path: root/config/vim/autoload/emmet
diff options
authordavidovski <>2021-10-09 22:20:41 +0100
committerdavidovski <>2021-10-09 22:20:41 +0100
commit01ced0b7ce47d279789efb2dc70d1cd009ac56ad (patch)
tree6ece604b8ae3476d2d70c9c9d42f86fe607990da /config/vim/autoload/emmet
initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'config/vim/autoload/emmet')
13 files changed, 3515 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37e426b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+let s:exists = {}
+function! emmet#lang#exists(type) abort
+ if len(a:type) == 0
+ return 0
+ elseif has_key(s:exists, a:type)
+ return s:exists[a:type]
+ endif
+ let s:exists[a:type] = len(globpath(&rtp, 'autoload/emmet/lang/'.a:type.'.vim')) > 0
+ return s:exists[a:type]
+function! emmet#lang#type(type) abort
+ let type = a:type
+ let base = type
+ let settings = emmet#getSettings()
+ while base != ''
+ for b in split(base, '\.')
+ if emmet#lang#exists(b)
+ return b
+ endif
+ if has_key(settings, b) && has_key(settings[b], 'extends')
+ let base = settings[b].extends
+ break
+ else
+ let base = ''
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endwhile
+ return 'html'
+" get all extends for a type recursively
+function! emmet#lang#getExtends(type) abort
+ let settings = emmet#getSettings()
+ if !has_key(settings[a:type], 'extends')
+ return []
+ endif
+ let extends = settings[a:type].extends
+ if type(extends) ==# 1
+ let tmp = split(extends, '\s*,\s*')
+ unlet! extends
+ let extends = tmp
+ endif
+ for ext in extends
+ let extends = extends + emmet#lang#getExtends(ext)
+ endfor
+ return extends
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/css.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/css.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d26f942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/css.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,385 @@
+function! emmet#lang#css#findTokens(str) abort
+ let tmp = substitute(substitute(a:str, '^.*[;{]\s*', '', ''), '}\s*$', '', '')
+ if tmp =~ '/' && tmp =~ '^[a-zA-Z0-9/_.]\+$'
+ " maybe path or something
+ return ''
+ endif
+ return substitute(substitute(a:str, '^.*[;{]\s*', '', ''), '}\s*$', '', '')
+function! emmet#lang#css#parseIntoTree(abbr, type) abort
+ let abbr = a:abbr
+ let type = a:type
+ let prefix = 0
+ let value = ''
+ let indent = emmet#getIndentation(type)
+ let aliases = emmet#getResource(type, 'aliases', {})
+ let snippets = emmet#getResource(type, 'snippets', {})
+ let use_pipe_for_cursor = emmet#getResource(type, 'use_pipe_for_cursor', 1)
+ let root = emmet#newNode()
+ " emmet
+ let tokens = split(abbr, '+\ze[^+)!]')
+ let block = emmet#util#searchRegion('{', '}')
+ if abbr !~# '^@' && emmet#getBaseType(type) ==# 'css' && type !=# 'sass' && type !=# 'styled' && block[0] ==# [0,0] && block[1] ==# [0,0]
+ let current = emmet#newNode()
+ let current.snippet = substitute(abbr, '\s\+$', '', '') . " {\n" . indent . "${cursor}\n}"
+ let = ''
+ call add(root.child, deepcopy(current))
+ else
+ for n in range(len(tokens))
+ let token = tokens[n]
+ let prop = matchlist(token, '^\(-\{0,1}[a-zA-Z]\+\|[a-zA-Z0-9]\++\{0,1}\|([a-zA-Z0-9]\++\{0,1})\)\(\%([0-9.-]\+\%(p\|e\|em\|x\|vh\|vw\|re\|rem\|%\)\{0,}-\{0,1}\|-auto\)*\)$')
+ if len(prop)
+ let token = substitute(prop[1], '^(\(.*\))', '\1', '')
+ if token =~# '^-'
+ let prefix = 1
+ let token = token[1:]
+ endif
+ let value = ''
+ for vt in split(prop[2], '\a\+\zs')
+ let ut = matchstr(vt, '[a-z]\+$')
+ if ut == 'auto'
+ let ut = ''
+ endif
+ for v in split(vt, '\d\zs-')
+ if len(value) > 0
+ let value .= ' '
+ endif
+ if v !~ '[a-z]\+$'
+ let v .= ut
+ endif
+ if token =~# '^[z]'
+ " TODO
+ let value .= substitute(v, '[^0-9.]*$', '', '')
+ elseif v =~# 'em$'
+ let value .= v
+ elseif v =~# 'ex$'
+ let value .= v
+ elseif v =~# 'vh$'
+ let value .= v
+ elseif v =~# 'vw$'
+ let value .= v
+ elseif v =~# 'rem$'
+ let value .= v
+ elseif v ==# 'auto'
+ let value .= v
+ elseif v =~# 'p$'
+ let value .= substitute(v, 'p$', '%', '')
+ elseif v =~# '%$'
+ let value .= v
+ elseif v =~# 'e$'
+ let value .= substitute(v, 'e$', 'em', '')
+ elseif v =~# 'x$'
+ let value .= substitute(v, 'x$', 'ex', '')
+ elseif v =~# 're$'
+ let value .= substitute(v, 're$', 'rem', '')
+ elseif v =~# '\.'
+ let value .= v . 'em'
+ elseif v ==# '0'
+ let value .= '0'
+ else
+ let value .= v . 'px'
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ endif
+ let tag_name = token
+ if tag_name =~# '.!$'
+ let tag_name = tag_name[:-2]
+ let important = 1
+ else
+ let important = 0
+ endif
+ " make default node
+ let current = emmet#newNode()
+ let current.important = important
+ let = tag_name
+ " aliases
+ if has_key(aliases, tag_name)
+ let = aliases[tag_name]
+ endif
+ " snippets
+ if !empty(snippets)
+ let snippet_name = tag_name
+ if !has_key(snippets, snippet_name)
+ let pat = '^' . join(split(tag_name, '\zs'), '\%(\|[^:-]\+-\)')
+ let vv = filter(sort(keys(snippets)), 'snippets[v:val] =~ pat')
+ if len(vv) == 0
+ let vv = filter(sort(keys(snippets)), 'substitute(v:val, ":", "", "g") == snippet_name')
+ endif
+ if len(vv) > 0
+ let snippet_name = vv[0]
+ else
+ let pat = '^' . join(split(tag_name, '\zs'), '\%(\|[^:-]\+-*\)')
+ let vv = filter(sort(keys(snippets)), 'snippets[v:val] =~ pat')
+ if len(vv) == 0
+ let pat = '^' . join(split(tag_name, '\zs'), '[^:]\{-}')
+ let vv = filter(sort(keys(snippets)), 'snippets[v:val] =~ pat')
+ if len(vv) == 0
+ let pat = '^' . join(split(tag_name, '\zs'), '.\{-}')
+ let vv = filter(sort(keys(snippets)), 'snippets[v:val] =~ pat')
+ endif
+ endif
+ let minl = -1
+ for vk in vv
+ let vvs = snippets[vk]
+ if minl == -1 || len(vvs) < minl
+ let snippet_name = vk
+ let minl = len(vvs)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endif
+ if has_key(snippets, snippet_name)
+ let snippet = snippets[snippet_name]
+ if use_pipe_for_cursor
+ let snippet = substitute(snippet, '|', '${cursor}', 'g')
+ endif
+ let lines = split(snippet, "\n")
+ call map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, "\\( \\|\\t\\)", escape(indent, "\\\\"), "g")')
+ let current.snippet = join(lines, "\n")
+ let = ''
+ let current.snippet = substitute(current.snippet, ';', value . ';', '')
+ if use_pipe_for_cursor && len(value) > 0
+ let current.snippet = substitute(current.snippet, '\${cursor}', '', 'g')
+ endif
+ if n < len(tokens) - 1
+ let current.snippet .= "\n"
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ let current.pos = 0
+ let lg = matchlist(token, '^\%(linear-gradient\|lg\)(\s*\(\S\+\)\s*,\s*\([^,]\+\)\s*,\s*\([^)]\+\)\s*)$')
+ if len(lg) == 0
+ let lg = matchlist(token, '^\%(linear-gradient\|lg\)(\s*\(\S\+\)\s*,\s*\([^,]\+\)\s*)$')
+ if len(lg)
+ let [lg[1], lg[2], lg[3]] = ['linear', lg[1], lg[2]]
+ endif
+ endif
+ if len(lg)
+ let = ''
+ let current.snippet = printf("background-image:-webkit-gradient(%s, 0 0, 0 100%, from(%s), to(%s));\n", lg[1], lg[2], lg[3])
+ call add(root.child, deepcopy(current))
+ let current.snippet = printf("background-image:-webkit-linear-gradient(%s, %s);\n", lg[2], lg[3])
+ call add(root.child, deepcopy(current))
+ let current.snippet = printf("background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(%s, %s);\n", lg[2], lg[3])
+ call add(root.child, deepcopy(current))
+ let current.snippet = printf("background-image:-o-linear-gradient(%s, %s);\n", lg[2], lg[3])
+ call add(root.child, deepcopy(current))
+ let current.snippet = printf("background-image:linear-gradient(%s, %s);\n", lg[2], lg[3])
+ call add(root.child, deepcopy(current))
+ elseif prefix
+ let snippet = current.snippet
+ let current.snippet = '-webkit-' . snippet . "\n"
+ call add(root.child, deepcopy(current))
+ let current.snippet = '-moz-' . snippet . "\n"
+ call add(root.child, deepcopy(current))
+ let current.snippet = '-o-' . snippet . "\n"
+ call add(root.child, deepcopy(current))
+ let current.snippet = '-ms-' . snippet . "\n"
+ call add(root.child, deepcopy(current))
+ let current.snippet = snippet
+ call add(root.child, current)
+ elseif token =~# '^c#\([0-9a-fA-F]\{3}\|[0-9a-fA-F]\{6}\)\(\.[0-9]\+\)\?'
+ let cs = split(token, '\.')
+ let = ''
+ let [r,g,b] = [0,0,0]
+ if len(cs[0]) == 5
+ let rgb = matchlist(cs[0], 'c#\(.\)\(.\)\(.\)')
+ let r = eval('0x'.rgb[1].rgb[1])
+ let g = eval('0x'.rgb[2].rgb[2])
+ let b = eval('0x'.rgb[3].rgb[3])
+ elseif len(cs[0]) == 8
+ let rgb = matchlist(cs[0], 'c#\(..\)\(..\)\(..\)')
+ let r = eval('0x'.rgb[1])
+ let g = eval('0x'.rgb[2])
+ let b = eval('0x'.rgb[3])
+ endif
+ if len(cs) == 1
+ let current.snippet = printf('color:rgb(%d, %d, %d);', r, g, b)
+ else
+ let current.snippet = printf('color:rgb(%d, %d, %d, %s);', r, g, b, string(str2float('0.'.cs[1])))
+ endif
+ call add(root.child, current)
+ elseif token =~# '^c#'
+ let = ''
+ let current.snippet = 'color:\${cursor};'
+ call add(root.child, current)
+ else
+ call add(root.child, current)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return root
+function! emmet#lang#css#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent) abort
+ let current = a:current
+ let value = current.value[1:-2]
+ let tmp = substitute(value, '\${cursor}', '', 'g')
+ if tmp !~ '.*{[ \t\r\n]*}$'
+ if emmet#useFilter(a:filters, 'fc')
+ let value = substitute(value, '\([^:]\+\):\([^;]*\)', '\1: \2', 'g')
+ else
+ let value = substitute(value, '\([^:]\+\):\([^;]*\)', '\1:\2', 'g')
+ endif
+ if current.important
+ let value = substitute(value, ';', ' !important;', '')
+ endif
+ endif
+ return value
+function! emmet#lang#css#imageSize() abort
+ let img_region = emmet#util#searchRegion('{', '}')
+ if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(img_region) || !emmet#util#cursorInRegion(img_region)
+ return
+ endif
+ let content = emmet#util#getContent(img_region)
+ let fn = matchstr(content, '\<url(\zs[^)]\+\ze)')
+ let fn = substitute(fn, '[''" \t]', '', 'g')
+ if fn =~# '^\s*$'
+ return
+ elseif fn !~# '^\(/\|http\)'
+ let fn = simplify(expand('%:h') . '/' . fn)
+ endif
+ let [width, height] = emmet#util#getImageSize(fn)
+ if width == -1 && height == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ let indent = emmet#getIndentation('css')
+ if content =~# '.*\<width\s*:[^;]*;.*'
+ let content = substitute(content, '\<width\s*:[^;]*;', 'width: ' . width . 'px;', '')
+ else
+ let content = substitute(content, '}', indent . 'width: ' . width . "px;\n}", '')
+ endif
+ if content =~# '.*\<height\s*:[^;]*;.*'
+ let content = substitute(content, '\<height\s*:[^;]*;', 'height: ' . height . 'px;', '')
+ else
+ let content = substitute(content, '}', indent . 'height: ' . height . "px;\n}", '')
+ endif
+ call emmet#util#setContent(img_region, content)
+function! emmet#lang#css#imageEncode() abort
+ let img_region = emmet#util#searchRegion('url(', ')')
+ if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(img_region) || !emmet#util#cursorInRegion(img_region)
+ return
+ endif
+ let content = emmet#util#getContent(img_region)
+ let fn = matchstr(content, '\<url(\zs[^)]\+\ze)')
+ let fn = substitute(fn, '[''" \t]', '', 'g')
+ if fn =~# '^\s*$'
+ return
+ elseif fn !~# '^\(/\|http\)'
+ let fn = simplify(expand('%:h') . '/' . fn)
+ endif
+ let encoded = emmet#util#imageEncodeDecode(fn, 0)
+ call emmet#util#setContent(img_region, 'url(' . encoded . ')')
+function! emmet#lang#css#parseTag(tag) abort
+ return {}
+function! emmet#lang#css#toggleComment() abort
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let mx = '^\(\s*\)/\*\s*\(.*\)\s*\*/\s*$'
+ if line =~# '{\s*$'
+ let block = emmet#util#searchRegion('/\*', '\*/\zs')
+ if emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ let content = emmet#util#getContent(block)
+ let content = substitute(content, '/\*\s\(.*\)\s\*/', '\1', '')
+ call emmet#util#setContent(block, content)
+ else
+ let node = expand('<cword>')
+ if len(node)
+ exe "normal ciw\<c-r>='/* '.node.' */'\<cr>"
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ if line =~# mx
+ let space = substitute(matchstr(line, mx), mx, '\1', '')
+ let line = substitute(matchstr(line, mx), mx, '\2', '')
+ let line = space . substitute(line, '^\s*\|\s*$', '\1', 'g')
+ else
+ let mx = '^\(\s*\)\(''[^'']*''\|[^'']*\|;\)\s*$'
+ " TODO multi-property
+ "let mx = '^\(\s*\)\(\%(''[^'']*''\|[^'';]\+\)*;\{0,1}\)'
+ let line = substitute(line, mx, '\1/* \2 */', '')
+ endif
+ call setline('.', line)
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#css#balanceTag(flag) range abort
+ if a:flag == -2 || a:flag == 2
+ let curpos = [0, line("'<"), col("'<"), 0]
+ else
+ let curpos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ endif
+ let block = emmet#util#getVisualBlock()
+ if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ if a:flag > 0
+ let block = emmet#util#searchRegion('^', ';')
+ if emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ call emmet#util#selectRegion(block)
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ if a:flag > 0
+ let content = emmet#util#getContent(block)
+ if content !~# '^{.*}$'
+ let block = emmet#util#searchRegion('{', '}')
+ if emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ call emmet#util#selectRegion(block)
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ let pos = searchpos('.*;', 'nW')
+ if pos[0] != 0
+ call setpos('.', [0, pos[0], pos[1], 0])
+ let block = emmet#util#searchRegion('^', ';')
+ if emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ call emmet#util#selectRegion(block)
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if a:flag == -2 || a:flag == 2
+ silent! exe 'normal! gv'
+ else
+ call setpos('.', curpos)
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#css#moveNextPrevItem(flag) abort
+ return emmet#lang#css#moveNextPrev(a:flag)
+function! emmet#lang#css#moveNextPrev(flag) abort
+ call search('""\|()\|\(:\s*\zs;\{1,0}$\)', a:flag ? 'Wbp' : 'Wp')
+ return ''
+function! emmet#lang#css#splitJoinTag() abort
+ " nothing to do
+function! emmet#lang#css#removeTag() abort
+ " nothing to do
+function! emmet#lang#css#mergeLines() abort
+ " nothing to do
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/elm.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/elm.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce663bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/elm.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+function! emmet#lang#elm#findTokens(str) abort
+ return emmet#lang#html#findTokens(a:str)
+function! emmet#lang#elm#parseIntoTree(abbr, type) abort
+ let tree = emmet#lang#html#parseIntoTree(a:abbr, a:type)
+ if len(tree.child) < 2 | return tree | endif
+ " Add ',' nodes between root elements.
