import os import util import colors import time CACHE_DIR = "/var/cache/xipkg" def list_packages(url): start = time.time() status, response = util.curl(url + "/packages.list") duration = (time.time() - start) * 1000 if status != 200: return {}, -1 else: duration /= len(response) return { line.split()[0].split(".")[0]: line.split()[1] for line in response.split("\n") if len(line.split()) > 0 }, duration def sync_packages(repo, sources, verbose=False): packages = {} speeds = {} for source,url in sources.items(): listed, speed = list_packages(url + repo if url[-1] == "/" else f"/{repo}") if speed > 0: speeds[source] = speed if len(listed) == 0 and verbose: print(colors.RED + f"No packages found in {source}/{repo}" + colors.RESET) for p in listed: if not p in packages: packages[p] = [] packages[p].append((listed[p], source)) return packages, speeds def validate_package(package, versions, repo, verbose=False): popularity = {} for v in versions: checksum = v[0] source = v[1] if not checksum in popularity: popularity[checksum] = 0 popularity[checksum] += 1 most_popular = "" p_count = -1 for p,c in popularity.items(): if c > p_count: most_popular = p p_count = c if verbose: ##print(package, ":", popularity) print(most_popular) sources = [v[1] for v in versions if v[0] == most_popular] # change the packages dict to list all the sources return { "checksum": most_popular, "sources" : sources } def save_package(package, info, location): util.mkdir(location) package_file = os.path.join(location, package) exists = False if os.path.exists(package_file): with open(package_file, "r") as file: text = exists = info["checksum"] in text content = "" with open(package_file, "w") as file: file.write("checksum=" + info["checksum"] + "\n") file.write("sources=" + " ".join([source for source in info["sources"]])) return exists ###### !!! ####### # THIS SHOULD BE A USER ACTION # security problem to automatically decide to verify keys # users should do this manually whenever they add a new source ###### !!! ####### def import_key(source, url, config, verbose=False): keyname = "" keychain_dir = config["dir"]["keychain"] util.mkdir(keychain_dir) key_path = os.path.join(keychain_dir, source + ".pub") if os.path.exists(key_path): if verbose: print(colors.LIGHT_BLACK + f"Skipping already imported key from {source}") return 0 else: key_path = util.curl_to_file(url + keyname if url[-1] == "/" else f"/{keyname}", key_path) return 1 def test_source(source, url): # requesting a resource may not be the best way to do this, caching etc start = time.time() code, reponse = util.curl(util.add_path(url, "index.html")) if code == 200: return int((time.time() - start) * 1000) else: return -1 def test_sources(sources, file_path, test_count=10): if test_count > 0: pings = {} checked = 0 for source,url in sources.items(): total = 0 for i in range(test_count): total += test_source(source, url) util.loading_bar(checked, len(sources) * test_count, f"Pinging Sources") checked += 1 if total > 0: pings[source] = int(total / test_count) if total > 0 else 0 sorted(pings) with open(file_path, "w") as file: for source,ping in pings.items(): file.write(f"{source} {ping}\n") util.loading_bar(checked, len(sources) * test_count, f"Pinged Sources") print() def sync(args, options, config): sources = config["sources"] repos = config["repos"] v = options["v"] new = 0 for repo in repos: if v: print(colors.LIGHT_BLACK + f"downloading package lists for {repo}...") packages, speeds = sync_packages(repo, sources, verbose=v) if v: print(colors.LIGHT_BLACK + f"downloaded {len(packages)} packages from {len(sources)} sources") sorted(speeds) with open(config["dir"]["sources"], "w") as file: for source,ping in speeds.items(): file.write(f"{source} {ping}\n") # find the most popular hash to use done = 0 total = len(packages.items()) for package,versions in packages.items(): info = validate_package(package, versions, repo, verbose=v) if not save_package(package, info, os.path.join(config["dir"]["packages"], repo)): new += 1 done += 1 util.loading_bar(done, total, f"Syncing {repo}") util.loading_bar(total, total, f"Synced {repo}") print(colors.RESET) if new > 0: util.fill_line(f"There are {new} new updates", colors.LIGHT_GREEN) if "key_authority" in config: imported = 0 authorities = config["key_authority"] for authority in authorities: if authority in sources: url = sources[authority] imported += import_key(authority, url, config, verbose=v) elif v: print(colors.RED + f"Cannot find authority {authority} in sources") if imported > 0: print(colors.CYAN + f"Imported keys from {imported} sources") #total = len(sources) #completed = 0 #for source, url in sources: #compelted += 1 #util.loading_bar(completed, total, f"Importing keys")