path: root/config/vim/autoload/emmet.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'config/vim/autoload/emmet.vim')
1 files changed, 2135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/config/vim/autoload/emmet.vim b/config/vim/autoload/emmet.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12ed9a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/vim/autoload/emmet.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,2135 @@
+" emmet.vim
+" Author: Yasuhiro Matsumoto <>
+" Last Change: 26-Jul-2015.
+let s:save_cpo = &cpoptions
+set cpoptions&vim
+let s:filtermx = '|\(\%(bem\|html\|blade\|haml\|slim\|e\|c\|s\|fc\|xsl\|t\|\/[^ ]\+\)\s*,\{0,1}\s*\)*$'
+function! emmet#getExpandos(type, key) abort
+ let expandos = emmet#getResource(a:type, 'expandos', {})
+ if has_key(expandos, a:key)
+ return expandos[a:key]
+ endif
+ return a:key
+function! emmet#splitFilterArg(filters) abort
+ for f in a:filters
+ if f =~# '^/'
+ return f[1:]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return ''
+function! emmet#useFilter(filters, filter) abort
+ for f in a:filters
+ if a:filter ==# '/' && f =~# '^/'
+ return 1
+ elseif f ==# a:filter
+ return 1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return 0
+function! emmet#getIndentation(...) abort
+ if a:0 > 0
+ let type = a:1
+ else
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ endif
+ if has_key(s:emmet_settings, type) && has_key(s:emmet_settings[type], 'indentation')
+ let indent = s:emmet_settings[type].indentation
+ elseif has_key(s:emmet_settings, 'indentation')
+ let indent = s:emmet_settings.indentation
+ elseif has_key(s:emmet_settings.variables, 'indentation')
+ let indent = s:emmet_settings.variables.indentation
+ else
+ let sw = exists('*shiftwidth') ? shiftwidth() : &l:shiftwidth
+ let indent = (&l:expandtab || &l:tabstop !=# sw) ? repeat(' ', sw) : "\t"
+ endif
+ return indent
+function! emmet#getBaseType(type) abort
+ if !has_key(s:emmet_settings, a:type)
+ return ''
+ endif
+ if !has_key(s:emmet_settings[a:type], 'extends')
+ return a:type
+ endif
+ let extends = s:emmet_settings[a:type].extends
+ if type(extends) ==# 1
+ let tmp = split(extends, '\s*,\s*')
+ let ext = tmp[0]
+ else
+ let ext = extends[0]
+ endif
+ if a:type !=# ext
+ return emmet#getBaseType(ext)
+ endif
+ return ''
+function! emmet#isExtends(type, extend) abort
+ if a:type ==# a:extend
+ return 1
+ endif
+ if !has_key(s:emmet_settings, a:type)
+ return 0
+ endif
+ if !has_key(s:emmet_settings[a:type], 'extends')
+ return 0
+ endif
+ let extends = emmet#lang#getExtends(a:type)
+ for ext in extends
+ if a:extend ==# ext
+ return 1
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return 0
+function! emmet#parseIntoTree(abbr, type) abort
+ let abbr = a:abbr
+ let type = a:type
+ return emmet#lang#{emmet#lang#type(type)}#parseIntoTree(abbr, type)
+function! emmet#expandAbbrIntelligent(feedkey) abort
+ if !emmet#isExpandable()
+ return a:feedkey
+ endif
+ return "\<plug>(emmet-expand-abbr)"
+function! emmet#isExpandable() abort
+ let line = getline('.')
+ if col('.') < len(line)
+ let line = matchstr(line, '^\(.*\%'.col('.').'c\)')
+ endif
+ let part = matchstr(line, '\(\S.*\)$')
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ let rtype = emmet#lang#type(type)
+ let part = emmet#lang#{rtype}#findTokens(part)
+ return len(part) > 0
+function! emmet#mergeConfig(lhs, rhs) abort
+ let [lhs, rhs] = [a:lhs, a:rhs]
+ if type(lhs) ==# 3
+ if type(rhs) ==# 3
+ let lhs += rhs
+ if len(lhs)
+ call remove(lhs, 0, len(lhs)-1)
+ endif
+ for rhi in rhs
+ call add(lhs, rhs[rhi])
+ endfor
+ elseif type(rhs) ==# 4
+ let lhs += map(keys(rhs), '{v:val : rhs[v:val]}')
+ endif
+ elseif type(lhs) ==# 4
+ if type(rhs) ==# 3
+ for V in rhs
+ if type(V) != 4
+ continue
+ endif
+ for k in keys(V)
+ let lhs[k] = V[k]
+ endfor
+ endfor
+ elseif type(rhs) ==# 4
+ for key in keys(rhs)
+ if type(rhs[key]) ==# 3
+ if !has_key(lhs, key)
+ let lhs[key] = []
+ endif
+ if type(lhs[key]) == 3
+ let lhs[key] += rhs[key]
+ elseif type(lhs[key]) == 4
+ for k in keys(rhs[key])
+ let lhs[key][k] = rhs[key][k]
+ endfor
+ endif
+ elseif type(rhs[key]) ==# 4
+ if has_key(lhs, key)
+ call emmet#mergeConfig(lhs[key], rhs[key])
+ else
+ let lhs[key] = rhs[key]
+ endif
+ else
+ let lhs[key] = rhs[key]
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ endif