+ let new_children = []
+ for child in tree.child[0:-2]
+ let comma = emmet#newNode()
+ let = ','
+ call add(new_children, child)
+ call add(new_children, comma)
+ endfor
+ call add(new_children, tree.child[-1])
+ let tree.child = new_children
+ return tree
+function! emmet#lang#elm#renderNode(node)
+ let elm_nodes = ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6'
+ \, 'div', 'p', 'hr', 'pre', 'blockquote'
+ \, 'span', 'a', 'code', 'em', 'strong', 'i', 'b', 'u', 'sub', 'sup', 'br'
+ \, 'ol', 'ul', 'li', 'dl', 'dt', 'dd'
+ \, 'img', 'iframe', 'canvas', 'math'
+ \, 'form', 'input', 'textarea', 'button', 'select', 'option'
+ \, 'section', 'nav', 'article', 'aside', 'header', 'footer', 'address', 'main_', 'body'
+ \, 'figure', 'figcaption'
+ \, 'table', 'caption', 'colgroup', 'col', 'tbody', 'thead', 'tfoot', 'tr', 'td', 'th'
+ \, 'fieldset', 'legend', 'label', 'datalist', 'optgroup', 'keygen', 'output', 'progress', 'meter'
+ \, 'audio', 'video', 'source', 'track'
+ \, 'embed', 'object', 'param'
+ \, 'ins', 'del'
+ \, 'small', 'cite', 'dfn', 'abbr', 'time', 'var', 'samp', 'kbd', 's', 'q'
+ \, 'mark', 'ruby', 'rt', 'rp', 'bdi', 'bdo', 'wbr'
+ \, 'details', 'summary', 'menuitem', 'menu']
+ if index(elm_nodes, a:node) >= 0
+ return a:node
+ endif
+ return 'node "' . a:node . '"'
+function! emmet#lang#elm#renderParam(param)
+ let elm_events = ["onClick", "onDoubleClick"
+ \, "onMouseDown", "onMouseUp"
+ \, "onMouseEnter", "onMouseLeave"
+ \, "onMouseOver", "onMouseOut"
+ \, "onInput", "onCheck", "onSubmit"
+ \, "onBlur", "onFocus"
+ \, "on", "onWithOptions", "Options", "defaultOptions"
+ \, "targetValue", "targetChecked", "keyCode"]
+ if index(elm_events, a:param) >= 0
+ return a:param
+ endif
+ let elm_attributes = ["style", "map" , "class", "id", "title", "hidden"
+ \, "type", "type_", "value", "defaultValue", "checked", "placeholder", "selected"
+ \, "accept", "acceptCharset", "action", "autocomplete", "autofocus"
+ \, "disabled", "enctype", "formaction", "list", "maxlength", "minlength", "method", "multiple"
+ \, "name", "novalidate", "pattern", "readonly", "required", "size", "for", "form"
+ \, "max", "min", "step"
+ \, "cols", "rows", "wrap"
+ \, "href", "target", "download", "downloadAs", "hreflang", "media", "ping", "rel"
+ \, "ismap", "usemap", "shape", "coords"
+ \, "src", "height", "width", "alt"
+ \, "autoplay", "controls", "loop", "preload", "poster", "default", "kind", "srclang"
+ \, "sandbox", "seamless", "srcdoc"
+ \, "reversed", "start"
+ \, "align", "colspan", "rowspan", "headers", "scope"
+ \, "async", "charset", "content", "defer", "httpEquiv", "language", "scoped"
+ \, "accesskey", "contenteditable", "contextmenu", "dir", "draggable", "dropzone"
+ \, "itemprop", "lang", "spellcheck", "tabindex"
+ \, "challenge", "keytype"
+ \, "cite", "datetime", "pubdate", "manifest"]
+ if index(elm_attributes, a:param) >= 0
+ if a:param == 'type'
+ return 'type_'
+ endif
+ return a:param
+ endif
+ return 'attribute "' . a:param . '"'
+function! emmet#lang#elm#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent) abort
+ let settings = a:settings
+ let current = a:current
+ let type = a:type
+ let inline = a:inline
+ let filters = a:filters
+ let itemno = a:itemno
+ let indent = emmet#getIndentation(type)
+ let dollar_expr = emmet#getResource(type, 'dollar_expr', 1)
+ let str = ''
+ " comma between items with *, eg. li*3
+ if itemno > 0
+ let str = ", "
+ endif
+ let current_name =
+ if dollar_expr
+ let current_name = substitute(, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ endif
+ if len( > 0
+ " inserted root comma nodes
+ if current_name == ','
+ return "\n, "
+ endif
+ let str .= emmet#lang#elm#renderNode(current_name)
+ let tmp = ''
+ for attr in emmet#util#unique(current.attrs_order + keys(current.attr))
+ if !has_key(current.attr, attr)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let Val = current.attr[attr]
+ let attr = emmet#lang#elm#renderParam(attr)
+ if type(Val) == 2 && Val == function('emmet#types#true')
+ let tmp .= ', ' . attr . ' True'
+ else
+ if dollar_expr
+ while Val =~# '\$\([^#{]\|$\)'
+ let Val = substitute(Val, '\(\$\+\)\([^{]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ endwhile
+ let attr = substitute(attr, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ endif
+ let valtmp = substitute(Val, '\${cursor}', '', '')
+ if attr ==# 'id' && len(valtmp) > 0
+ let tmp .=', id "' . Val . '"'
+ elseif attr ==# 'class' && len(valtmp) > 0
+ let tmp .= ', class "' . substitute(Val, '\.', ' ', 'g') . '"'
+ else
+ let tmp .= ', ' . attr . ' "' . Val . '"'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if ! len(tmp)
+ let str .= ' []'
+ else
+ let tmp = strpart(tmp, 2)
+ let str .= ' [ ' . tmp . ' ]'
+ endif
+ " No children quit early
+ if len(current.child) == 0 && len(current.value) == 0
+ "Place cursor in node with no value or children
+ let str .= ' [${cursor}]'
+ return str
+ endif
+ let inner = ''
+ " Parent contex text
+ if len(current.value) > 0
+ let text = current.value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ " let str = substitute(str, '\$#', text, 'g')
+ let inner .= ', text "' . text . '"'
+ endif
+ endif
+ " Has children
+ for child in current.child
+ if len( == 0 && len(child.value) > 0
+ " Text node
+ let text = child.value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ endif
+ let inner .= ', text "' . text . '"'
+ else
+ " Other nodes
+ let inner .= ', ' . emmet#toString(child, type, inline, filters, 0, indent)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n", "\n" . escape(indent, '\'), 'g')
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n" . escape(indent, '\') . '$', '', 'g')
+ let inner = strpart(inner, 2)
+ let inner = substitute(inner, ' ', '', 'g')
+ if ! len(inner)
+ let str .= ' []'
+ else
+ let str .= ' [ ' . inner . ' ]'
+ endif
+ else
+ let str = current.value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ let str = substitute(str, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ endif
+ endif
+ let str .= "\n"
+ return str
+function! emmet#lang#elm#imageEncode() abort
+function! emmet#lang#elm#parseTag(tag) abort
+ return {}
+function! emmet#lang#elm#toggleComment() abort
+function! emmet#lang#elm#balanceTag(flag) range abort
+function! emmet#lang#elm#moveNextPrevItem(flag) abort
+ return emmet#lang#elm#moveNextPrev(a:flag)
+function! emmet#lang#elm#moveNextPrev(flag) abort
+function! emmet#lang#elm#splitJoinTag() abort
+function! emmet#lang#elm#removeTag() abort
+function! emmet#lang#elm#mergeLines() abort
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/haml.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/haml.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ea97d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/haml.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+function! emmet#lang#haml#findTokens(str) abort
+ return emmet#lang#html#findTokens(a:str)
+function! emmet#lang#haml#parseIntoTree(abbr, type) abort
+ return emmet#lang#html#parseIntoTree(a:abbr, a:type)
+function! emmet#lang#haml#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent) abort
+ let settings = a:settings
+ let current = a:current
+ let type = a:type
+ let inline = a:inline
+ let filters = a:filters
+ let itemno = a:itemno
+ let indent = emmet#getIndentation(type)
+ let dollar_expr = emmet#getResource(type, 'dollar_expr', 1)
+ let attribute_style = emmet#getResource('haml', 'attribute_style', 'hash')
+ let str = ''
+ let current_name =
+ if dollar_expr
+ let current_name = substitute(, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ endif
+ if len( > 0
+ let str .= '%' . current_name
+ let tmp = ''
+ for attr in emmet#util#unique(current.attrs_order + keys(current.attr))
+ if !has_key(current.attr, attr)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let Val = current.attr[attr]
+ if type(Val) == 2 && Val == function('emmet#types#true')
+ if attribute_style ==# 'hash'
+ let tmp .= ' :' . attr . ' => true'
+ elseif attribute_style ==# 'html'
+ let tmp .= attr . '=true'
+ end
+ else
+ if dollar_expr
+ while Val =~# '\$\([^#{]\|$\)'
+ let Val = substitute(Val, '\(\$\+\)\([^{]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ endwhile
+ let attr = substitute(attr, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ endif
+ let valtmp = substitute(Val, '\${cursor}', '', '')
+ if attr ==# 'id' && len(valtmp) > 0
+ let str .= '#' . Val
+ elseif attr ==# 'class' && len(valtmp) > 0
+ let str .= '.' . substitute(Val, ' ', '.', 'g')
+ else
+ if len(tmp) > 0
+ if attribute_style ==# 'hash'
+ let tmp .= ','
+ elseif attribute_style ==# 'html'
+ let tmp .= ' '
+ endif
+ endif
+ if attribute_style ==# 'hash'
+ let tmp .= ' :' . attr . ' => "' . Val . '"'
+ elseif attribute_style ==# 'html'
+ let tmp .= attr . '="' . Val . '"'
+ end
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if len(tmp)
+ if attribute_style ==# 'hash'
+ let str .= '{' . tmp . ' }'
+ elseif attribute_style ==# 'html'
+ let str .= '(' . tmp . ')'
+ end
+ endif
+ if stridx(','.settings.html.empty_elements.',', ','.current_name.',') != -1 && len(current.value) == 0
+ let str .= '/'
+ endif
+ let inner = ''
+ if len(current.value) > 0
+ let text = current.value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\$#', text, 'g')
+ endif
+ let lines = split(text, "\n")
+ if len(lines) == 1
+ let str .= ' ' . text
+ else
+ for line in lines
+ let str .= "\n" . indent . line . ' |'
+ endfor
+ endif
+ elseif len(current.child) == 0
+ let str .= '${cursor}'
+ endif
+ if len(current.child) == 1 && len(current.child[0].name) == 0
+ let text = current.child[0].value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ endif
+ let lines = split(text, "\n")
+ if len(lines) == 1
+ let str .= ' ' . text
+ else
+ for line in lines
+ let str .= "\n" . indent . line . ' |'
+ endfor
+ endif
+ elseif len(current.child) > 0
+ for child in current.child
+ let inner .= emmet#toString(child, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent)
+ endfor
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n", "\n" . escape(indent, '\'), 'g')
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n" . escape(indent, '\') . '$', '', 'g')
+ let str .= "\n" . indent . inner
+ endif
+ else
+ let str = current.value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ let str = substitute(str, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ endif
+ endif
+ let str .= "\n"
+ return str
+function! emmet#lang#haml#imageSize() abort
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let current = emmet#lang#haml#parseTag(line)
+ if empty(current) || !has_key(current.attr, 'src')
+ return
+ endif
+ let fn = current.attr.src
+ if fn =~# '^\s*$'
+ return
+ elseif fn !~# '^\(/\|http\)'
+ let fn = simplify(expand('%:h') . '/' . fn)
+ endif
+ let [width, height] = emmet#util#getImageSize(fn)
+ if width == -1 && height == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ let current.attr.width = width
+ let current.attr.height = height
+ let current.attrs_order += ['width', 'height']
+ let haml = emmet#toString(current, 'haml', 1)
+ let haml = substitute(haml, '\${cursor}', '', '')
+ call setline('.', substitute(matchstr(line, '^\s*') . haml, "\n", '', 'g'))
+function! emmet#lang#haml#imageEncode() abort
+function! emmet#lang#haml#parseTag(tag) abort
+ let current = emmet#newNode()
+ let mx = '%\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\)\s*\%({\(.*\)}\)'
+ let match = matchstr(a:tag, mx)
+ let = substitute(match, mx, '\1', '')
+ let attrs = substitute(match, mx, '\2', '')
+ let mx = '\([a-zA-Z0-9]\+\)\s*=>\s*\%(\([^"'' \t]\+\)\|"\([^"]\{-}\)"\|''\([^'']\{-}\)''\)'
+ while len(attrs) > 0
+ let match = matchstr(attrs, mx)
+ if len(match) ==# 0
+ break
+ endif
+ let attr_match = matchlist(match, mx)
+ let name = attr_match[1]
+ let value = len(attr_match[2]) ? attr_match[2] : attr_match[3]
+ let current.attr[name] = value
+ let current.attrs_order += [name]
+ let attrs = attrs[stridx(attrs, match) + len(match):]
+ endwhile
+ return current
+function! emmet#lang#haml#toggleComment() abort
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let space = matchstr(line, '^\s*')
+ if line =~# '^\s*-#'
+ call setline('.', space . matchstr(line[len(space)+2:], '^\s*\zs.*'))
+ elseif line =~# '^\s*%[a-z]'
+ call setline('.', space . '-# ' . line[len(space):])
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#haml#balanceTag(flag) range abort
+ let block = emmet#util#getVisualBlock()
+ if a:flag == -2 || a:flag == 2
+ let curpos = [0, line("'<"), col("'<"), 0]
+ else
+ let curpos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ endif
+ let n = curpos[1]
+ let ml = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*'))
+ if a:flag > 0
+ if a:flag == 1 || !emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ let n = line('.')
