path: root/src/neuralnetwork/
diff options
authordavidovski <>2022-11-30 10:06:56 +0000
committerdavidovski <>2022-11-30 10:06:56 +0000
commit290c68795d8100cc97b8b53d80f331e536fc71b1 (patch)
treebf0068c4c9121406df9bc90f5c159fd93de8a61e /src/neuralnetwork/
Added files to repositoryHEADmain
Diffstat (limited to 'src/neuralnetwork/')
1 files changed, 329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/neuralnetwork/ b/src/neuralnetwork/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0662394
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/neuralnetwork/
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+import random
+import time
+import math
+import torch
+import torch.nn as nn
+import warnings
+import sys
+import copy
+from util import AtomicNumber
+num_processes = 12
+#ignore warnings
+if "--disable-cuda" in sys.argv:
+ cuda = False
+ cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
+print(f"CUDA is {'enabled' if cuda else 'disabled'}")
+if cuda:
+ print("CUDA devices:")
+ for device_index in range(torch.cuda.device_count()):
+ print(f"{device_index}|\t{torch.cuda.get_device_name(device_index)}")
+device = torch.device("cuda") if cuda else torch.device("cpu")
+class RNN(nn.Module):
+ def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, output_size):
+ super(RNN, self).__init__()
+ self.hidden_size = hidden_size
+ self.output_size = output_size
+ # create the input, hidden and output linear transformation branches
+ self.input_to_hidden = nn.Linear(input_size + hidden_size, hidden_size, device=device)
+ self.input_to_output = nn.Linear(input_size + hidden_size, output_size, device=device)
+ self.output_to_output = nn.Linear(hidden_size + output_size, output_size, device=device)
+ # initialise a dropout function to be used on output data
+ self.dropout = nn.Dropout(0.1)
+ # initialise the softmax function to be used on output data
+ self.softmax = nn.LogSoftmax(dim=1)
+ # do not introduce any randomness by default
+ self.random_factor = 0
+ def forward(self, inputs, hidden):
+ # combine the input layer with the hidden layer to create the output layer and new hidden layer
+ input_combined =, hidden), 1)
+ hidden = self.input_to_hidden(input_combined)
+ output = self.input_to_output(input_combined)
+ output_combined =, output), 1)
+ output = self.output_to_output(output_combined)
+ # apply the functions to the output data
+ output = self.dropout(output)
+ output = self.softmax(output)
+ # add noise to the output, based on self.random_factor
+ if self.random_factor > 0:
+ # create a fully random tensor
+ random_tensor = torch.randn(self.output_size)
+ output = torch.add(output, random_tensor, alpha=self.random_factor)
+ return output, hidden
+ def initHidden(self):
+ # The hidden layer should be tensor with the length that we've specified
+ return torch.zeros(1, self.hidden_size, device=device)
+# instantiate the function to use to calculate loss
+# we will use Mean Squared Error between the
+criterion = nn.NLLLoss()
+# define the learning rate, to begin with, we can use 0.0005
+learning_rate = 0.0005
+"""Train a neural network on a single input name
+ Args:
+ rnn: (RNN) the rnn to train
+ input_tensors: (tensor) The input tensor: a one-hot-encoding from the first letter to the last letter, excluding the end of string marker
+ output_tensors: (tensor) The input tensor: a one-hot-encoding from the second letter to the end of the input data
+ Returns:
+ output: (tensor) the output of the training
+ loss: (float) the loss of the training
+def train_rnn(rnn, input_tensor, target_tensor):
+ # unsqueeze the target tensor,
+ target_tensor.unsqueeze_(-1)
+ # reset the parameters of the neural network
+ hidden = rnn.initHidden()
+ rnn.zero_grad()
+ # initiate an float called loss, this will store the error between each iteration output and its target
+ loss = 0
+ for i in range(input_tensor.size(0)):
+ output, hidden = rnn(input_tensor[i], hidden)
+ # calculate the error and add it to the overall loss
+ l = criterion(output, target_tensor[i])
+ loss += l
+ loss.backward()
+ # adjust the parameters of the rnn accordingly
+ for p in rnn.parameters():
+ return output, loss.item() / input_tensor.size(0)
+"""Create the input tensor for a name, a one hot matrix from the first letter to last letter (excluding EOS)
+ Args:
+ name: (str[]) an array of the letters in the name, can also be supplied as a string literal
+ alphabet: (str[]) The alphabet to use while encoding the name, an array starting with a "NULL" character and ending in an "EOS" character
+ value: (float) (default=1) The value to use for the "1" representing the letter
+ Returns:
+ tensor: (tensor) the input tensor for the given name
+def input_tensor(name, alphabet, value=1):
+ tensor = torch.zeros(len(name), 1, len(alphabet), device=device)
+ #iterate through each letter in the name
+ for li in range(len(name)):
+ letter = name[li]
+ # If the letter isn't in the alphabet, use the first "NULL" character
+ index = alphabet.index(letter) if letter in alphabet else 0
+ tensor[li][0][index] = value
+ return tensor
+"""Create the target tensor for a name, a long tensor from the second letter to the EOS
+ Args:
+ name: (str[]) an array of the letters in the name, can also be supplied as a string literal
+ alphabet: (str[]) The alphabet to use while encoding the name, an array starting with a "NULL" character and ending in an "EOS" character
+ Returns:
+ tensor: (tensor) the input tensor for the given name
+def target_tensor(name, alphabet):
+ indexes = []
+ for li in range(1, len(name)):
+ letter = name[li]
+ index = alphabet.index(letter) if letter in alphabet else 0
+ indexes.append(index)
+ # and add the end of string character
+ indexes.append(len(alphabet) - 1)
+ #legacy tensor needs to be made this way
+ if cuda:
+ return torch.cuda.LongTensor(indexes)
+ else:
+ return torch.LongTensor(indexes)
+"""Train a neural network on a list of names with a given alphabet
+ Args:
+ rnn (RNN): the neural network to train on
+ names: (str[]) the list of names to train on
+ alphabet: (str[]) the alphabet to use to encode characters
+ iterations: (int) (default=10000) The number of iterations of training that should be done
+def learn_names(rnn, names, alphabet, iterations=100000, num_processes=12):
+ # keep track of total time spent training by knowing when we started training
+ start = time.time()
+ # define the number of iterations per process
+ iters_per_process = int(iterations/num_processes)
+ processes = []
+ # keep track of the total loss
+ total_loss = AtomicNumber()
+ # keep track of total number of completed iterations
+ completed_iterations = AtomicNumber()
+ # keep track of the last time that the information was printed
+ # this way we can print every x seconds
+ last_print = AtomicNumber()
+ print(f"Training on {len(names)} names...")