+function! emmet#newNode() abort
+ return { 'name': '', 'attr': {}, 'child': [], 'snippet': '', 'basevalue': 0, 'basedirect': 1, 'multiplier': 1, 'parent': {}, 'value': '', 'pos': 0, 'important': 0, 'attrs_order': ['id', 'class'], 'block': 0, 'empty': 0 }
+function! s:itemno(itemno, current) abort
+ let current = a:current
+ if current.basedirect > 0
+ return current.basevalue - 1 + a:itemno
+ else
+ return current.multiplier + current.basevalue - 2 - a:itemno
+ endif
+function! s:localvar(current, key) abort
+ let val = ''
+ let cur = a:current
+ while !empty(cur)
+ if has_key(cur, 'variables') && has_key(cur.variables, a:key)
+ return cur.variables[a:key]
+ endif
+ let cur = cur.parent
+ endwhile
+ return ''
+function! emmet#toString(...) abort
+ let current = a:1
+ if a:0 > 1
+ let type = a:2
+ else
+ let type = &filetype
+ endif
+ if len(type) ==# 0 | let type = 'html' | endif
+ if a:0 > 2
+ let inline = a:3
+ else
+ let inline = 0
+ endif
+ if a:0 > 3
+ if type(a:4) ==# 1
+ let filters = split(a:4, '\s*,\s*')
+ else
+ let filters = a:4
+ endif
+ else
+ let filters = ['html']
+ endif
+ if a:0 > 4
+ let group_itemno = a:5
+ else
+ let group_itemno = 0
+ endif
+ if a:0 > 5
+ let indent = a:6
+ else
+ let indent = ''
+ endif
+ let dollar_expr = emmet#getResource(type, 'dollar_expr', 1)
+ let itemno = 0
+ let str = ''
+ let rtype = emmet#lang#type(type)
+ while itemno < current.multiplier
+ if len(
+ if current.multiplier ==# 1
+ let inner = emmet#lang#{rtype}#toString(s:emmet_settings, current, type, inline, filters, s:itemno(group_itemno, current), indent)
+ else
+ let inner = emmet#lang#{rtype}#toString(s:emmet_settings, current, type, inline, filters, s:itemno(itemno, current), indent)
+ endif
+ if current.multiplier > 1
+ let inner = substitute(inner, '\$#', '$line'.(itemno+1).'$', 'g')
+ endif
+ let str .= inner
+ else
+ let snippet = current.snippet
+ if len(snippet) ==# 0
+ let snippets = emmet#getResource(type, 'snippets', {})
+ if !empty(snippets) && has_key(snippets, 'emmet_snippet')
+ let snippet = snippets['emmet_snippet']
+ endif
+ endif
+ if len(snippet) > 0
+ let tmp = snippet
+ let tmp = substitute(tmp, '\${emmet_name}',, 'g')
+ let snippet_node = emmet#newNode()
+ let snippet_node.value = '{'.tmp.'}'
+ let snippet_node.important = current.important
+ let snippet_node.multiplier = current.multiplier
+ let str .= emmet#lang#{rtype}#toString(s:emmet_settings, snippet_node, type, inline, filters, s:itemno(group_itemno, current), indent)
+ if current.multiplier > 1
+ let str .= "\n"
+ endif
+ else
+ if len(
+ let str .=
+ endif
+ if len(current.value)
+ let text = current.value[1:-2]
+ if dollar_expr
+ " TODO: regexp engine specified
+ if exists('&regexpengine')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%#=1\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", max([itemno, group_itemno])+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ else
+ let text = substitute(text, '\%(\\\)\@\<!\(\$\+\)\([^{#]\|$\)', '\=printf("%0".len(submatch(1))."d", max([itemno, group_itemno])+1).submatch(2)', 'g')
+ endif
+ let text = substitute(text, '\${nr}', "\n", 'g')
+ let text = substitute(text, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+ endif
+ let str .= text
+ endif
+ endif
+ let inner = ''
+ if len(current.child)
+ for n in current.child
+ let inner .= emmet#toString(n, type, inline, filters, s:itemno(group_itemno, n), indent)
+ endfor
+ else
+ let inner = current.value[1:-2]
+ endif
+ let inner = substitute(inner, "\n", "\n" . indent, 'g')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\${:\(\w\+\)}', '\=s:localvar(current, submatch(1))', '')
+ let str = substitute(str, '\${child}', inner, '')
+ endif
+ let itemno = itemno + 1
+ endwhile
+ return str
+function! emmet#getSettings() abort
+ return s:emmet_settings
+function! emmet#getFilters(type) abort
+ let filterstr = emmet#getResource(a:type, 'filters', '')
+ return split(filterstr, '\s*,\s*')
+function! emmet#getResource(type, name, default) abort
+ if exists('b:emmet_' . a:name)
+ return get(b:, 'emmet_' . a:name)
+ endif
+ let global = {}
+ if has_key(s:emmet_settings, '*') && has_key(s:emmet_settings['*'], a:name)
+ let global = extend(global, s:emmet_settings['*'][a:name])
+ endif
+ if has_key(s:emmet_settings, a:type)
+ let types = [a:type]
+ else
+ let types = split(a:type, '\.')