+ else
+ while n > 0
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*\ze%[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l < ml
+ let ml = l
+ break
+ endif
+ let n -= 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ let sn = n
+ if n == 0
+ let ml = 0
+ endif
+ while n < line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l <= ml
+ let n -= 1
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ call setpos('.', [0, n, 1, 0])
+ normal! V
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ else
+ while n > 0
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*\ze[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l > ml
+ let ml = l
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ let sn = n
+ if n == 0
+ let ml = 0
+ endif
+ while n < line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l <= ml
+ let n -= 1
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ call setpos('.', [0, n, 1, 0])
+ normal! V
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#haml#moveNextPrevItem(flag) abort
+ return emmet#lang#haml#moveNextPrev(a:flag)
+function! emmet#lang#haml#moveNextPrev(flag) abort
+ let pos = search('""', a:flag ? 'Wb' : 'W')
+ if pos != 0
+ silent! normal! l
+ startinsert
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#haml#splitJoinTag() abort
+ let n = line('.')
+ let sml = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]'))
+ while n > 0
+ if getline(n) =~# '^\s*\ze%[a-z]'
+ if len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]')) < sml
+ break
+ endif
+ let line = getline(n)
+ call setline(n, substitute(line, '^\s*%\w\+\%(\s*{[^}]*}\|\s\)\zs.*', '', ''))
+ let sn = n
+ let n += 1
+ let ml = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]'))
+ if len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*')) > ml
+ while n <= line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*'))
+ if l <= ml
+ break
+ endif
+ exe n 'delete'
+ endwhile
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ else
+ let tag = matchstr(getline(sn), '^\s*%\zs\(\w\+\)')
+ let spaces = matchstr(getline(sn), '^\s*')
+ let settings = emmet#getSettings()
+ if stridx(','.settings.html.inline_elements.',', ','.tag.',') == -1
+ call append(sn, spaces . ' ')
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn+1, 1, 0])
+ else
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ endif
+ startinsert!
+ endif
+ break
+ endif
+ let n -= 1
+ endwhile
+function! emmet#lang#haml#removeTag() abort
+ let n = line('.')
+ let ml = 0
+ while n > 0
+ if getline(n) =~# '^\s*\ze[a-z]'
+ let ml = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]'))
+ break
+ endif
+ let n -= 1
+ endwhile
+ let sn = n
+ while n < line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l <= ml
+ let n -= 1
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ if sn == n
+ exe 'delete'
+ else
+ exe sn ',' (n-1) 'delete'
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#haml#mergeLines() abort
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/html.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/html.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fad887a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/html.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@
+let s:bx = '{\%("[^"]*"\|''[^'']*''\|\$#\|\${\w\+}\|\$\+\|{[^{]\+\|[^{}]\)\{-}}'
+let s:mx = '\([+>]\|[<^]\+\)\{-}'
+\ .'\((*\)\{-}'
+\ .'\([@#.]\{-}[a-zA-Z_\!][a-zA-Z0-9:_\!\-$]*\|' . s:bx . '\|\[[^\]]\+\]\)'
+\ .'\('
+\ .'\%('
+\ .'\%(#{[{}a-zA-Z0-9_\-\$]\+\|#[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\$]\+\)'
+\ .'\|\%(\[\%(\[[^\]]*\]\|"[^"]*"\|[^"\[\]]*\)\+\]\)'
+\ .'\|\%(\.{[{}a-zA-Z0-9_\-\$\.]\+\|\.[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\$]\+\)'
+\ .'\)*'
+\ .'\)'
+\ .'\%(\(' . s:bx . '\+\)\)\{0,1}'
+\ .'\%(\(@-\{0,1}[0-9]*\)\{0,1}\*\([0-9]\+\)\)\{0,1}'
+\ .'\(\%()\%(\(@-\{0,1}[0-9]*\)\{0,1}\*[0-9]\+\)\{0,1}\)*\)'
+function! emmet#lang#html#findTokens(str) abort
+ let str = a:str
+ let [pos, last_pos] = [0, 0]
+ while 1
+ let tag = matchstr(str, '<[a-zA-Z].\{-}>', pos)
+ if len(tag) == 0
+ break
+ endif
+ let pos = stridx(str, tag, pos) + len(tag)
+ endwhile
+ while 1
+ let tag = matchstr(str, '{%[^%]\{-}%}', pos)
+ if len(tag) == 0
+ break
+ endif
+ let pos = stridx(str, tag, pos) + len(tag)
+ endwhile
+ let last_pos = pos
+ while len(str) > 0
+ let white = matchstr(str, '^\s\+', pos)
+ if white != ''
+ let last_pos = pos + len(white)
+ let pos = last_pos
+ endif
+ let token = matchstr(str, s:mx, pos)
+ if token ==# ''
+ break
+ endif
+ let pos = stridx(str, token, pos) + len(token)
+ endwhile
+ let str = a:str[last_pos :-1]
+ if str =~# '^\w\+="[^"]*$'
+ return ''
+ endif
+ return str
+function! emmet#lang#html#parseIntoTree(abbr, type) abort
+ let abbr = a:abbr
+ let type = a:type
+ let settings = emmet#getSettings()
+ if !has_key(settings, type)
+ let type = 'html'
+ endif
+ if len(type) == 0 | let type = 'html' | endif
+ let indent = emmet#getIndentation(type)
+ let pmap = {
+ \'p': 'span',
+ \'ul': 'li',
+ \'ol': 'li',
+ \'table': 'tr',
+ \'tr': 'td',
+ \'tbody': 'tr',
+ \'thead': 'tr',
+ \'tfoot': 'tr',
+ \'colgroup': 'col',
+ \'select': 'option',
+ \'optgroup': 'option',
+ \'audio': 'source',
+ \'video': 'source',
+ \'object': 'param',
+ \'map': 'area'
+ \}
+ let inlineLevel = split('a,abbr,acronym,applet,b,basefont,bdo,big,br,button,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,i,iframe,img,input,ins,kbd,label,map,object,q,s,samp,select,small,span,strike,strong,sub,sup,textarea,tt,u,var',',')
+ let custom_expands = emmet#getResource(type, 'custom_expands', {})
+ if empty(custom_expands) && has_key(settings, 'custom_expands')
+ let custom_expands = settings['custom_expands']
+ endif
+ " try 'foo' to (foo-x)
+ let rabbr = emmet#getExpandos(type, abbr)
+ if rabbr == abbr
+ " try 'foo+(' to (foo-x)
+ let rabbr = substitute(abbr, '\%(+\|^\)\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+]\+\)+\([(){}>]\|$\)', '\="(".emmet#getExpandos(type, submatch(1)).")".submatch(2)', 'i')
+ endif
+ let abbr = rabbr
+ let root = emmet#newNode()
+ let root['variables'] = {}
+ let parent = root
+ let last = root
+ let pos = []
+ while len(abbr)
+ " parse line
+ let match = matchstr(abbr, s:mx)
+ let str = substitute(match, s:mx, '\0', 'ig')
+ let operator = substitute(match, s:mx, '\1', 'ig')
+ let block_start = substitute(match, s:mx, '\2', 'ig')
+ let tag_name = substitute(match, s:mx, '\3', 'ig')
+ let attributes = substitute(match, s:mx, '\4', 'ig')
+ let value = substitute(match, s:mx, '\5', 'ig')
+ let basevalue = substitute(match, s:mx, '\6', 'ig')
+ let multiplier = 0 + substitute(match, s:mx, '\7', 'ig')
+ let block_end = substitute(match, s:mx, '\8', 'ig')
+ let custom = ''
+ let important = 0
+ if len(str) == 0
+ break
+ endif
+ if tag_name =~# '^#'
+ let attributes = tag_name . attributes
+ let tag_name = ''
+ endif
+ if tag_name =~# '[^!]!$'
+ let tag_name = tag_name[:-2]
+ let important = 1
+ endif
+ if tag_name =~# '^\.'
+ let attributes = tag_name . attributes
+ let tag_name = ''
+ endif
+ if tag_name =~# '^\[.*\]$'
+ let attributes = tag_name . attributes
+ let tag_name = ''
+ endif
+ for k in keys(custom_expands)
+ if tag_name =~ k
+ let custom = tag_name
+ let tag_name = ''
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if empty(tag_name)
+ let pname = len(parent.child) > 0 ? parent.child[0].name : ''
+ if !empty(pname) && has_key(pmap, pname) && custom == ''
+ let tag_name = pmap[pname]
+ elseif !empty(pname) && index(inlineLevel, pname) > -1
+ let tag_name = 'span'
+ elseif len(custom) == 0
+ let tag_name = 'div'
+ elseif len(custom) != 0 && multiplier > 1
+ let tag_name = 'div'
+ else
+ let tag_name = custom
+ endif
+ endif
+ let basedirect = basevalue[1] ==# '-' ? -1 : 1
+ if basevalue != ''
+ let basevalue = 0 + abs(basevalue[1:])
+ else
+ let basevalue = 1
+ endif
+ if multiplier <= 0 | let multiplier = 1 | endif
+ " make default node
+ let current = emmet#newNode()
+ let = tag_name
+ let current.important = important
+ " aliases
+ let aliases = emmet#getResource(type, 'aliases', {})
+ if has_key(aliases, tag_name)
+ let = aliases[tag_name]
+ endif
+ let use_pipe_for_cursor = emmet#getResource(type, 'use_pipe_for_cursor', 1)
+ " snippets
+ let snippets = emmet#getResource(type, 'snippets', {})
+ if !empty(snippets)
+ let snippet_name = tag_name
+ if has_key(snippets, snippet_name)
+ let snippet = snippet_name
+ while has_key(snippets, snippet)
+ let snippet = snippets[snippet]
+ endwhile
+ if use_pipe_for_cursor
+ let snippet = substitute(snippet, '|', '${cursor}', 'g')
+ endif
+ " just redirect to expanding
+ if type == 'html' && snippet !~ '^\s*[{\[<]'
+ return emmet#lang#html#parseIntoTree(snippet, a:type)
+ endif
+ let lines = split(snippet, "\n", 1)
+ call map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, "\\( \\|\\t\\)", escape(indent, "\\\\"), "g")')
+ let current.snippet = join(lines, "\n")
+ let = ''
+ endif
+ endif
+ for k in keys(custom_expands)
+ if tag_name =~# k
+ let snippet = '${' . (empty(custom) ? tag_name : custom) . '}'
+ let = ''
+ let current.snippet = snippet
+ break
+ elseif custom =~# k
+ let snippet = '${' . custom . '}'
+ let current.snippet = '${' . custom . '}'
+ if != ''
+ let snode = emmet#newNode()
+ let snode.snippet = snippet
+ let snode.parent = current
+ call add(current.child, snode)
+ else
+ let current.snippet = snippet
+ endif
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ " default_attributes
+ let default_attributes = emmet#getResource(type, 'default_attributes', {})
+ if !empty(default_attributes)
+ for pat in [, tag_name]
+ if has_key(default_attributes, pat)
+ if type(default_attributes[pat]) == 4
+ let a = default_attributes[pat]
+ let current.attrs_order += keys(a)
+ if use_pipe_for_cursor
+ for k in keys(a)
+ if type(a[k]) == 7
+ call remove(current.attr, k)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let current.attr[k] = len(a[k]) ? substitute(a[k], '|', '${cursor}', 'g') : '${cursor}'
+ endfor
+ else
+ for k in keys(a)
+ if type(a[k]) == 7
+ call remove(current.attr, k)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let current.attr[k] = a[k]
+ endfor
+ endif
+ else
+ for a in default_attributes[pat]
+ let current.attrs_order += keys(a)
+ if use_pipe_for_cursor
+ for k in keys(a)
+ if type(a[k]) == 7
+ call remove(current.attr, k)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let current.attr[k] = len(a[k]) ? substitute(a[k], '|', '${cursor}', 'g') : '${cursor}'
+ endfor
+ else
+ for k in keys(a)
+ if type(a[k]) == 7
+ call remove(current.attr, k)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let current.attr[k] = a[k]
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if has_key(settings.html.default_attributes,
+ let = substitute(, ':.*$', '', '')
+ endif
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ " parse attributes
+ if len(attributes)
+ let attr = attributes
+ while len(attr)
+ let item = matchstr(attr, '\(\%(\%(#[{}a-zA-Z0-9_\-\$]\+\)\|\%(\[\%(\[[^\]]*\]\|"[^"]*"\|[^"\[\]]*\)\+\]\)\|\%(\.[{}a-zA-Z0-9_\-\$]\+\)*\)\)')
+ if g:emmet_debug > 1
+ echomsg 'attr=' . item
+ endif
+ if len(item) == 0
+ break
+ endif
+ if item[0] ==# '#'
+ let = item[1:]
+ let root['variables']['id'] =
+ endif
+ if item[0] ==# '.'
