date is newer then upgrade (a different checksum with an older date could be a mistake)
-(cant rely only on version hash, because the way that the package was built can be changed)
-(! needs a better name)
-just removes the package and then installs it again
-searches for a file to install
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f13495a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+default_packages="base linux xipkg dracut grub"
+additional_packages="sudo neofetch vim networkmanager"
+[ ! -e $XIPKG ] && {
+ git clone $TMPDIR/xiutils
+ make && make install
+ git clone $TMPDIR/xipkg
+ make && make install
+echo "Please make sure that you have correctly formatted any partitions and mounted them as desired under $SYSROOT"
+[ $# -eq 0 ] && echo "Please specify where you would like to instal the system" && exit 1
+[ -e $SYSROOT ] && {
+ printf "Remove existing system at $SYSROOT? [Y/n] "
+ read response
+ [ "$response" != "n" ] && rm -rf $SYSROOT && echo "removed $SYSROOT"
+$XIPKG $XIFLAGS -r $SYSROOT bootstrap $default_packages
+$XIPKG $XIFLAGS -r $SYSROOT keyimport $default_key
+configuring_users () {
+ echo "Setting root password: "
+ xichroot $SYSROOT passwd
+ echo
+ echo "Creating user"
+ read -p "Enter username: " username
+ xichroot $SYSROOT useradd -m $username
+ xichroot $SYSROOT passwd $username
+configuring_system () {
+ read -p "Enter system hostname: " hostname
+ echo $hostname > $SYSROOT/etc/hostname
+ cat > $SYSROOT/etc/hosts << EOF
+ localhost
+::1 localhost
+ $hostname.local $hostname
+configuring_nameservers () {
+ echo "Configuring nameservers..."
+ cat > $SYSROOT/etc/resolv.conf << EOF
+generating_fstab () {
+ echo "Generating fstab..."
+ xichroot $SYSCONFIG genfstab -U / > $SYSROOT/etc/fstab
+building_initramfs () {
+ echo "Building initramfs..."
+ kernel_version=$(ls $SYSROOT/usr/lib/modules | tail -1)
+ xichroot $SYSROOT dracut --kver $kernel_version 2>/dev/null > $TMPDIR/dracut.log
+installing_bootloader () {
+ read -p "Install Grub? [y]" r
+ [ "$r" != "n" ] && {
+ opts="--target=x86_64-efi"
+ read -p "Enter efi partition: " efi_part
+ opts="$opts --efi-partition=$efi_part"
+ read -p "Removable system? [y]" r
+ [ "$r" != "n" ] && {
+ opts="$opts --removable"
+ }
+ xichroot $SYSROOT grub-install $opts
+ xichroot $SYSROOT grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
+ }
+downloading_additional_packages () {
+ echo "Syncing repos..."
+ xichroot $SYSROOT xi sync
+ echo "Downloading additional packages..."
+ xichroot $SYSROOT xi $XIFLAGS install $additional_packages
+len=$(echo "$steps" | wc -l)
+for step in $steps; do
+ i=$((i+1))
+ clear
+ hbar -t -T "$(echo $step | sed "s/_/ /g")" $i $len
+ $step
+echo "Installation finished!"