+ endif
+ for type in types
+ if !has_key(s:emmet_settings, type)
+ continue
+ endif
+ let ret = a:default
+ if has_key(s:emmet_settings[type], 'extends')
+ let extends = emmet#lang#getExtends(a:type)
+ call reverse(extends) " reverse to overwrite the correct way
+ for ext in extends
+ if !has_key(s:emmet_settings, ext)
+ continue
+ endif
+ if has_key(s:emmet_settings[ext], a:name)
+ if type(ret) ==# 3 || type(ret) ==# 4
+ call emmet#mergeConfig(ret, s:emmet_settings[ext][a:name])
+ else
+ let ret = s:emmet_settings[ext][a:name]
+ endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ if has_key(s:emmet_settings[type], a:name)
+ if type(ret) ==# 3 || type(ret) ==# 4
+ call emmet#mergeConfig(ret, s:emmet_settings[type][a:name])
+ return extend(global, ret)
+ else
+ return s:emmet_settings[type][a:name]
+ endif
+ endif
+ if !empty(ret)
+ if type(ret) ==# 3 || type(ret) ==# 4
+ let ret = extend(global, ret)
+ endif
+ return ret
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let ret = a:default
+ if type(ret) ==# 3 || type(ret) ==# 4
+ let ret = extend(global, ret)
+ endif
+ return ret
+function! emmet#getFileType(...) abort
+ let flg = get(a:000, 0, 0)
+ if has_key(s:emmet_settings, &filetype)
+ let type = &filetype
+ if emmet#getResource(type, 'ignore_embeded_filetype', 0)
+ return type
+ endif
+ endif
+ let pos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ let type = synIDattr(synID(max([pos[1], 1]), max([pos[2], 1]), 1), 'name')
+ " ignore htmlTagName as it seems to occur too often
+ if type == 'htmlTagName'
+ let type = ''
+ endif
+ if type =~ '^mkdSnippet'
+ let type = tolower(type[10:])
+ endif
+ if type =~? '^css'
+ let type = 'css'
+ elseif type =~? '^html'
+ let type = 'html'
+ elseif type =~? '^jsx'
+ let type = 'jsx'
+ elseif (type =~? '^js\w' || type =~? '^javascript') && !(&filetype =~? 'jsx')
+ let type = 'javascript'
+ elseif type =~? '^tsx'
+ let type = 'tsx'
+ elseif type =~? '^ts\w' || type =~? '^typescript'
+ let type = 'typescript'
+ elseif type =~? '^xml'
+ let type = 'xml'
+ elseif type == 'styledEmmetAbbreviation'
+ let type = 'styled'
+ else
+ let types = split(&filetype, '\.')
+ for part in types
+ if has_key(s:emmet_settings, part)
+ let type = part
+ break
+ endif
+ let base = emmet#getBaseType(part)
+ if base !=# ''
+ if flg
+ let type = &filetype
+ else
+ let type = base
+ endif
+ unlet base
+ break
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return len(type) == 0 ? 'html' : type
+function! emmet#getDollarExprs(expand) abort
+ let expand = a:expand
+ let dollar_list = []
+ let dollar_reg = '\%(\\\)\@<!\${\(\([^{}]\|\%(\\\)\@\<=[{}]\)\{}\)}'
+ while 1
+ let matcharr = matchlist(expand, dollar_reg)
+ if len(matcharr) > 0
+ let key = get(matcharr, 1)
+ if key !~# '^\d\+:'
+ let key = substitute(key, '\\{', '{', 'g')
+ let key = substitute(key, '\\}', '}', 'g')
+ let value = emmet#getDollarValueByKey(key)
+ if type(value) ==# type('')
+ let expr = get(matcharr, 0)
+ call add(dollar_list, {'expr': expr, 'value': value})
+ endif
+ endif
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ let expand = substitute(expand, dollar_reg, '', '')
+ endwhile
+ return dollar_list
+function! emmet#getDollarValueByKey(key) abort
+ let ret = 0
+ let key = a:key
+ let ftsetting = get(s:emmet_settings, emmet#getFileType())
+ if type(ftsetting) ==# 4 && has_key(ftsetting, key)
+ let V = get(ftsetting, key)
+ if type(V) ==# 1 | return V | endif
+ endif
+ if type(ret) !=# 1 && has_key(s:emmet_settings.variables, key)
+ let V = get(s:emmet_settings.variables, key)
+ if type(V) ==# 1 | return V | endif
+ endif
+ if has_key(s:emmet_settings, 'custom_expands') && type(s:emmet_settings['custom_expands']) ==# 4
+ for k in keys(s:emmet_settings['custom_expands'])
+ if key =~# k
+ let V = get(s:emmet_settings['custom_expands'], k)
+ if type(V) ==# 1 | return V | endif
+ if type(V) ==# 2 | return V(key) | endif
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ return ret
+function! emmet#reExpandDollarExpr(expand, times) abort
+ let expand = a:expand
+ let dollar_exprs = emmet#getDollarExprs(expand)
+ if len(dollar_exprs) > 0
+ if a:times < 9
+ for n in range(len(dollar_exprs))
+ let pair = get(dollar_exprs, n)
+ let pat = get(pair, 'expr')
+ let sub = get(pair, 'value')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, pat, sub, '')
+ endfor
+ return emmet#reExpandDollarExpr(expand, a:times + 1)
+ endif
+ endif
+ return expand
+function! emmet#expandDollarExpr(expand) abort
+ return emmet#reExpandDollarExpr(a:expand, 0)
+function! emmet#expandCursorExpr(expand, mode) abort
+ let expand = a:expand
+ if expand !~# '\${cursor}'
+ if a:mode ==# 2
+ let expand = '${cursor}' . expand
+ else
+ let expand .= '${cursor}'
+ endif
+ endif