+ # spawn processes, each running the _train function
+ torch.multiprocessing.spawn(_train, args=(rnn, names, alphabet, iters_per_process,
+ total_loss, completed_iterations, last_print, start, iterations),
+ nprocs=num_processes,
+ join=True)
+ print()
+"""Thread function to use when multiprocessing learn_names
+def _train(rank, rnn, names, alphabet, iterations,
+ total_loss, completed_iterations, last_print,
+ start, total_iterations):
+ for i in range(1, iterations+1):
+ try:
+ # choose a random name to train on
+ name = random.choice(names)
+ # create the input and trainint tensors
+ input_name_tensor = input_tensor(name, alphabet)
+ target_name_tensor = target_tensor(name, alphabet)
+ # train the rnn on the input and target tensors
+ output, loss = train_rnn(rnn, input_name_tensor, target_name_tensor)
+ total_loss.increment(loss)
+ # increment number of completed iterations
+ completed_iterations.increment()
+ # to prevent overloading the console, potentially slowing down the training process,
+ # only print information every PRINT_INFORMATION_SECONDS
+ if time.time() - last_print.get() > PRINT_INFORMATION_SECONDS:
+ # set last print to now to prevent other threads from also printing
+ last_print.set(time.time())
+ # calculate and display information
+ seconds_elapsed = time.time() - start
+ time_elapsed = "%dm %ds" % (math.floor(seconds_elapsed / 60), seconds_elapsed % 60)
+ percentage = completed_iterations.get() / total_iterations * 100
+ # print information on the same line as before
+ print("\r%s (%d %d%%) %.4f" % (time_elapsed, completed_iterations.get(), percentage, loss), end="")
+ except:
+ pass
+"""Sample a random name from the network using a starting letter
+ Args:
+ rnn: (RNN) the neural network to sample from
+ alphabet: (str[]) the alphabet to use to decode the outputs from the network
+ start_letter: (str) the letter to use to start the neural network
+ max_length: (int) (default=50) the maximum length for a name
+ Returns:
+ output_name: (str) the characters that the rnn has generated from the starting letter
+def sample(rnn, alphabet, start_letter, max_length=50):
+ # disable gradient calculation
+ #with torch.no_grad():
+ # create the input tensor from the start letter, using a randomized value
+ #random_value = random.random()
+ random_value = 1
+ sample_input = input_tensor(start_letter, alphabet, value=random_value)
+ rnn.dropout(sample_input)
+ # reset hidden layer
+ hidden = rnn.initHidden()
+ output_name = [start_letter]
+ # use a max length to prevent names from being too long
+ for i in range(max_length):
+ # call the rnn for the next letter
+ output, hidden = rnn(sample_input[0], hidden)
+ top_v, top_i = output.topk(1)
+ top_i = top_i[0][0]
+ if top_i == len(alphabet)-1: # EOS has been reached
+ break;
+ else:
+ # append next letter to output
+ letter = alphabet[top_i]
+ output_name.append(letter)
+ sample_input = input_tensor(letter, alphabet)
+ return output_name
+import warnings
+# testing
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore")
+ english_alphabet = [c for c in " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"]
+ english_alphabet.append("") # add the EOS character
+ option = input("(t)rain or (s)ample?")
+ if option == "t":
+ names = []
+ with open("data/datasets/usa/surname.txt", "r") as datafile:
+ # convert all names to lowercase and remove newline character
+ names = [name[:-1].lower() for name in datafile.readlines()]
+ # create the neural network with a hidden layer of size 128
+ rnn = RNN(len(english_alphabet), 128, len(english_alphabet))
+ # transfer to cuda if cuda is enabled
+ if cuda:
+ rnn.cuda()
+ def provide_name():
+ return random.choice(names)
+ learn_names(rnn, names, english_alphabet, iterations=100000, num_processes=12)
+ print()
+, "data/")
+ elif option == "s":
+ rnn = torch.load("data/")
+ if cuda:
+ rnn.cuda()
+ rnn.eval()
+ rnn.random_factor = 0.7
+ for start_letter in [i for i in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"]:
+ print(sample(rnn, english_alphabet, start_letter))
+ else:
+ print("invalid option!")