+ let current.attr.class = substitute(item[1:], '\.', ' ', 'g')
+ let root['variables']['class'] = current.attr.class
+ endif
+ if item[0] ==# '['
+ let atts = item[1:-2]
+ if matchstr(atts, '^\s*\zs[0-9a-zA-Z_\-:]\+\(="[^"]*"\|=''[^'']*''\|=[^ ''"]\+\)') ==# ''
+ let ks = []
+ if has_key(default_attributes,
+ let dfa = default_attributes[]
+ let ks = type(dfa) == 3 ? len(dfa) > 0 ? keys(dfa[0]) : [] : keys(dfa)
+ endif
+ if len(ks) == 0 && has_key(default_attributes, . ':src')
+ let dfa = default_attributes[ . ':src']
+ let ks = type(dfa) == 3 ? len(dfa) > 0 ? keys(dfa[0]) : [] : keys(dfa)
+ endif
+ if len(ks) > 0
+ let current.attr[ks[0]] = atts
+ elseif atts =~# '\.$'
+ let current.attr[atts[:-2]] = function('emmet#types#true')
+ else
+ let current.attr[atts] = ''
+ endif
+ else
+ while len(atts)
+ let amat = matchstr(atts, '^\s*\zs\([0-9a-zA-Z-:]\+\%(={{.\{-}}}\|="[^"]*"\|=''[^'']*''\|=[^ ''"]\+\|[^ ''"\]]*\)\{0,1}\)')
+ if len(amat) == 0
+ break
+ endif
+ let key = split(amat, '=')[0]
+ let Val = amat[len(key)+1:]
+ if key =~# '\.$' && Val ==# ''
+ let key = key[:-2]
+ unlet Val
+ let Val = function('emmet#types#true')
+ elseif Val =~# '^["'']'
+ let Val = Val[1:-2]
+ endif
+ let current.attr[key] = Val
+ if index(current.attrs_order, key) == -1
+ let current.attrs_order += [key]
+ endif
+ let atts = atts[stridx(atts, amat) + len(amat):]
+ unlet Val
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ endif
+ let attr = substitute(strpart(attr, len(item)), '^\s*', '', '')
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ " parse text
+ if tag_name =~# '^{.*}$'
+ let = ''
+ let current.value = tag_name
+ else
+ let current.value = value
+ endif
+ let current.basedirect = basedirect
+ let current.basevalue = basevalue
+ let current.multiplier = multiplier
+ " parse step inside/outside
+ if !empty(last)
+ if operator =~# '>'
+ unlet! parent
+ let parent = last
+ let current.parent = last
+ let current.pos = last.pos + 1
+ else
+ let current.parent = parent
+ let current.pos = last.pos
+ endif
+ else
+ let current.parent = parent
+ let current.pos = 1
+ endif
+ if operator =~# '[<^]'
+ for c in range(len(operator))
+ let tmp = parent.parent
+ if empty(tmp)
+ break
+ endif
+ let parent = tmp
+ let current.parent = tmp
+ endfor
+ endif
+ call add(parent.child, current)
+ let last = current
+ " parse block
+ if block_start =~# '('
+ if operator =~# '>'
+ let last.pos += 1
+ endif
+ let last.block = 1
+ for n in range(len(block_start))
+ let pos += [last.pos]
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if block_end =~# ')'
+ for n in split(substitute(substitute(block_end, ' ', '', 'g'), ')', ',),', 'g'), ',')
+ if n ==# ')'
+ if len(pos) > 0 && last.pos >= pos[-1]
+ for c in range(last.pos - pos[-1])
+ let tmp = parent.parent
+ if !has_key(tmp, 'parent')
+ break
+ endif
+ let parent = tmp
+ endfor
+ if len(pos) > 0
+ call remove(pos, -1)
+ endif
+ let last = parent
+ let last.pos += 1
+ endif
+ elseif len(n)
+ let st = 0
+ for nc in range(len(last.child))
+ if last.child[nc].block
+ let st = nc
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let cl = last.child[st :]
+ let cls = []
+ for c in range(n[1:])
+ for cc in cl
+ if cc.multiplier > 1
+ let cc.basedirect = c + 1
+ else
+ let cc.basevalue = c + 1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let cls += deepcopy(cl)
+ endfor
+ if st > 0
+ let last.child = last.child[:st-1] + cls
+ else
+ let last.child = cls
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ let abbr = abbr[stridx(abbr, match) + len(match):]
+ if abbr == '/'
+ let current.empty = 1
+ endif
+ if g:emmet_debug > 1
+ echomsg 'str='.str
+ echomsg 'block_start='.block_start
+ echomsg 'tag_name='.tag_name
+ echomsg 'operator='.operator
+ echomsg 'attributes='.attributes
+ echomsg 'value='.value
+ echomsg 'basevalue='.basevalue
+ echomsg 'multiplier='.multiplier
+ echomsg 'block_end='.block_end
+ echomsg 'abbr='.abbr
+ echomsg 'pos='.string(pos)
+ echomsg '---'
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ return root
+function! s:dollar_add(base,no) abort
+ if a:base > 0
+ return a:base + a:no - 1
+ elseif a:base < 0
+ return a:base - a:no + 1
+ else
+ return a:no
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#html#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent) abort
+ let settings = a:settings
+ let current = a:current
+ let type = a:type
+ let inline = a:inline
+ let filters = a:filters
+ let itemno = a:itemno
+ let indent = a:indent
+ let dollar_expr = emmet#getResource(type, 'dollar_expr', 1)
+ let q = emmet#getResource(type, 'quote_char', '"')
+ let ct = emmet#getResource(type, 'comment_type', 'both')
+ let an = emmet#getResource(type, 'attribute_name', {})
+ let empty_elements = emmet#getResource(type, 'empty_elements', settings.html.empty_elements)
+ let empty_element_suffix = emmet#getResource(type, 'empty_element_suffix', settings.html.empty_element_suffix)
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, 'haml')
+ return emmet#lang#haml#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent)
+ endif
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, 'slim')
+ return emmet#lang#slim#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent)
+ endif
+ let comment = ''
+ let current_name =
+ if dollar_expr
+ let current_name = substitute(current_name, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ endif
+ let str = ''
+ if len(current_name) == 0
+ let text = current.value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ " TODO: regexp engine specified
+ let nr = itemno + 1
+ if exists('&regexpengine')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%#=1\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\(@-\?[0-9]\+\)\{0,1}\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d",s:dollar_add(submatch(2)[1:],nr)).submatch(3)', 'g')
+ else
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\(@-\?[0-9]\+\)\{0,1}\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d",s:dollar_add(submatch(2)[1:],nr).submatch(3)', 'g')
+ endif
+ let text = substitute(text, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ endif
+ return text
+ endif
+ if len(current_name) > 0
+ let str .= '<' . current_name
+ endif
+ for attr in emmet#util#unique(current.attrs_order + keys(current.attr))
+ if !has_key(current.attr, attr)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let Val = current.attr[attr]
+ if type(Val) == 2 && Val == function('emmet#types#true')
+ unlet Val
+ let Val = 'true'
+ if g:emmet_html5
+ let str .= ' ' . attr
+ else
+ let str .= ' ' . attr . '=' . q . attr . q
+ endif
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, 'c')
+ if attr ==# 'id' | let comment .= '#' . Val | endif
+ if attr ==# 'class' | let comment .= '.' . Val | endif
+ endif
+ else
+ if dollar_expr
+ while Val =~# '\$\([^#{]\|$\)'
+ " TODO: regexp engine specified
+ if exists('&regexpengine')
+ let Val = substitute(Val, '\%#=1\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ else
+ let Val = substitute(Val, '\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ let attr = substitute(attr, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ endif
+ if attr ==# 'class' && emmet#useFilter(filters, 'bem')
+ let vals = split(Val, '\s\+')
+ let Val = ''
+ let lead = ''
+ for _val in vals
+ if len(Val) > 0
+ let Val .= ' '
+ endif
+ if _val =~# '^_'
+ if has_key(current.parent.attr, 'class')
+ let lead = current.parent.attr["class"]
+ if _val =~# '^__'
+ let Val .= lead . _val
+ else
+ let Val .= lead . ' ' . lead . _val
+ endif
+ else
+ let lead = split(vals[0], '_')[0]
+ let Val .= lead . _val
+ endif
+ elseif _val =~# '^-'
+ for l in split(_val, '_')
+ if len(Val) > 0
+ let Val .= ' '
+ endif
+ let l = substitute(l, '^-', '__', '')
+ if len(lead) == 0
+ let pattr = current.parent.attr
+ if has_key(pattr, 'class')
+ let lead = split(pattr['class'], '\s\+')[0]
+ endif
+ endif
+ let Val .= lead . l
+ let lead .= l . '_'
+ endfor
+ else
+ let Val .= _val
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if has_key(an, attr)
+ let attr = an[attr]
+ endif
+ if emmet#isExtends(type, 'jsx') && Val =~ '^{.*}$'
+ let str .= ' ' . attr . '=' . Val
+ else
+ let str .= ' ' . attr . '=' . q . Val . q
+ endif
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, 'c')
+ if attr ==# 'id' | let comment .= '#' . Val | endif
+ if attr ==# 'class' | let comment .= '.' . Val | endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ unlet Val
+ endfor
+ if len(comment) > 0 && ct ==# 'both'
+ let str = '<!-- ' . comment . " -->\n" . str
+ endif
+ if current.empty
+ let str .= ' />'
+ elseif stridx(','.empty_elements.',', ','.current_name.',') != -1
+ let str .= empty_element_suffix
+ else
+ let str .= '>'
+ let text = current.value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ " TODO: regexp engine specified
+ let nr = itemno + 1
+ if exists('&regexpengine')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%#=1\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\(@-\?[0-9]\+\)\{0,1}\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d",s:dollar_add(submatch(2)[1:],nr)).submatch(3)', 'g')
+ else
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\(@-\?[0-9]\+\)\{0,1}\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d",s:dollar_add(submatch(2)[1:],nr)).submatch(3)', 'g')
+ endif
+ let text = substitute(text, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ if text != ''
+ let str = substitute(str, '\("\zs$#\ze"\|\s\zs\$#"\|"\$#\ze\s\)', text, 'g')
+ endif
+ endif
+ let str .= text
+ let nc = len(current.child)
+ let dr = 0
+ if nc > 0
+ for n in range(nc)
+ let child = current.child[n]
+ if child.multiplier > 1 || (child.multiplier == 1 && len(child.child) > 0 && stridx(','.settings.html.inline_elements.',', ','.current_name.',') == -1) || settings.html.block_all_childless
+ let str .= "\n" . indent
+ let dr = 1
+ elseif len(current_name) > 0 && stridx(','.settings.html.inline_elements.',', ','.current_name.',') == -1
+ if nc > 1 || (len( > 0 && stridx(','.settings.html.inline_elements.',', ','',') == -1)
+ let str .= "\n" . indent
+ let dr = 1
+ elseif current.multiplier == 1 && nc == 1 && len( == 0
+ let str .= "\n" . indent
+ let dr = 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ let inner = emmet#toString(child, type, 0, filters, itemno, indent)
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "^\n", '', 'g')
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n", "\n" . escape(indent, '\'), 'g')
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n" . escape(indent, '\') . '$', '', 'g')
+ let str .= inner
+ endfor
+ else
+ if settings.html.indent_blockelement && len(current_name) > 0 && stridx(','.settings.html.inline_elements.',', ','.current_name.',') == -1 || settings.html.block_all_childless
+ let str .= "\n" . indent . '${cursor}' . "\n"
+ else
+ let str .= '${cursor}'
+ endif
+ endif
+ if dr
+ let str .= "\n"
+ endif
+ let str .= '</' . current_name . '>'
+ endif
+ if len(comment) > 0
+ if ct ==# 'lastonly'
+ let str .= '<!-- ' . comment . ' -->'
+ else
+ let str .= "\n<!-- /" . comment . ' -->'
+ endif
+ endif
+ if len(current_name) > 0 && current.multiplier > 0 || stridx(','.settings.html.block_elements.',', ','.current_name.',') != -1
+ let str .= "\n"
+ endif
+ return str
+function! emmet#lang#html#imageSize() abort
+ let img_region = emmet#util#searchRegion('<img\s', '>')
+ if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(img_region) || !emmet#util#cursorInRegion(img_region)
+ return
+ endif
+ let content = emmet#util#getContent(img_region)
+ if content !~# '^<img[^><]\+>$'
+ return
+ endif
+ let current = emmet#lang#html#parseTag(content)
+ if empty(current) || !has_key(current.attr, 'src')
+ return
+ endif
+ let fn = current.attr.src
+ if fn =~# '^\s*$'
+ return
+ elseif fn !~# '^\(/\|http\)'
+ let fn = simplify(expand('%:h') . '/' . fn)
+ endif
+ let [width, height] = emmet#util#getImageSize(fn)
+ if width == -1 && height == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ let current.attr.width = width
+ let current.attr.height = height
+ let current.attrs_order += ['width', 'height']
+ let html = substitute(emmet#toString(current, 'html', 1), '\n', '', '')
+ let html = substitute(html, '\${cursor}', '', '')
+ call emmet#util#setContent(img_region, html)
+function! emmet#lang#html#imageEncode() abort
+ let img_region = emmet#util#searchRegion('<img\s', '>')
+ if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(img_region) || !emmet#util#cursorInRegion(img_region)
+ return
+ endif
+ let content = emmet#util#getContent(img_region)
+ if content !~# '^<img[^><]\+>$'
+ return
+ endif
+ let current = emmet#lang#html#parseTag(content)
+ if empty(current) || !has_key(current.attr, 'src')
+ return
+ endif
+ let fn = current.attr.src
+ if fn =~# '^\s*$'
+ return
+ elseif fn !~# '^\(/\|http\)'
+ let fn = simplify(expand('%:h') . '/' . fn)
+ endif
+ let encoded = emmet#util#imageEncodeDecode(fn, 0)
+ let current.attr.src = encoded
+ let content = substitute(emmet#toString(current, 'html', 1), '\n', '', '')
+ let content = substitute(content, '\${cursor}', '', '')
+ call emmet#util#setContent(img_region, content)
+function! emmet#lang#html#parseTag(tag) abort
+ let current = emmet#newNode()
+ let mx = '<\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\)\(\%(\s[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]\+=\?\%([^"'' \t]\+\|"[^"]\{-}"\|''[^'']\{-}''\)\s*\)*\)\(/\{0,1}\)>'
+ let match = matchstr(a:tag, mx)
+ let = substitute(match, mx, '\1', 'i')
+ let attrs = substitute(match, mx, '\2', 'i')
+ let mx = '\([a-zA-Z0-9]\+\)\(\(=[^"'' \t]\+\)\|="\([^"]\{-}\)"\|=''\([^'']\{-}\)''\)\?'