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\${\d\+:\?\([^}]\+\)}', '$select$$cursor$\1$select$', 'g')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\${\d\+}', '$select$$cursor$$select$', 'g')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\${cursor}', '$cursor$', '')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\${cursor}', '', 'g')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\${cursor}', '', 'g')
+ return expand
+function! emmet#unescapeDollarExpr(expand) abort
+ return substitute(a:expand, '\\\$', '$', 'g')
+function! emmet#expandAbbr(mode, abbr) range abort
+ let type = emmet#getFileType(1)
+ let indent = emmet#getIndentation(type)
+ let expand = ''
+ let line = ''
+ let part = ''
+ let rest = ''
+ let filters = emmet#getFilters(type)
+ if len(filters) ==# 0
+ let filters = ['html']
+ endif
+ if a:mode ==# 2
+ let leader = substitute(input('Tag: ', ''), '^\s*\(.*\)\s*$', '\1', 'g')
+ if len(leader) ==# 0
+ return ''
+ endif
+ if leader =~# s:filtermx
+ let filters = map(split(matchstr(leader, s:filtermx)[1:], '\s*[^\\]\zs,\s*'), 'substitute(v:val, "\\\\\\\\zs.\\\\ze", "&", "g")')
+ let leader = substitute(leader, s:filtermx, '', '')
+ endif
+ if leader =~# '\*'
+ let query = substitute(leader, '*', '*' . (a:lastline - a:firstline + 1), '')
+ if query !~# '}\s*$' && query !~# '\$#'
+ let query .= '>{$#}'
+ endif
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, '/')
+ let spl = emmet#splitFilterArg(filters)
+ let fline = getline(a:firstline)
+ let query = substitute(query, '>\{0,1}{\$#}\s*$', '{\\$column\\$}*' . len(split(fline, spl)), '')
+ else
+ let spl = ''
+ endif
+ let items = emmet#parseIntoTree(query, type).child
+ let itemno = 0
+ for item in items
+ let inner = emmet#toString(item, type, 0, filters, 0, indent)
+ let inner = substitute(inner, '\$#', '$line'.(itemno*(a:lastline - a:firstline + 1)/len(items)+1).'$', 'g')
+ let expand .= inner
+ let itemno = itemno + 1
+ endfor
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, 'e')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '&', '\&amp;', 'g')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '<', '\&lt;', 'g')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '>', '\&gt;', 'g')
+ endif
+ let line = getline(a:firstline)
+ let part = substitute(line, '^\s*', '', '')
+ for n in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
+ let lline = getline(n)
+ let lpart = substitute(lline, '^\s\+', '', '')
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, 't')
+ let lpart = substitute(lpart, '^[0-9.-]\+\s\+', '', '')
+ let lpart = substitute(lpart, '\s\+$', '', '')
+ endif
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, '/')
+ for column in split(lpart, spl)
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\$column\$', '\=column', '')
+ endfor
+ else
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\$line'.(n-a:firstline+1).'\$', '\=lpart', 'g')
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\$line\d*\$', '', 'g')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\$column\$', '', 'g')
+ let content = join(getline(a:firstline, a:lastline), "\n")
+ if stridx(expand, '$#') < len(expand)-2
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '^\(.*\)\$#\s*$', '\1', '')
+ endif
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\$#', '\=content', 'g')
+ else
+ let str = ''
+ if visualmode() ==# 'V'
+ let line = getline(a:firstline)
+ let lspaces = matchstr(line, '^\s*', '', '')
+ let part = substitute(line, '^\s*', '', '')
+ for n in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
+ if len(leader) > 0
+ let line = getline(a:firstline)
+ let spaces = matchstr(line, '^\s*', '', '')
+ if len(spaces) >= len(lspaces)
+ let str .= indent . getline(n)[len(lspaces):] . "\n"
+ else
+ let str .= getline(n) . "\n"
+ endif
+ else
+ let lpart = substitute(getline(n), '^\s*', '', '')
+ let str .= lpart . "\n"
+ endif
+ endfor
+ if stridx(leader, '{$#}') ==# -1
+ let leader .= '{$#}'
+ endif
+ let items = emmet#parseIntoTree(leader, type).child
+ else
+ let save_regcont = @"
+ let save_regtype = getregtype('"')
+ silent! normal! gvygv
+ let str = @"
+ call setreg('"', save_regcont, save_regtype)
+ if stridx(leader, '{$#}') ==# -1
+ let leader .= '{$#}'
+ endif
+ let items = emmet#parseIntoTree(leader, type).child
+ endif
+ for item in items
+ let expand .= emmet#toString(item, type, 0, filters, 0, '')
+ endfor
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, 'e')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '&', '\&amp;', 'g')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '<', '\&lt;', 'g')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '>', '\&gt;', 'g')
+ endif
+ if stridx(leader, '{$#}') !=# -1
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\$#', '\="\n" . str', 'g')
+ endif
+ endif
+ elseif a:mode ==# 4
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let spaces = matchstr(line, '^\s*')
+ if line !~# '^\s*$'
+ put =spaces.a:abbr
+ else
+ call setline('.', spaces.a:abbr)
+ endif
+ normal! $
+ call emmet#expandAbbr(0, '')
+ return ''
+ else
+ let line = getline('.')
+ if col('.') < len(line)
+ let line = matchstr(line, '^\(.*\%'.col('.').'c\)')
+ endif
+ if a:mode ==# 1
+ let part = matchstr(line, '\([a-zA-Z0-9:_\-\@|]\+\)$')
+ else
+ let part = matchstr(line, '\(\S.*\)$')
+ let rtype = emmet#lang#type(type)
+ let part = emmet#lang#{rtype}#findTokens(part)
+ let line = line[0: strridx(line, part) + len(part) - 1]
+ endif
+ if col('.') ==# col('$')
+ let rest = ''
+ else
+ let rest = getline('.')[len(line):]
+ endif
+ let str = part
+ if str =~# s:filtermx
+ let filters = split(matchstr(str, s:filtermx)[1:], '\s*,\s*')
+ let str = substitute(str, s:filtermx, '', '')
+ endif
+ let items = emmet#parseIntoTree(str, type).child
+ for item in items
+ let expand .= emmet#toString(item, type, 0, filters, 0, indent)
+ endfor
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, 'e')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '&', '\&amp;', 'g')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '<', '\&lt;', 'g')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '>', '\&gt;', 'g')
+ endif
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\$line\([0-9]\+\)\$', '\=submatch(1)', 'g')
+ endif
+ let expand = emmet#expandDollarExpr(expand)
+ let expand = emmet#expandCursorExpr(expand, a:mode)
+ if len(expand)
+ if has_key(s:emmet_settings, 'timezone') && len(s:emmet_settings.timezone)
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '${datetime}', strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') . s:emmet_settings.timezone, 'g')
+ else
+ " TODO: on windows, %z/%Z is 'Tokyo(Standard)'
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '${datetime}', strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %z'), 'g')
+ endif
+ let expand = emmet#unescapeDollarExpr(expand)
+ if a:mode ==# 2 && visualmode() ==# 'v'
+ if a:firstline ==# a:lastline
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '[\r\n]\s*', '', 'g')
+ else
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '[\n]$', '', 'g')
+ endif
+ silent! normal! gv
+ let col = col('''<')
+ silent! normal! c
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let lhs = matchstr(line, '.*\%<'.col.'c.')
+ let rhs = matchstr(line, '\%>'.(col-1).'c.*')
+ let expand = lhs.expand.rhs
+ let lines = split(expand, '\n')
+ call setline(line('.'), lines[0])
+ if len(lines) > 1
+ call append(line('.'), lines[1:])
+ endif
+ else
+ if line[:-len(part)-1] =~# '^\s\+$'
+ let indent = line[:-len(part)-1]
+ else
+ let indent = ''
+ endif
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '[\r\n]\s*$', '', 'g')
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, 's')
+ let epart = substitute(expand, '[\r\n]\s*', '', 'g')
+ else
+ let epart = substitute(expand, '[\r\n]', "\n" . indent, 'g')
+ endif
+ let expand = line[:-len(part)-1] . epart . rest
+ let lines = split(expand, '[\r\n]', 1)
+ if a:mode ==# 2
+ silent! exe 'normal! gvc'
+ endif
+ call setline('.', lines[0])
+ if len(lines) > 1
+ call append('.', lines[1:])
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ if g:emmet_debug > 1
+ call getchar()
+ endif
+ if search('\ze\$\(cursor\|select\)\$', 'c')
+ let oldselection = &selection
+ let &selection = 'inclusive'
+ if foldclosed(line('.')) !=# -1
+ silent! foldopen
+ endif
+ let pos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ let use_selection = emmet#getResource(type, 'use_selection', 0)
+ try
+ let l:gdefault = &gdefault
+ let &gdefault = 0
+ if use_selection && getline('.')[col('.')-1:] =~# '^\$select'
+ let pos[2] += 1
+ silent! s/\$select\$//
+ let next = searchpos('.\ze\$select\$', 'nW')
+ silent! %s/\$\(cursor\|select\)\$//g
+ call emmet#util#selectRegion([pos[1:2], next])
+ return "\<esc>gv"
+ else
+ silent! %s/\$\(cursor\|select\)\$//g
+ silent! call setpos('.', pos)
+ if col('.') < col('$')
+ return "\<right>"
+ endif
+ endif
+ finally
+ let &gdefault = l:gdefault
+ endtry
+ let &selection = oldselection
+ endif
+ return ''
+function! emmet#updateTag() abort
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ let region = emmet#util#searchRegion('<\S', '>')
+ if !emmet#util#regionIsValid(region) || !emmet#util#cursorInRegion(region)
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let content = emmet#util#getContent(region)
+ let content = matchstr(content, '^<[^><]\+>')
+ if content !~# '^<[^><]\+>$'
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let current = emmet#lang#html#parseTag(content)
+ if empty(current)
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let str = substitute(input('Enter Abbreviation: ', ''), '^\s*\(.*\)\s*$', '\1', 'g')
+ let item = emmet#parseIntoTree(str, type).child[0]