+ while len(attrs) > 0
+ let match = matchstr(attrs, mx)
+ if len(match) == 0
+ break
+ endif
+ let attr_match = matchlist(match, mx)
+ let name = attr_match[1]
+ if len(attr_match[2])
+ let Val = len(attr_match[3]) ? attr_match[3] : attr_match[4]
+ else
+ let Val = function('emmet#types#true')
+ endif
+ let current.attr[name] = Val
+ let current.attrs_order += [name]
+ let attrs = attrs[stridx(attrs, match) + len(match):]
+ endwhile
+ return current
+function! emmet#lang#html#toggleComment() abort
+ let orgpos = getpos('.')
+ let curpos = getpos('.')
+ let mx = '<\%#[^>]*>'
+ while 1
+ let block = emmet#util#searchRegion('<!--', '-->')
+ if emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ let block[1][1] += 2
+ let content = emmet#util#getContent(block)
+ let content = substitute(content, '^<!--\s\(.*\)\s-->$', '\1', '')
+ call emmet#util#setContent(block, content)
+ silent! call setpos('.', orgpos)
+ return
+ endif
+ let block = emmet#util#searchRegion('<[^>]', '>')
+ if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ let pos1 = searchpos('<', 'bcW')
+ if pos1[0] == 0 && pos1[1] == 0
+ return
+ endif
+ let curpos = getpos('.')
+ continue
+ endif
+ let pos1 = block[0]
+ let pos2 = block[1]
+ let content = emmet#util#getContent(block)
+ let tag_name = matchstr(content, '^<\zs/\{0,1}[^ \r\n>]\+')
+ if tag_name[0] ==# '/'
+ call setpos('.', [0, pos1[0], pos1[1], 0])
+ let pos2 = searchpairpos('<'. tag_name[1:] . '\>[^/>]*>', '', '</' . tag_name[1:] . '>', 'bnW')
+ let pos1 = searchpos('>', 'cneW')
+ let block = [pos2, pos1]
+ elseif tag_name =~# '/$'
+ if !emmet#util#pointInRegion(orgpos[1:2], block)
+ " it's broken tree
+ call setpos('.', orgpos)
+ let block = emmet#util#searchRegion('>', '<')
+ let content = '><!-- ' . emmet#util#getContent(block)[1:-2] . ' --><'
+ call emmet#util#setContent(block, content)
+ silent! call setpos('.', orgpos)
+ return
+ endif
+ else
+ call setpos('.', [0, pos2[0], pos2[1], 0])
+ let pos3 = searchpairpos('<'. tag_name . '\>[^/>]*>', '', '</' . tag_name . '>', 'nW')
+ if pos3 == [0, 0]
+ let block = [pos1, pos2]
+ else
+ call setpos('.', [0, pos3[0], pos3[1], 0])
+ let pos2 = searchpos('>', 'neW')
+ let block = [pos1, pos2]
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ silent! call setpos('.', orgpos)
+ return
+ endif
+ if emmet#util#pointInRegion(curpos[1:2], block)
+ let content = '<!-- ' . emmet#util#getContent(block) . ' -->'
+ call emmet#util#setContent(block, content)
+ silent! call setpos('.', orgpos)
+ return
+ endif
+ endwhile
+function! emmet#lang#html#balanceTag(flag) range abort
+ let vblock = emmet#util#getVisualBlock()
+ let curpos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ let settings = emmet#getSettings()
+ if a:flag > 0
+ let mx = '<\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\)[^>]*'
+ let last = curpos[1:2]
+ while 1
+ let pos1 = searchpos(mx, 'bW')
+ let content = matchstr(getline(pos1[0])[pos1[1]-1:], mx)
+ let tag_name = matchstr(content, '^<\zs[a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\ze')
+ if stridx(','.settings.html.empty_elements.',', ','.tag_name.',') != -1
+ let pos2 = searchpos('>', 'nW')
+ else
+ let pos2 = searchpairpos('<' . tag_name . '[^>]*>', '', '</'. tag_name . '\zs>', 'nW')
+ endif
+ let block = [pos1, pos2]
+ if pos1 == [0, 0]
+ break
+ endif
+ if emmet#util#pointInRegion(last, block) && emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ call emmet#util#selectRegion(block)
+ return
+ endif
+ if pos1 == last
+ break
+ endif
+ let last = pos1
+ endwhile
+ else
+ let mx = '<\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\)[^>]*>'
+ while 1
+ let pos1 = searchpos(mx, 'W')
+ if pos1 == [0, 0] || pos1 == curpos[1:2]
+ let pos1 = searchpos('>\zs', 'W')
+ let pos2 = searchpos('.\ze<', 'W')
+ let block = [pos1, pos2]
+ if emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ call emmet#util#selectRegion(block)
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ let content = matchstr(getline(pos1[0])[pos1[1]-1:], mx)
+ let tag_name = matchstr(content, '^<\zs[a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\ze')
+ if stridx(','.settings.html.empty_elements.',', ','.tag_name.',') != -1
+ let pos2 = searchpos('>', 'nW')
+ else
+ let pos2 = searchpairpos('<' . tag_name . '[^>]*>', '', '</'. tag_name . '\zs>', 'nW')
+ endif
+ let block = [pos1, pos2]
+ if pos1 == [0, 0]
+ break
+ endif
+ if emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ call emmet#util#selectRegion(block)
+ return
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ call setpos('.', curpos)
+function! emmet#lang#html#moveNextPrevItem(flag) abort
+ silent! exe "normal \<esc>"
+ let mx = '\%([0-9a-zA-Z-:]\+\%(="[^"]*"\|=''[^'']*''\|[^ ''">\]]*\)\{0,1}\)'
+ let pos = searchpos('\s'.mx.'\zs', '')
+ if pos != [0,0]
+ call feedkeys('v?\s\zs'.mx."\<cr>", '')
+ endif
+ return ''
+function! emmet#lang#html#moveNextPrev(flag) abort
+ let pos = search('\%(</\w\+\)\@<!\zs><\/\|\(""\)\|^\(\s*\)$', a:flag ? 'Wpb' : 'Wp')
+ if pos == 3
+ startinsert!
+ elseif pos != 0
+ silent! normal! l
+ startinsert
+ endif
+ return ''
+function! emmet#lang#html#splitJoinTag() abort
+ let curpos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ let mx = '<\(/\{0,1}[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\)\%(\%(\s[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]\+=\%([^"'' \t]\+\|"[^"]\{-}"\|''[^'']\{-}''\)\s*\)*\)\s*\%(/\{0,1}\)>'
+ while 1
+ let old = getpos('.')[1:2]
+ let pos1 = searchpos(mx, 'bcnW')
+ let content = matchstr(getline(pos1[0])[pos1[1]-1:], mx)
+ let tag_name = substitute(content, '^<\(/\{0,1}[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\).*$', '\1', '')
+ let block = [pos1, [pos1[0], pos1[1] + len(content) - 1]]
+ if content[-2:] ==# '/>' && emmet#util#cursorInRegion(block)
+ let content = substitute(content[:-3], '\s*$', '', '') . '></' . tag_name . '>'
+ call emmet#util#setContent(block, content)
+ call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0], block[0][1], 0])
+ return
+ endif
+ if tag_name[0] ==# '/'
+ let pos1 = searchpos('<' . tag_name[1:] . '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', 'bcnW')
+ call setpos('.', [0, pos1[0], pos1[1], 0])
+ let pos2 = searchpairpos('<'. tag_name[1:] . '\>[^/>]*>', '', '</' . tag_name[1:] . '>', 'W')
+ else
+ let pos2 = searchpairpos('<'. tag_name . '[^/>]*>', '', '</' . tag_name . '>', 'W')
+ endif
+ if pos2 == [0, 0]
+ return
+ endif
+ let pos2 = searchpos('>', 'neW')
+ let block = [pos1, pos2]
+ if emmet#util#pointInRegion(curpos[1:2], block)
+ let content = matchstr(content, mx)[:-2] . ' />'
+ call emmet#util#setContent(block, content)
+ call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0], block[0][1], 0])
+ return
+ endif
+ if block[0][0] > 0
+ call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0]-1, block[0][1], 0])
+ else
+ call setpos('.', curpos)
+ return
+ endif
+ if pos1 == old
+ call setpos('.', curpos)
+ return
+ endif
+ endwhile
+function! emmet#lang#html#removeTag() abort
+ let curpos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ let mx = '<\(/\{0,1}[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\)\%(\%(\s[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]\+=\%([^"'' \t]\+\|"[^"]\{-}"\|''[^'']\{-}''\)\s*\)*\)\s*\%(/\{0,1}\)>'
+ let pos1 = searchpos(mx, 'bcnW')
+ let content = matchstr(getline(pos1[0])[pos1[1]-1:], mx)
+ let tag_name = substitute(content, '^<\(/\{0,1}[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\).*$', '\1', '')
+ let block = [pos1, [pos1[0], pos1[1] + len(content) - 1]]
+ if content[-2:] ==# '/>' && emmet#util#cursorInRegion(block)
+ call emmet#util#setContent(block, '')
+ call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0], block[0][1], 0])
+ return
+ endif
+ if tag_name[0] ==# '/'
+ let pos1 = searchpos('<' . tag_name[1:] . '[^a-zA-Z0-9]', 'bcnW')
+ call setpos('.', [0, pos1[0], pos1[1], 0])
+ let pos2 = searchpairpos('<'. tag_name[1:] . '\>[^/>]*>', '', '</' . tag_name[1:] . '>', 'W')
+ else
+ let pos2 = searchpairpos('<'. tag_name . '[^/>]*>', '', '</' . tag_name . '>', 'W')
+ endif
+ if pos2 == [0, 0]
+ return
+ endif
+ let pos2 = searchpos('>', 'neW')
+ let block = [pos1, pos2]
+ if emmet#util#pointInRegion(curpos[1:2], block)
+ call emmet#util#setContent(block, '')
+ call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0], block[0][1], 0])
+ return
+ endif
+ if block[0][0] > 0
+ call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0]-1, block[0][1], 0])
+ else
+ call setpos('.', curpos)
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#html#mergeLines() abort
+ let curpos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ let settings = emmet#getSettings()
+ let mx = '<\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\)[^>]*>'
+ let last = curpos[1:2]
+ while 1
+ let pos1 = searchpos(mx, 'bcW')
+ let content = matchstr(getline(pos1[0])[pos1[1]-1:], mx)
+ echomsg string(content)
+ let tag_name = matchstr(content, '^<\zs[a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\ze')
+ if stridx(','.settings.html.empty_elements.',', ','.tag_name.',') != -1
+ let pos2 = searchpos('>', 'nW')
+ else
+ let pos2 = searchpairpos('<' . tag_name . '[^>]*>', '', '</'. tag_name . '\zs>', 'nW')
+ endif
+ if pos1 == [0, 0] || pos2 == [0, 0]
+ call setpos('.', curpos)
+ return
+ endif
+ let block = [pos1, pos2]
+ if emmet#util#pointInRegion(last, block) && emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ break
+ endif
+ if pos1 == last
+ call setpos('.', curpos)
+ return
+ endif
+ let last = pos1
+ endwhile
+ let content = emmet#util#getContent(block)
+ let mx = '<\(/\{0,1}[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9:_\-]*\)\%(\%(\s[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]\+=\%([^"'' \t]\+\|"[^"]\{-}"\|''[^'']\{-}''\)\s*\)*\)\s*\%(/\{0,1}\)>'
+ let content = join(map(split(content, mx . '\zs\s*'), 'trim(v:val)'), '')
+ call emmet#util#setContent(block, content)
+ if block[0][0] > 0
+ call setpos('.', [0, block[0][0], block[0][1], 0])
+ else
+ call setpos('.', curpos)
+ endif
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/jade.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/jade.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f59f22d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/jade.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+function! emmet#lang#jade#findTokens(str) abort
+ return emmet#lang#html#findTokens(a:str)
+function! emmet#lang#jade#parseIntoTree(abbr, type) abort
+ return emmet#lang#html#parseIntoTree(a:abbr, a:type)
+function! emmet#lang#jade#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent) abort
+ let settings = a:settings
+ let current = a:current
+ let type = a:type
+ let inline = a:inline
+ let filters = a:filters
+ let itemno = a:itemno
+ let indent = emmet#getIndentation(type)
+ let dollar_expr = emmet#getResource(type, 'dollar_expr', 1)
+ let attribute_style = emmet#getResource('jade', 'attribute_style', 'hash')
+ let str = ''
+ let current_name =
+ if dollar_expr
+ let current_name = substitute(, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ endif
+ if len( > 0
+ let str .= '' . current_name
+ let tmp = ''
+ for attr in emmet#util#unique(current.attrs_order + keys(current.attr))
+ if !has_key(current.attr, attr)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let Val = current.attr[attr]
+ if type(Val) == 2 && Val == function('emmet#types#true')
+ if attribute_style ==# 'hash'
+ let tmp .= ' ' . attr . ' = true'
+ elseif attribute_style ==# 'html'
+ let tmp .= attr . '=true'
+ end
+ else
+ if dollar_expr
+ while Val =~# '\$\([^#{]\|$\)'
+ let Val = substitute(Val, '\(\$\+\)\([^{]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ endwhile
+ let attr = substitute(attr, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ endif
+ let valtmp = substitute(Val, '\${cursor}', '', '')
+ if attr ==# 'id' && len(valtmp) > 0
+ let str .= '#' . Val
+ elseif attr ==# 'class' && len(valtmp) > 0
+ let str .= '.' . substitute(Val, ' ', '.', 'g')
+ else
+ if len(tmp) > 0
+ if attribute_style ==# 'hash'
+ let tmp .= ', '
+ elseif attribute_style ==# 'html'
+ let tmp .= ' '
+ endif
+ endif
+ if attribute_style ==# 'hash'
+ let tmp .= '' . attr . '="' . Val . '"'
+ elseif attribute_style ==# 'html'
+ let tmp .= attr . '="' . Val . '"'
+ end
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if len(tmp)