+ for k in keys(item.attr)
+ let current.attr[k] = item.attr[k]
+ endfor
+ let html = substitute(emmet#toString(current, 'html', 1), '\n', '', '')
+ let html = substitute(html, '\${cursor}', '', '')
+ let html = matchstr(html, '^<[^><]\+>')
+ call emmet#util#setContent(region, html)
+ return ''
+function! emmet#moveNextPrevItem(flag) abort
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ return emmet#lang#{emmet#lang#type(type)}#moveNextPrevItem(a:flag)
+function! emmet#moveNextPrev(flag) abort
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ return emmet#lang#{emmet#lang#type(type)}#moveNextPrev(a:flag)
+function! emmet#imageSize() abort
+ let orgpos = emmet#util#getcurpos()
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ call emmet#lang#{emmet#lang#type(type)}#imageSize()
+ silent! call setpos('.', orgpos)
+ return ''
+function! emmet#imageEncode() abort
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ return emmet#lang#{emmet#lang#type(type)}#imageEncode()
+function! emmet#toggleComment() abort
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ call emmet#lang#{emmet#lang#type(type)}#toggleComment()
+ return ''
+function! emmet#balanceTag(flag) range abort
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ return emmet#lang#{emmet#lang#type(type)}#balanceTag(a:flag)
+function! emmet#splitJoinTag() abort
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ return emmet#lang#{emmet#lang#type(type)}#splitJoinTag()
+function! emmet#mergeLines() range abort
+ let lines = join(map(getline(a:firstline, a:lastline), 'matchstr(v:val, "^\\s*\\zs.*\\ze\\s*$")'), '')
+ let indent = substitute(getline('.'), '^\(\s*\).*', '\1', '')
+ silent! exe 'normal! gvc'
+ call setline('.', indent . lines)
+function! emmet#removeTag() abort
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ call emmet#lang#{emmet#lang#type(type)}#removeTag()
+ return ''
+function! emmet#mergeLines() abort
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ call emmet#lang#{emmet#lang#type(type)}#mergeLines()
+ return ''
+function! emmet#anchorizeURL(flag) abort
+ let mx = 'https\=:\/\/[-!#$%&*+,./:;=?@0-9a-zA-Z_~]\+'
+ let pos1 = searchpos(mx, 'bcnW')
+ let url = matchstr(getline(pos1[0])[pos1[1]-1:], mx)
+ let block = [pos1, [pos1[0], pos1[1] + len(url) - 1]]
+ if !emmet#util#cursorInRegion(block)
+ return ''
+ endif
+ let mx = '.*<title[^>]*>\s*\zs\([^<]\+\)\ze\s*<\/title[^>]*>.*'
+ let content = emmet#util#getContentFromURL(url)
+ let content = substitute(content, '\r', '', 'g')
+ let content = substitute(content, '[ \n]\+', ' ', 'g')
+ let content = substitute(content, '<!--.\{-}-->', '', 'g')
+ let title = matchstr(content, mx)
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ let rtype = emmet#lang#type(type)
+ if &filetype ==# 'markdown'
+ let expand = printf('[%s](%s)', substitute(title, '[\[\]]', '\\&', 'g'), url)
+ elseif &filetype ==# 'rst'
+ let expand = printf('`%s <%s>`_', substitute(title, '[\[\]]', '\\&', 'g'), url)
+ elseif a:flag ==# 0
+ let a = emmet#lang#html#parseTag('<a>')
+ let a.attr.href = url
+ let a.value = '{' . title . '}'
+ let expand = emmet#toString(a, rtype, 0, [])
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\${cursor}', '', 'g')
+ else
+ let body = emmet#util#getTextFromHTML(content)
+ let body = '{' . substitute(body, '^\(.\{0,100}\).*', '\1', '') . '...}'
+ let blockquote = emmet#lang#html#parseTag('<blockquote class="quote">')
+ let a = emmet#lang#html#parseTag('<a>')
+ let a.attr.href = url
+ let a.value = '{' . title . '}'
+ call add(blockquote.child, a)
+ call add(blockquote.child, emmet#lang#html#parseTag('<br/>'))
+ let p = emmet#lang#html#parseTag('<p>')
+ let p.value = body
+ call add(blockquote.child, p)
+ let cite = emmet#lang#html#parseTag('<cite>')
+ let cite.value = '{' . url . '}'
+ call add(blockquote.child, cite)
+ let expand = emmet#toString(blockquote, rtype, 0, [])
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\${cursor}', '', 'g')
+ endif
+ let indent = substitute(getline('.'), '^\(\s*\).*', '\1', '')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, "\n", "\n" . indent, 'g')
+ call emmet#util#setContent(block, expand)
+ return ''
+function! emmet#codePretty() range abort
+ let type = input('FileType: ', &filetype, 'filetype')
+ if len(type) ==# 0
+ return
+ endif
+ let block = emmet#util#getVisualBlock()
+ let content = emmet#util#getContent(block)
+ silent! 1new
+ let &l:filetype = type
+ call setline(1, split(content, "\n"))
+ let old_lazyredraw = &lazyredraw
+ set lazyredraw
+ silent! TOhtml
+ let &lazyredraw = old_lazyredraw
+ let content = join(getline(1, '$'), "\n")
+ silent! bw!
+ silent! bw!
+ let content = matchstr(content, '<body[^>]*>[\s\n]*\zs.*\ze</body>')
+ call emmet#util#setContent(block, content)
+function! emmet#expandWord(abbr, type, orig) abort
+ let str = a:abbr
+ let type = a:type
+ let indent = emmet#getIndentation(type)
+ if len(type) ==# 0 | let type = 'html' | endif
+ if str =~# s:filtermx
+ let filters = split(matchstr(str, s:filtermx)[1:], '\s*,\s*')
+ let str = substitute(str, s:filtermx, '', '')
+ else
+ let filters = emmet#getFilters(a:type)
+ if len(filters) ==# 0
+ let filters = ['html']
+ endif
+ endif
+ let str = substitute(str, '|', '${cursor}', 'g')
+ let items = emmet#parseIntoTree(str, a:type).child
+ let expand = ''
+ for item in items
+ let expand .= emmet#toString(item, a:type, 0, filters, 0, indent)
+ endfor
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, 'e')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '&', '\&amp;', 'g')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '<', '\&lt;', 'g')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '>', '\&gt;', 'g')
+ endif
+ if emmet#useFilter(filters, 's')
+ let expand = substitute(expand, "\n\s\*", '', 'g')
+ endif
+ if a:orig ==# 0
+ let expand = emmet#expandDollarExpr(expand)
+ let expand = substitute(expand, '\${cursor}', '', 'g')
+ endif
+ return expand
+function! emmet#getSnippets(type) abort
+ let type = a:type
+ if len(type) ==# 0 || !has_key(s:emmet_settings, type)
+ let type = 'html'
+ endif
+ return emmet#getResource(type, 'snippets', {})
+function! emmet#completeTag(findstart, base) abort
+ if a:findstart
+ let line = getline('.')
+ let start = col('.') - 1
+ while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~# '[a-zA-Z0-9:_\@\-]'
+ let start -= 1
+ endwhile
+ return start
+ else
+ let type = emmet#getFileType()
+ let res = []
+ let snippets = emmet#getResource(type, 'snippets', {})
+ for item in keys(snippets)
+ if stridx(item, a:base) !=# -1
+ call add(res, substitute(item, '\${cursor}\||', '', 'g'))
+ endif
+ endfor
+ let aliases = emmet#getResource(type, 'aliases', {})
+ for item in values(aliases)
+ if stridx(item, a:base) !=# -1
+ call add(res, substitute(item, '\${cursor}\||', '', 'g'))
+ endif
+ endfor
+ return res
+ endif
+unlet! s:emmet_settings
+let s:emmet_settings = {
+\ 'variables': {
+\ 'lang': "en",
+\ 'locale': "en-US",
+\ 'charset': "UTF-8",
+\ 'newline': "\n",
+\ 'use_selection': 0,
+\ },
+\ 'custom_expands' : {
+\ '^\%(lorem\|lipsum\)\(\d*\)$' : function('emmet#lorem#en#expand'),
+\ },
+\ 'css': {
+\ 'snippets': {
+\ "@i": "@import url(|);",
+\ "@import": "@import url(|);",
+\ "@m": "@media ${1:screen} {\n\t|\n}",
+\ "@media": "@media ${1:screen} {\n\t|\n}",
+\ "@f": "@font-face {\n\tfont-family:|;\n\tsrc:url(|);\n}",
+\ "@f+": "@font-face {\n\tfont-family: '${1:FontName}';\n\tsrc: url('${2:FileName}.eot');\n\tsrc: url('${2:FileName}.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),\n\t\t url('${2:FileName}.woff') format('woff'),\n\t\t url('${2:FileName}.ttf') format('truetype'),\n\t\t url('${2:FileName}.svg#${1:FontName}') format('svg');\n\tfont-style: ${3:normal};\n\tfont-weight: ${4:normal};\n}",
+\ "@kf": "@-webkit-keyframes ${1:identifier} {\n\t${2:from} { ${3} }${6}\n\t${4:to} { ${5} }\n}\n@-o-keyframes ${1:identifier} {\n\t${2:from} { ${3} }${6}\n\t${4:to} { ${5} }\n}\n@-moz-keyframes ${1:identifier} {\n\t${2:from} { ${3} }${6}\n\t${4:to} { ${5} }\n}\n@keyframes ${1:identifier} {\n\t${2:from} { ${3} }${6}\n\t${4:to} { ${5} }\n}",
+\ "anim": "animation:|;",
+\ "anim-": "animation:${1:name} ${2:duration} ${3:timing-function} ${4:delay} ${5:iteration-count} ${6:direction} ${7:fill-mode};",
+\ "animdel": "animation-delay:${1:time};",
+\ "animdir": "animation-direction:${1:normal};",
+\ "animdir:n": "animation-direction:normal;",
+\ "animdir:r": "animation-direction:reverse;",
+\ "animdir:a": "animation-direction:alternate;",
+\ "animdir:ar": "animation-direction:alternate-reverse;",
+\ "animdur": "animation-duration:${1:0}s;",
+\ "animfm": "animation-fill-mode:${1:both};",
+\ "animfm:f": "animation-fill-mode:forwards;",
+\ "animfm:b": "animation-fill-mode:backwards;",
+\ "animfm:bt": "animation-fill-mode:both;",
+\ "animfm:bh": "animation-fill-mode:both;",
+\ "animic": "animation-iteration-count:${1:1};",
+\ "animic:i": "animation-iteration-count:infinite;",
+\ "animn": "animation-name:${1:none};",