+ if attribute_style ==# 'hash'
+ let str .= '(' . tmp . ')'
+ elseif attribute_style ==# 'html'
+ let str .= '(' . tmp . ')'
+ end
+ endif
+ let inner = ''
+ if len(current.value) > 0
+ let text = current.value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\$#', text, 'g')
+ endif
+ let lines = split(text, "\n")
+ if len(lines) == 1
+ let str .= ' ' . text
+ else
+ for line in lines
+ let str .= "\n" . indent . line . ' |'
+ endfor
+ endif
+ elseif len(current.child) == 0
+ let str .= '${cursor}'
+ endif
+ if len(current.child) == 1 && len(current.child[0].name) == 0
+ let text = current.child[0].value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ endif
+ let lines = split(text, "\n")
+ if len(lines) == 1
+ let str .= ' ' . text
+ else
+ for line in lines
+ let str .= "\n" . indent . line . ' |'
+ endfor
+ endif
+ elseif len(current.child) > 0
+ for child in current.child
+ let inner .= emmet#toString(child, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent)
+ endfor
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n", "\n" . escape(indent, '\'), 'g')
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n" . escape(indent, '\') . '$', '', 'g')
+ let str .= "\n" . indent . inner
+ endif
+ else
+ let str = current.value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ let str = substitute(str, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ endif
+ endif
+ let str .= "\n"
+ return str
+function! emmet#lang#jade#imageSize() abort
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let current = emmet#lang#jade#parseTag(line)
+ if empty(current) || !has_key(current.attr, 'src')
+ return
+ endif
+ let fn = current.attr.src
+ if fn =~# '^\s*$'
+ return
+ elseif fn !~# '^\(/\|http\)'
+ let fn = simplify(expand('%:h') . '/' . fn)
+ endif
+ let [width, height] = emmet#util#getImageSize(fn)
+ if width == -1 && height == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ let current.attr.width = width
+ let current.attr.height = height
+ let current.attrs_order += ['width', 'height']
+ let jade = emmet#toString(current, 'jade', 1)
+ let jade = substitute(jade, '\${cursor}', '', '')
+ call setline('.', substitute(matchstr(line, '^\s*') . jade, "\n", '', 'g'))
+function! emmet#lang#jade#imageEncode() abort
+function! emmet#lang#jade#parseTag(tag) abort
+ let current = emmet#newNode()
+ let mx = '%\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\)\s*\%({\(.*\)}\)'
+ let match = matchstr(a:tag, mx)
+ let = substitute(match, mx, '\1', '')
+ let attrs = substitute(match, mx, '\2', '')
+ let mx = '\([a-zA-Z0-9]\+\)\s*=>\s*\%(\([^"'' \t]\+\)\|"\([^"]\{-}\)"\|''\([^'']\{-}\)''\)'
+ while len(attrs) > 0
+ let match = matchstr(attrs, mx)
+ if len(match) ==# 0
+ break
+ endif
+ let attr_match = matchlist(match, mx)
+ let name = attr_match[1]
+ let value = len(attr_match[2]) ? attr_match[2] : attr_match[3]
+ let current.attr[name] = value
+ let current.attrs_order += [name]
+ let attrs = attrs[stridx(attrs, match) + len(match):]
+ endwhile
+ return current
+function! emmet#lang#jade#toggleComment() abort
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let space = matchstr(line, '^\s*')
+ if line =~# '^\s*-#'
+ call setline('.', space . matchstr(line[len(space)+2:], '^\s*\zs.*'))
+ elseif line =~# '^\s*%[a-z]'
+ call setline('.', space . '-# ' . line[len(space):])
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#jade#balanceTag(flag) range abort
+ let block = emmet#util#getVisualBlock()
+ if a:flag == -2 || a:flag == 2
+ let curpos = [0, line("'<"), col("'<"), 0]
+ else
+ let curpos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ endif
+ let n = curpos[1]
+ let ml = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*'))
+ if a:flag > 0
+ if a:flag == 1 || !emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ let n = line('.')
+ else
+ while n > 0
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*\ze%[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l < ml
+ let ml = l
+ break
+ endif
+ let n -= 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ let sn = n
+ if n == 0
+ let ml = 0
+ endif
+ while n < line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l <= ml
+ let n -= 1
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ call setpos('.', [0, n, 1, 0])
+ normal! V
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ else
+ while n > 0
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*\ze[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l > ml
+ let ml = l
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ let sn = n
+ if n == 0
+ let ml = 0
+ endif
+ while n < line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l <= ml
+ let n -= 1
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ call setpos('.', [0, n, 1, 0])
+ normal! V
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#jade#moveNextPrevItem(flag) abort
+ return emmet#lang#jade#moveNextPrev(a:flag)
+function! emmet#lang#jade#moveNextPrev(flag) abort
+ let pos = search('""', a:flag ? 'Wb' : 'W')
+ if pos != 0
+ silent! normal! l
+ startinsert
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#jade#splitJoinTag() abort
+ let n = line('.')
+ let sml = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]'))
+ while n > 0
+ if getline(n) =~# '^\s*\ze%[a-z]'
+ if len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]')) < sml
+ break
+ endif
+ let line = getline(n)
+ call setline(n, substitute(line, '^\s*%\w\+\%(\s*{[^}]*}\|\s\)\zs.*', '', ''))
+ let sn = n
+ let n += 1
+ let ml = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]'))
+ if len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*')) > ml
+ while n <= line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*'))
+ if l <= ml
+ break
+ endif
+ exe n 'delete'
+ endwhile
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ else
+ let tag = matchstr(getline(sn), '^\s*%\zs\(\w\+\)')
+ let spaces = matchstr(getline(sn), '^\s*')
+ let settings = emmet#getSettings()
+ if stridx(','.settings.html.inline_elements.',', ','.tag.',') == -1
+ call append(sn, spaces . ' ')
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn+1, 1, 0])
+ else
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ endif
+ startinsert!
+ endif
+ break
+ endif
+ let n -= 1
+ endwhile
+function! emmet#lang#jade#removeTag() abort
+ let n = line('.')
+ let ml = 0
+ while n > 0
+ if getline(n) =~# '^\s*\ze[a-z]'
+ let ml = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]'))
+ break
+ endif
+ let n -= 1
+ endwhile
+ let sn = n
+ while n < line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*%[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l <= ml
+ let n -= 1
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ if sn == n
+ exe 'delete'
+ else
+ exe sn ',' (n-1) 'delete'
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#jade#mergeLines() abort
+ " nothing to do
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/less.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/less.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae956c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/less.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+function! emmet#lang#less#findTokens(str) abort
+ return emmet#lang#html#findTokens(a:str)
+function! emmet#lang#less#parseIntoTree(abbr, type) abort
+ return emmet#lang#scss#parseIntoTree(a:abbr, a:type)
+function! emmet#lang#less#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent) abort
+ return emmet#lang#scss#toString(a:settings, a:current, a:type, a:inline, a:filters, a:itemno, a:indent)
+function! emmet#lang#less#imageSize() abort
+ call emmet#lang#css#imageSize()
+function! emmet#lang#less#imageEncode() abort
+ return emmet#lang#css#imageEncode()
+function! emmet#lang#less#parseTag(tag) abort
+ return emmet#lang#css#parseTag(a:tag)
+function! emmet#lang#less#toggleComment() abort
+ call emmet#lang#css#toggleComment()
+function! emmet#lang#less#balanceTag(flag) range abort
+ call emmet#lang#scss#balanceTag(a:flag)
+function! emmet#lang#less#moveNextPrevItem(flag) abort
+ return emmet#lang#less#moveNextPrev(a:flag)
+function! emmet#lang#less#moveNextPrev(flag) abort
+ call emmet#lang#scss#moveNextPrev(a:flag)
+function! emmet#lang#less#splitJoinTag() abort
+ call emmet#lang#css#splitJoinTag()
+function! emmet#lang#less#removeTag() abort
+ call emmet#lang#css#removeTag()
+function! emmet#lang#less#mergeLines() abort
+ call emmet#lang#css#mergeLines()
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/sass.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/sass.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d3fd58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/sass.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+function! emmet#lang#sass#findTokens(str) abort
+ return emmet#lang#css#findTokens(a:str)
+function! emmet#lang#sass#parseIntoTree(abbr, type) abort
+ return emmet#lang#css#parseIntoTree(a:abbr, a:type)
+function! emmet#lang#sass#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent) abort
+ let settings = a:settings
+ let current = a:current
+ let type = a:type
+ let inline = a:inline
+ let filters = a:filters
+ let itemno = a:itemno
+ let indent = a:indent
+ let str = ''
+ let current_name =
+ let current_name = substitute(, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ if len( > 0
+ let str .= current_name
+ let tmp = ''
+ for attr in keys(current.attr)
+ let val = current.attr[attr]
+ while val =~# '\$\([^#{]\|$\)'
+ let val = substitute(val, '\(\$\+\)\([^{]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ endwhile
+ let attr = substitute(attr, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ if attr ==# 'id'
+ let str .= '#' . val
+ elseif attr ==# 'class'
+ let str .= '.' . val
+ else
+ let tmp .= attr . ': ' . val
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if len(tmp) > 0
+ let str .= "\n"
+ for line in split(tmp, "\n")
+ let str .= indent . line . "\n"
+ endfor
+ else
+ let str .= "\n"
+ endif
+ let inner = ''
+ for child in current.child
+ let tmp = emmet#toString(child, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent)
+ let tmp = substitute(tmp, "\n", "\n" . escape(indent, '\'), 'g')
+ let tmp = substitute(tmp, "\n" . escape(indent, '\') . '$', '${cursor}\n', 'g')
+ let inner .= tmp
+ endfor
+ if len(inner) > 0
+ let str .= indent . inner
+ endif
+ else
+ let text = emmet#lang#css#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent)
+ let text = substitute(text, '\s*;\ze\(\${[^}]\+}\)\?\(\n\|$\)', '', 'g')
+ return text
+ endif
+ return str
+function! emmet#lang#sass#imageSize() abort
+function! emmet#lang#sass#imageEncode() abort
+function! emmet#lang#sass#parseTag(tag) abort
+function! emmet#lang#sass#toggleComment() abort
+function! emmet#lang#sass#balanceTag(flag) range abort
+ let block = emmet#util#getVisualBlock()
+ if a:flag == -2 || a:flag == 2
+ let curpos = [0, line("'<"), col("'<"), 0]
+ else
+ let curpos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ endif
+ let n = curpos[1]
+ let ml = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*'))
+ if a:flag > 0
+ if a:flag == 1 || !emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ let n = line('.')
+ else
+ while n > 0
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*\ze[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l < ml
+ let ml = l
+ break
+ endif
+ let n -= 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ let sn = n
+ if n == 0
+ let ml = 0
+ endif
+ while n < line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l <= ml
+ let n -= 1
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ call setpos('.', [0, n, 1, 0])
+ normal! V
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ else
+ while n > 0
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*\ze[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l > ml
+ let ml = l
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ let sn = n
+ if n == 0
+ let ml = 0
+ endif
+ while n < line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l <= ml
+ let n -= 1
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ call setpos('.', [0, n, 1, 0])
+ normal! V
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#sass#moveNextPrevItem(flag) abort
+ return emmet#lang#sass#moveNextPrev(a:flag)
+function! emmet#lang#sass#moveNextPrev(flag) abort
+ let pos = search('""\|\(^\s*|\s*\zs\)', a:flag ? 'Wpb' : 'Wp')
+ if pos == 2
+ startinsert!
+ elseif pos != 0
+ silent! normal! l
+ startinsert
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#sass#splitJoinTag() abort
+function! emmet#lang#sass#removeTag() abort
+function! emmet#lang#sass#mergeLines() abort
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/scss.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/scss.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae35469
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/scss.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+function! emmet#lang#scss#findTokens(str) abort
+ return emmet#lang#css#findTokens(a:str)
+function! emmet#lang#scss#parseIntoTree(abbr, type) abort
+ if a:abbr =~# '>'
+ return emmet#lang#html#parseIntoTree(a:abbr, a:type)
+ else
+ return emmet#lang#css#parseIntoTree(a:abbr, a:type)
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#scss#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent) abort
+ let settings = a:settings
+ let current = a:current
+ let type = a:type
+ let inline = a:inline
+ let filters = a:filters
+ let itemno = a:itemno
+ let indent = a:indent
+ let str = ''
+ let current_name = substitute(, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ if len( > 0
+ let str .= current_name
+ let tmp = ''
+ for attr in keys(current.attr)
+ let val = current.attr[attr]
+ while val =~# '\$\([^#{]\|$\)'
+ let val = substitute(val, '\(\$\+\)\([^{]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ endwhile
+ let attr = substitute(attr, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ if attr ==# 'id'
+ let str .= '#' . val
+ elseif attr ==# 'class'
+ let str .= '.' . val
+ else
+ let tmp .= attr . ': ' . val . ';'
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if len(tmp) > 0
+ let str .= " {\n"
+ for line in split(tmp, "\n")
+ let str .= indent . line . "\n"
+ endfor
+ else
+ let str .= " {\n"
+ endif
+ let inner = ''
+ for child in current.child
+ let inner .= emmet#toString(child, type, inline, filters, itemno)
+ endfor
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n", "\n" . escape(indent, '\'), 'g')
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n" . escape(indent, '\') . '$', '', 'g')
+ let str .= indent . inner . "${cursor}\n}\n"
+ else
+ return emmet#lang#css#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent)
+ endif
+ return str
+function! emmet#lang#scss#imageSize() abort
+ call emmet#lang#css#imageSize()
+function! emmet#lang#scss#imageEncode() abort
+ return emmet#lang#css#imageEncode()
+function! emmet#lang#scss#parseTag(tag) abort
+ return emmet#lang#css#parseTag(a:tag)
+function! emmet#lang#scss#toggleComment() abort
+ call emmet#lang#css#toggleComment()
+function! emmet#lang#scss#balanceTag(flag) range abort
+ if a:flag == -2 || a:flag == 2
+ let curpos = [0, line("'<"), col("'<"), 0]
+ call setpos('.', curpos)
+ else
+ let curpos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ endif
+ if a:flag < 0
+ let ret = searchpair('}', '', '.\zs{')
+ else
+ let ret = searchpair('{', '', '}', 'bW')
+ endif
+ if ret > 0
+ let pos1 = emmet#util#getcurpos()[1:2]
+ if a:flag < 0
+ let pos2 = searchpairpos('{', '', '}')
+ else
+ let pos2 = searchpairpos('{', '', '}')
+ endif
+ let block = [pos1, pos2]
+ if emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ call emmet#util#selectRegion(block)
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ if a:flag == -2 || a:flag == 2
+ silent! exe 'normal! gv'
+ else
+ call setpos('.', curpos)
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#scss#moveNextPrevItem(flag) abort
+ return emmet#lang#scss#moveNextPrev(a:flag)
+function! emmet#lang#scss#moveNextPrev(flag) abort
+ call emmet#lang#css#moveNextPrev(a:flag)
+function! emmet#lang#scss#splitJoinTag() abort
+ call emmet#lang#css#splitJoinTag()
+function! emmet#lang#scss#removeTag() abort
+ call emmet#lang#css#removeTag()
+function! emmet#lang#scss#mergeLines() abort
+ call emmet#lang#css#mergeLines()
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/slim.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/slim.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c583c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lang/slim.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+function! emmet#lang#slim#findTokens(str) abort
+ return emmet#lang#html#findTokens(a:str)
+function! emmet#lang#slim#parseIntoTree(abbr, type) abort
+ return emmet#lang#html#parseIntoTree(a:abbr, a:type)
+function! emmet#lang#slim#toString(settings, current, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent) abort
+ let current = a:current
+ let type = a:type
+ let inline = a:inline
+ let filters = a:filters
+ let itemno = a:itemno
+ let indent = emmet#getIndentation(type)
+ let dollar_expr = emmet#getResource(type, 'dollar_expr', 1)
+ let str = ''
+ let current_name =
+ if dollar_expr
+ let current_name = substitute(, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ endif
+ if len( > 0
+ let str .= current_name
+ for attr in emmet#util#unique(current.attrs_order + keys(current.attr))
+ if !has_key(current.attr, attr)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let Val = current.attr[attr]
+ if type(Val) == 2 && Val == function('emmet#types#true')
+ let str .= ' ' . attr . '=true'
+ else
+ if dollar_expr
+ while Val =~# '\$\([^#{]\|$\)'
+ let Val = substitute(Val, '\(\$\+\)\([^{]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ let attr = substitute(attr, '\$$', itemno+1, '')
+ let str .= ' ' . attr . '="' . Val . '"'
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let inner = ''
+ if len(current.value) > 0
+ let str .= "\n"
+ let text = current.value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\$#', text, 'g')
+ endif
+ for line in split(text, "\n")
+ let str .= indent . '| ' . line . "\n"
+ endfor
+ elseif len(current.child) == 0
+ let str .= '${cursor}'
+ endif
+ if len(current.child) == 1 && len(current.child[0].name) == 0
+ let str .= "\n"
+ let text = current.child[0].value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ endif
+ for line in split(text, "\n")
+ let str .= indent . '| ' . line . "\n"
+ endfor
+ elseif len(current.child) > 0
+ for child in current.child
+ let inner .= emmet#toString(child, type, inline, filters, itemno, indent)
+ endfor
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n", "\n" . escape(indent, '\'), 'g')
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n" . escape(indent, '\') . '$', '', 'g')
+ let str .= "\n" . indent . inner
+ endif
+ else
+ let str = current.value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ let str = substitute(str, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", itemno+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ endif
+ endif
+ if str !~# "\n$"
+ let str .= "\n"
+ endif
+ return str
+function! emmet#lang#slim#imageSize() abort
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let current = emmet#lang#slim#parseTag(line)
+ if empty(current) || !has_key(current.attr, 'src')
+ return
+ endif
+ let fn = current.attr.src
+ if fn =~# '^\s*$'
+ return
+ elseif fn !~# '^\(/\|http\)'
+ let fn = simplify(expand('%:h') . '/' . fn)
+ endif
+ let [width, height] = emmet#util#getImageSize(fn)
+ if width == -1 && height == -1
+ return
+ endif
+ let current.attr.width = width
+ let current.attr.height = height
+ let current.attrs_order += ['width', 'height']
+ let slim = emmet#toString(current, 'slim', 1)
+ let slim = substitute(slim, '\${cursor}', '', '')
+ call setline('.', substitute(matchstr(line, '^\s*') . slim, "\n", '', 'g'))
+function! emmet#lang#slim#imageEncode() abort
+function! emmet#lang#slim#parseTag(tag) abort
+ let current = emmet#newNode()
+ let mx = '\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\)\s\+\(.*\)'
+ let match = matchstr(a:tag, mx)
+ let = substitute(match, mx, '\1', '')
+ let attrs = substitute(match, mx, '\2', '')
+ let mx = '\([a-zA-Z0-9]\+\)=\%(\([^"'' \t]\+\)\|"\([^"]\{-}\)"\|''\([^'']\{-}\)''\)'
+ while len(attrs) > 0
+ let match = matchstr(attrs, mx)
+ if len(match) == 0
+ break
+ endif
+ let attr_match = matchlist(match, mx)
+ let name = attr_match[1]
+ let value = len(attr_match[2]) ? attr_match[2] : attr_match[3]
+ let current.attr[name] = value
+ let current.attrs_order += [name]
+ let attrs = attrs[stridx(attrs, match) + len(match):]
+ endwhile
+ return current
+function! emmet#lang#slim#toggleComment() abort
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let space = matchstr(line, '^\s*')
+ if line =~# '^\s*/'
+ call setline('.', space . line[len(space)+1:])
+ elseif line =~# '^\s*[a-z]'
+ call setline('.', space . '/' . line[len(space):])
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#slim#balanceTag(flag) range abort
+ let block = emmet#util#getVisualBlock()
+ if a:flag == -2 || a:flag == 2
+ let curpos = [0, line("'<"), col("'<"), 0]
+ else
+ let curpos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ endif
+ let n = curpos[1]
+ let ml = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*'))
+ if a:flag > 0
+ if a:flag == 1 || !emmet#util#regionIsValid(block)
+ let n = line('.')
+ else
+ while n > 0
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*\ze[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l < ml
+ let ml = l
+ break
+ endif
+ let n -= 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ let sn = n
+ if n == 0
+ let ml = 0
+ endif
+ while n < line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l <= ml
+ let n -= 1
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ call setpos('.', [0, n, 1, 0])
+ normal! V
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ else
+ while n > 0
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*\ze[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l > ml
+ let ml = l
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ let sn = n
+ if n == 0
+ let ml = 0
+ endif
+ while n < line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l <= ml
+ let n -= 1
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ call setpos('.', [0, n, 1, 0])
+ normal! V
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#slim#moveNextPrevItem(flag) abort
+ return emmet#lang#slim#moveNextPrev(a:flag)
+function! emmet#lang#slim#moveNextPrev(flag) abort
+ let pos = search('""\|\(^\s*|\s*\zs\)', a:flag ? 'Wpb' : 'Wp')
+ if pos == 2
+ startinsert!
+ elseif pos != 0
+ silent! normal! l
+ startinsert
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#slim#splitJoinTag() abort
+ let n = line('.')
+ while n > 0
+ if getline(n) =~# '^\s*\ze[a-z]'
+ let sn = n
+ let n += 1
+ if getline(n) =~# '^\s*|'
+ while n <= line('$')
+ if getline(n) !~# '^\s*|'
+ break
+ endif
+ exe n 'delete'
+ endwhile
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn, 1, 0])
+ else
+ let spaces = matchstr(getline(sn), '^\s*')
+ call append(sn, spaces . ' | ')
+ call setpos('.', [0, sn+1, 1, 0])
+ startinsert!
+ endif
+ break
+ endif
+ let n -= 1
+ endwhile
+function! emmet#lang#slim#removeTag() abort
+ let n = line('.')
+ let ml = 0
+ while n > 0
+ if getline(n) =~# '^\s*\ze[a-z]'
+ let ml = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*[a-z]'))
+ break
+ endif
+ let n -= 1
+ endwhile
+ let sn = n
+ while n < line('$')
+ let l = len(matchstr(getline(n), '^\s*[a-z]'))
+ if l > 0 && l <= ml
+ let n -= 1
+ break
+ endif
+ let n += 1
+ endwhile
+ if sn == n
+ exe 'delete'
+ else
+ exe sn ',' (n-1) 'delete'
+ endif
+function! emmet#lang#slim#mergeLines() abort
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lorem/en.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lorem/en.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30713e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lorem/en.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+function! emmet#lorem#en#expand(command) abort
+ let wcount = matchstr(a:command, '\(\d*\)$')
+ let wcount = wcount > 0 ? wcount : 30
+ let common = ['lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet', 'consectetur', 'adipisicing', 'elit']
+ let words = ['exercitationem', 'perferendis', 'perspiciatis', 'laborum', 'eveniet',
+ \ 'sunt', 'iure', 'nam', 'nobis', 'eum', 'cum', 'officiis', 'excepturi',
+ \ 'odio', 'consectetur', 'quasi', 'aut', 'quisquam', 'vel', 'eligendi',
+ \ 'itaque', 'non', 'odit', 'tempore', 'quaerat', 'dignissimos',
+ \ 'facilis', 'neque', 'nihil', 'expedita', 'vitae', 'vero', 'ipsum',
+ \ 'nisi', 'animi', 'cumque', 'pariatur', 'velit', 'modi', 'natus',
+ \ 'iusto', 'eaque', 'sequi', 'illo', 'sed', 'ex', 'et', 'voluptatibus',
+ \ 'tempora', 'veritatis', 'ratione', 'assumenda', 'incidunt', 'nostrum',
+ \ 'placeat', 'aliquid', 'fuga', 'provident', 'praesentium', 'rem',
+ \ 'necessitatibus', 'suscipit', 'adipisci', 'quidem', 'possimus',
+ \ 'voluptas', 'debitis', 'sint', 'accusantium', 'unde', 'sapiente',
+ \ 'voluptate', 'qui', 'aspernatur', 'laudantium', 'soluta', 'amet',
+ \ 'quo', 'aliquam', 'saepe', 'culpa', 'libero', 'ipsa', 'dicta',
+ \ 'reiciendis', 'nesciunt', 'doloribus', 'autem', 'impedit', 'minima',
+ \ 'maiores', 'repudiandae', 'ipsam', 'obcaecati', 'ullam', 'enim',
+ \ 'totam', 'delectus', 'ducimus', 'quis', 'voluptates', 'dolores',
+ \ 'molestiae', 'harum', 'dolorem', 'quia', 'voluptatem', 'molestias',
+ \ 'magni', 'distinctio', 'omnis', 'illum', 'dolorum', 'voluptatum', 'ea',
+ \ 'quas', 'quam', 'corporis', 'quae', 'blanditiis', 'atque', 'deserunt',
+ \ 'laboriosam', 'earum', 'consequuntur', 'hic', 'cupiditate',
+ \ 'quibusdam', 'accusamus', 'ut', 'rerum', 'error', 'minus', 'eius',
+ \ 'ab', 'ad', 'nemo', 'fugit', 'officia', 'at', 'in', 'id', 'quos',
+ \ 'reprehenderit', 'numquam', 'iste', 'fugiat', 'sit', 'inventore',
+ \ 'beatae', 'repellendus', 'magnam', 'recusandae', 'quod', 'explicabo',
+ \ 'doloremque', 'aperiam', 'consequatur', 'asperiores', 'commodi',
+ \ 'optio', 'dolor', 'labore', 'temporibus', 'repellat', 'veniam',
+ \ 'architecto', 'est', 'esse', 'mollitia', 'nulla', 'a', 'similique',
+ \ 'eos', 'alias', 'dolore', 'tenetur', 'deleniti', 'porro', 'facere',
+ \ 'maxime', 'corrupti']
+ let ret = []
+ let sentence = 0
+ for i in range(wcount)
+ let arr = common
+ if sentence > 0
+ let arr += words
+ endif
+ let r = emmet#util#rand()
+ let word = arr[r % len(arr)]
+ if sentence == 0
+ let word = substitute(word, '^.', '\U&', '')
+ endif
+ let sentence += 1
+ call add(ret, word)
+ if (sentence > 5 && emmet#util#rand() < 10000) || i == wcount - 1
+ if i == wcount - 1
+ let endc = '?!...'[emmet#util#rand() % 5]
+ call add(ret, endc)
+ else
+ let endc = '?!,...'[emmet#util#rand() % 6]
+ call add(ret, endc . ' ')
+ endif
+ if endc !=# ','
+ let sentence = 0
+ endif
+ else
+ call add(ret, ' ')
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return join(ret, '')
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lorem/ja.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lorem/ja.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f99d8fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/lorem/ja.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+scriptencoding utf-8
+function! emmet#lorem#ja#expand(command) abort
+ let wcount = matchstr(a:command, '^\%(lorem\|lipsum\)\(\d*\)}$', '\1', '')
+ let wcount = wcount > 0 ? wcount : 30
+ let url = ""
+ let content = emmet#util#cache(url)
+ if len(content) == 0
+ let content = emmet#util#getContentFromURL(url)
+ let content = matchstr(content, '<div[^>]*>\zs.\{-}</div>')
+ let content = substitute(content, '[ \r]', '', 'g')
+ let content = substitute(content, '<br[^>]*>', "\n", 'g')
+ let content = substitute(content, '<[^>]\+>', '', 'g')
+ let content = join(filter(split(content, "\n"), 'len(v:val)>0'), "\n")
+ call emmet#util#cache(url, content)
+ endif
+ let content = substitute(content, "、\n", "、", "g")
+ let clines = split(content, '\n')
+ let lines = filter(clines, 'len(substitute(v:val,".",".","g"))<=wcount')
+ if len(lines) == 0
+ let lines = clines
+ endif
+ let r = emmet#util#rand()
+ return lines[r % len(lines)]
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet/util.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/util.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78960c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet/util.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+" region utils
+" deleteContent : delete content in region
+" if region make from between '<foo>' and '</foo>'
+" --------------------
+" begin:<foo>
+" </foo>:end
+" --------------------
+" this function make the content as following
+" --------------------
+" begin::end
+" --------------------
+function! emmet#util#deleteContent(region) abort
+ let lines = getline(a:region[0][0], a:region[1][0])
+ call setpos('.', [0, a:region[0][0], a:region[0][1], 0])
+ silent! exe 'delete '.(a:region[1][0] - a:region[0][0])
+ call setline(line('.'), lines[0][:a:region[0][1]-2] . lines[-1][a:region[1][1]])
+" change_content : change content in region
+" if region make from between '<foo>' and '</foo>'
+" --------------------
+" begin:<foo>
+" </foo>:end
+" --------------------
+" and content is
+" --------------------
+" foo
+" bar
+" baz
+" --------------------
+" this function make the content as following
+" --------------------
+" begin:foo
+" bar
+" baz:end
+" --------------------
+function! emmet#util#setContent(region, content) abort
+ let newlines = split(a:content, '\n', 1)
+ let oldlines = getline(a:region[0][0], a:region[1][0])
+ call setpos('.', [0, a:region[0][0], a:region[0][1], 0])
+ silent! exe 'delete '.(a:region[1][0] - a:region[0][0])
+ if len(newlines) == 0
+ let tmp = ''
+ if a:region[0][1] > 1
+ let tmp = oldlines[0][:a:region[0][1]-2]
+ endif
+ if a:region[1][1] >= 1
+ let tmp .= oldlines[-1][a:region[1][1]:]
+ endif
+ call setline(line('.'), tmp)
+ elseif len(newlines) == 1
+ if a:region[0][1] > 1
+ let newlines[0] = oldlines[0][:a:region[0][1]-2] . newlines[0]
+ endif
+ if a:region[1][1] >= 1
+ let newlines[0] .= oldlines[-1][a:region[1][1]:]
+ endif
+ call setline(line('.'), newlines[0])
+ else
+ if a:region[0][1] > 1
+ let newlines[0] = oldlines[0][:a:region[0][1]-2] . newlines[0]
+ endif
+ if a:region[1][1] >= 1
+ let newlines[-1] .= oldlines[-1][a:region[1][1]:]
+ endif
+ call setline(line('.'), newlines[0])
+ call append(line('.'), newlines[1:])
+ endif
+" select_region : select region
+" this function make a selection of region
+function! emmet#util#selectRegion(region) abort
+ call setpos('.', [0, a:region[1][0], a:region[1][1], 0])
+ normal! v
+ call setpos('.', [0, a:region[0][0], a:region[0][1], 0])
+" point_in_region : check point is in the region
+" this function return 0 or 1
+function! emmet#util#pointInRegion(point, region) abort
+ if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(a:region) | return 0 | endif
+ if a:region[0][0] > a:point[0] | return 0 | endif
+ if a:region[1][0] < a:point[0] | return 0 | endif
+ if a:region[0][0] == a:point[0] && a:region[0][1] > a:point[1] | return 0 | endif
+ if a:region[1][0] == a:point[0] && a:region[1][1] < a:point[1] | return 0 | endif
+ return 1
+" cursor_in_region : check cursor is in the region
+" this function return 0 or 1
+function! emmet#util#cursorInRegion(region) abort
+ if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(a:region) | return 0 | endif
+ let cur = emmet#util#getcurpos()[1:2]
+ return emmet#util#pointInRegion(cur, a:region)
+" region_is_valid : check region is valid
+" this function return 0 or 1
+function! emmet#util#regionIsValid(region) abort
+ if a:region[0][0] == 0 || a:region[1][0] == 0 | return 0 | endif
+ return 1
+" search_region : make region from pattern which is composing start/end
+" this function return array of position
+function! emmet#util#searchRegion(start, end) abort
+ let b = searchpairpos(a:start, '', a:end, 'bcnW')
+ if b == [0, 0]
+ return [searchpairpos(a:start, '', a:end, 'bnW'), searchpairpos(a:start, '\%#', a:end, 'nW')]
+ else
+ return [b, searchpairpos(a:start, '', a:end. '', 'nW')]
+ endif
+" get_content : get content in region
+" this function return string in region
+function! emmet#util#getContent(region) abort
+ if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(a:region)
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let lines = getline(a:region[0][0], a:region[1][0])
+ if a:region[0][0] == a:region[1][0]
+ let lines[0] = lines[0][a:region[0][1]-1:a:region[1][1]-1]
+ else
+ let lines[0] = lines[0][a:region[0][1]-1:]
+ let lines[-1] = lines[-1][:a:region[1][1]-1]
+ endif
+ return join(lines, "\n")
+" region_in_region : check region is in the region
+" this function return 0 or 1
+function! emmet#util#regionInRegion(outer, inner) abort
+ if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(a:inner) || !emmet#util#regionIsValid(a:outer)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ return emmet#util#pointInRegion(a:inner[0], a:outer) && emmet#util#pointInRegion(a:inner[1], a:outer)
+" get_visualblock : get region of visual block
+" this function return region of visual block
+function! emmet#util#getVisualBlock() abort
+ return [[line("'<"), col("'<")], [line("'>"), col("'>")]]
+" html utils
+function! emmet#util#getContentFromURL(url) abort
+ let res = system(printf('%s -i %s', g:emmet_curl_command, shellescape(substitute(a:url, '#.*', '', ''))))
+ while res =~# '^HTTP/1.\d 3' || res =~# '^HTTP/1\.\d 200 Connection established' || res =~# '^HTTP/1\.\d 100 Continue'
+ let pos = stridx(res, "\r\n\r\n")
+ if pos != -1
+ let res = strpart(res, pos+4)
+ else
+ let pos = stridx(res, "\n\n")
+ let res = strpart(res, pos+2)
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ let pos = stridx(res, "\r\n\r\n")
+ if pos != -1
+ let content = strpart(res, pos+4)
+ else
+ let pos = stridx(res, "\n\n")
+ let content = strpart(res, pos+2)
+ endif
+ let header = res[:pos-1]
+ let charset = matchstr(content, '<meta[^>]\+content=["''][^;"'']\+;\s*charset=\zs[^;"'']\+\ze["''][^>]*>')
+ if len(charset) == 0
+ let charset = matchstr(content, '<meta\s\+charset=["'']\?\zs[^"'']\+\ze["'']\?[^>]*>')
+ endif
+ if len(charset) == 0
+ let charset = matchstr(header, '\nContent-Type:.* charset=[''"]\?\zs[^''";\n]\+\ze')
+ endif
+ if len(charset) == 0
+ let s1 = len(split(content, '?'))
+ let utf8 = iconv(content, 'utf-8', &encoding)
+ let s2 = len(split(utf8, '?'))
+ return (s2 == s1 || s2 >= s1 * 2) ? utf8 : content
+ endif
+ return iconv(content, charset, &encoding)
+function! emmet#util#getTextFromHTML(buf) abort
+ let threshold_len = 100
+ let threshold_per = 0.1
+ let buf = a:buf
+ let buf = strpart(buf, stridx(buf, '</head>'))
+ let buf = substitute(buf, '<style[^>]*>.\{-}</style>', '', 'g')
+ let buf = substitute(buf, '<script[^>]*>.\{-}</script>', '', 'g')
+ let res = ''
+ let max = 0
+ let mx = '\(<td[^>]\{-}>\)\|\(<\/td>\)\|\(<div[^>]\{-}>\)\|\(<\/div>\)'
+ let m = split(buf, mx)
+ for str in m
+ let c = split(str, '<[^>]*?>')
+ let str = substitute(str, '<[^>]\{-}>', ' ', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '&gt;', '>', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '&lt;', '<', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '&quot;', '"', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '&apos;', '''', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '&nbsp;', ' ', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '&yen;', '\&#65509;', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '&amp;', '\&', 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '^\s*\(.*\)\s*$', '\1', '')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\s\+', ' ', 'g')
+ let l = len(str)
+ if l > threshold_len
+ let per = (l+0.0) / len(c)
+ if max < l && per > threshold_per
+ let max = l
+ let res = str
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let res = substitute(res, '^\s*\(.*\)\s*$', '\1', 'g')
+ return res
+function! emmet#util#getImageSize(fn) abort
+ let fn = a:fn
+ if emmet#util#isImageMagickInstalled()
+ return emmet#util#imageSizeWithImageMagick(fn)
+ endif
+ if filereadable(fn)
+ let hex = substitute(system('xxd -p "'.fn.'"'), '\n', '', 'g')
+ else
+ if fn !~# '^\w\+://'
+ let path = fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p:gs?\\?/?')
+ if has('win32') || has('win64') |
+ let path = tolower(path)
+ endif
+ for k in keys(g:emmet_docroot)
+ let root = fnamemodify(k, ':p:gs?\\?/?')
+ if has('win32') || has('win64') |
+ let root = tolower(root)
+ endif
+ if stridx(path, root) == 0
+ let v = g:emmet_docroot[k]
+ let fn = (len(v) == 0 ? k : v) . fn
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ let hex = substitute(system(g:emmet_curl_command.' "'.fn.'" | xxd -p'), '\n', '', 'g')
+ endif
+ let [width, height] = [-1, -1]
+ if hex =~# '^89504e470d0a1a0a'
+ let width = eval('0x'.hex[32:39])
+ let height = eval('0x'.hex[40:47])
+ endif
+ if hex =~# '^ffd8'
+ let pos = 4
+ while pos < len(hex)
+ let bs = hex[pos+0:pos+3]
+ let pos += 4
+ if bs ==# 'ffc0' || bs ==# 'ffc2'
+ let pos += 6
+ let height = eval('0x'.hex[pos+0:pos+1])*256 + eval('0x'.hex[pos+2:pos+3])
+ let pos += 4
+ let width = eval('0x'.hex[pos+0:pos+1])*256 + eval('0x'.hex[pos+2:pos+3])
+ break
+ elseif bs =~# 'ffd[9a]'
+ break
+ elseif bs =~# 'ff\(e[0-9a-e]\|fe\|db\|dd\|c4\)'
+ let pos += (eval('0x'.hex[pos+0:pos+1])*256 + eval('0x'.hex[pos+2:pos+3])) * 2
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ if hex =~# '^47494638'
+ let width = eval('0x'.hex[14:15].hex[12:13])
+ let height = eval('0x'.hex[18:19].hex[16:17])
+ endif
+ return [width, height]
+function! emmet#util#imageSizeWithImageMagick(fn) abort
+ let img_info = system('identify -format "%wx%h" "'.a:fn.'"')
+ let img_size = split(substitute(img_info, '\n', '', ''), 'x')
+ if len(img_size) != 2
+ return [-1, -1]
+ endif
+ return img_size
+function! emmet#util#isImageMagickInstalled() abort
+ if !get(g:, 'emmet_use_identify', 1)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ return executable('identify')
+function! s:b64encode(bytes, table, pad)
+ let b64 = []
+ for i in range(0, len(a:bytes) - 1, 3)
+ let n = a:bytes[i] * 0x10000
+ \ + get(a:bytes, i + 1, 0) * 0x100
+ \ + get(a:bytes, i + 2, 0)
+ call add(b64, a:table[n / 0x40000])
+ call add(b64, a:table[n / 0x1000 % 0x40])
+ call add(b64, a:table[n / 0x40 % 0x40])
+ call add(b64, a:table[n % 0x40])
+ endfor
+ if len(a:bytes) % 3 == 2
+ let b64[-1] = a:pad
+ elseif len(a:bytes) % 3 == 1
+ let b64[-1] = a:pad
+ let b64[-2] = a:pad
+ endif
+ return b64
+function! emmet#util#imageEncodeDecode(fn, flag) abort
+ let fn = a:fn
+ if filereadable(fn)
+ let hex = substitute(system('xxd -p "'.fn.'"'), '\n', '', 'g')
+ else
+ if fn !~# '^\w\+://'
+ let path = fnamemodify(expand('%'), ':p:gs?\\?/?')
+ if has('win32') || has('win64') |
+ let path = tolower(path)
+ endif
+ for k in keys(g:emmet_docroot)
+ let root = fnamemodify(k, ':p:gs?\\?/?')
+ if has('win32') || has('win64') |
+ let root = tolower(root)
+ endif
+ if stridx(path, root) == 0
+ let v = g:emmet_docroot[k]
+ let fn = (len(v) == 0 ? k : v) . fn
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ let hex = substitute(system(g:emmet_curl_command.' "'.fn.'" | xxd -p'), '\n', '', 'g')
+ endif
+ let bin = map(split(hex, '..\zs'), 'eval("0x" . v:val)')
+ let table = split('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/', '\zs')
+ let ret = 'data:image/'
+ if hex =~# '^89504e470d0a1a0a'
+ let ret .= 'png'
+ elseif hex =~# '^ffd8'
+ let ret .= 'jpeg'
+ elseif hex =~# '^47494638'
+ let ret .= 'gif'
+ else
+ let ret .= 'unknown'
+ endif
+ return ret . ';base64,' . join(s:b64encode(bin, table, '='), '')
+function! emmet#util#unique(arr) abort
+ let m = {}
+ let r = []
+ for i in a:arr
+ if !has_key(m, i)
+ let m[i] = 1
+ call add(r, i)
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return r
+let s:seed = localtime()
+function! emmet#util#srand(seed) abort
+ let s:seed = a:seed
+function! emmet#util#rand() abort
+ let s:seed = s:seed * 214013 + 2531011
+ return (s:seed < 0 ? s:seed - 0x80000000 : s:seed) / 0x10000 % 0x8000
+function! emmet#util#cache(name, ...) abort
+ let content = get(a:000, 0, '')
+ let dir = expand('~/.emmet/cache')
+ if !isdirectory(dir)
+ call mkdir(dir, 'p', 0700)
+ endif
+ let file = dir . '/' . substitute(a:name, '\W', '_', 'g')
+ if len(content) == 0
+ if !filereadable(file)
+ return ''
+ endif
+ return join(readfile(file), "\n")
+ endif
+ call writefile(split(content, "\n"), file)
+function! emmet#util#getcurpos() abort
+ let pos = getpos('.')
+ if mode(0) ==# 'i' && pos[2] > 0
+ let pos[2] -=1
+ endif
+ return pos
+function! emmet#util#closePopup() abort
+ return pumvisible() ? "\<c-e>" : ''