+\ "animps": "animation-play-state:${1:running};",
+\ "animps:p": "animation-play-state:paused;",
+\ "animps:r": "animation-play-state:running;",
+\ "animtf": "animation-timing-function:${1:linear};",
+\ "animtf:e": "animation-timing-function:ease;",
+\ "animtf:ei": "animation-timing-function:ease-in;",
+\ "animtf:eo": "animation-timing-function:ease-out;",
+\ "animtf:eio": "animation-timing-function:ease-in-out;",
+\ "animtf:l": "animation-timing-function:linear;",
+\ "animtf:cb": "animation-timing-function:cubic-bezier(${1:0.1}, ${2:0.7}, ${3:1.0}, ${3:0.1});",
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+\ "pos:f": "position:fixed;",
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+\ "d:rbbg": "display:ruby-base-group;",
+\ "d:rbt": "display:ruby-text;",
+\ "d:rbtg": "display:ruby-text-group;",
+\ "v": "visibility:${1:hidden};",
+\ "v:v": "visibility:visible;",
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+\ "ovy:h": "overflow-y:hidden;",
+\ "ovy:s": "overflow-y:scroll;",
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+\ "cp:r": "clip:rect(${1:top} ${2:right} ${3:bottom} ${4:left});",
+\ "bxz": "box-sizing:${1:border-box};",
+\ "bxz:cb": "box-sizing:content-box;",
+\ "bxz:bb": "box-sizing:border-box;",
+\ "bxsh": "box-shadow:${1:inset }${2:hoff} ${3:voff} ${4:blur} ${5:color};",
+\ "bxsh:r": "box-shadow:${1:inset }${2:hoff} ${3:voff} ${4:blur} ${5:spread }rgb(${6:0}, ${7:0}, ${8:0});",
+\ "bxsh:ra": "box-shadow:${1:inset }${2:h} ${3:v} ${4:blur} ${5:spread }rgba(${6:0}, ${7:0}, ${8:0}, .${9:5});",
+\ "bxsh:n": "box-shadow:none;",
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+\ "m:a": "margin:auto;",
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+\ "mt:a": "margin-top:auto;",
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+\ "mr:a": "margin-right:auto;",
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+\ "mb:a": "margin-bottom:auto;",
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+\ "ml:a": "margin-left:auto;",
+\ "p": "padding:|;",
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+\ "pb": "padding-bottom:|;",
+\ "pl": "padding-left:|;",
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+\ "mah:n": "max-height:none;",
+\ "miw": "min-width:|;",
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+\ "ols:i": "outline-style:inset;",
+\ "ols:o": "outline-style:outset;",
+\ "olc": "outline-color:#${1:000};",
+\ "olc:i": "outline-color:invert;",
+\ "bfv": "backface-visibility:|;",
+\ "bfv:h": "backface-visibility:hidden;",
+\ "bfv:v": "backface-visibility:visible;",
+\ "bd": "border:|;",
+\ "bd+": "border:${1:1px} ${2:solid} ${3:#000};",
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+\ "bdcl:c": "border-collapse:collapse;",
+\ "bdcl:s": "border-collapse:separate;",
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+\ "bdi:n": "border-image:none;",
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+\ "bdti:n": "border-top-image:none;",
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+\ "bdri:n": "border-right-image:none;",
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+\ "bdbi:n": "border-bottom-image:none;",
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+\ "bdli:n": "border-left-image:none;",
+\ "bdci": "border-corner-image:url(|);",
+\ "bdci:n": "border-corner-image:none;",
+\ "bdci:c": "border-corner-image:continue;",
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+\ "bdtli:n": "border-top-left-image:none;",
+\ "bdtli:c": "border-top-left-image:continue;",
+\ "bdtri": "border-top-right-image:url(|);",
+\ "bdtri:n": "border-top-right-image:none;",
+\ "bdtri:c": "border-top-right-image:continue;",
+\ "bdbri": "border-bottom-right-image:url(|);",
+\ "bdbri:n": "border-bottom-right-image:none;",
+\ "bdbri:c": "border-bottom-right-image:continue;",
+\ "bdbli": "border-bottom-left-image:url(|);",
+\ "bdbli:n": "border-bottom-left-image:none;",
+\ "bdbli:c": "border-bottom-left-image:continue;",
+\ "bdf": "border-fit:${1:repeat};",
+\ "bdf:c": "border-fit:clip;",
+\ "bdf:r": "border-fit:repeat;",
+\ "bdf:sc": "border-fit:scale;",
+\ "bdf:st": "border-fit:stretch;",
+\ "bdf:ow": "border-fit:overwrite;",
+\ "bdf:of": "border-fit:overflow;",
+\ "bdf:sp": "border-fit:space;",
+\ "bdlen": "border-length:|;",
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+" vim:set et: