path: root/repo/pandoc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'repo/pandoc')
2 files changed, 288 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/repo/pandoc/cabal.config b/repo/pandoc/cabal.config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19f0515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repo/pandoc/cabal.config
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+constraints: Cabal ==,
+ Glob ==0.10.2,
+ HUnit ==,
+ HsYAML ==,
+ JuicyPixels ==3.3.8,
+ OneTuple ==0.3.1,
+ QuickCheck ==2.14.2,
+ SHA ==,
+ StateVar ==1.2.2,
+ aeson ==,
+ aeson-pretty ==0.8.9,
+ ansi-terminal ==0.11.3,
+ ansi-wl-pprint ==0.6.9,
+ appar ==0.1.8,
+ array ==,
+ asn1-encoding ==0.9.6,
+ asn1-parse ==0.9.5,
+ asn1-types ==0.3.4,
+ assoc ==1.0.2,
+ async ==2.2.4,
+ attoparsec ==0.14.4,
+ attoparsec-iso8601 ==,
+ auto-update ==0.1.6,
+ base ==,
+ base-compat ==0.12.2,
+ base-compat-batteries ==0.12.2,
+ base-orphans ==0.8.7,
+ base16-bytestring ==,
+ base64 ==,
+ base64-bytestring ==,
+ basement ==0.0.15,
+ bifunctors ==5.5.12,
+ binary ==,
+ bitvec ==,
+ blaze-builder ==,
+ blaze-html ==,
+ blaze-markup ==,
+ boring ==0.2,
+ bsb-http-chunked ==,
+ byteorder ==1.0.4,
+ bytestring ==,
+ cabal-doctest ==1.0.9,
+ call-stack ==0.4.0,
+ case-insensitive ==,
+ cereal ==,
+ citeproc ==,
+ cmdargs ==0.10.21,
+ colour ==2.3.6,
+ commonmark ==0.2.2,
+ commonmark-extensions ==,
+ commonmark-pandoc ==,
+ comonad ==5.0.8,
+ conduit ==,
+ conduit-extra ==1.3.6,
+ connection ==0.3.1,
+ constraints ==0.13.4,
+ containers ==,
+ contravariant ==1.5.5,
+ cookie ==0.4.5,
+ cryptonite ==0.30,
+ data-default ==,
+ data-default-class ==,
+ data-default-instances-containers ==0.0.1,
+ data-default-instances-dlist ==0.0.1,
+ data-default-instances-old-locale ==0.0.1,
+ data-fix ==0.3.2,
+ dec ==0.0.5,
+ deepseq ==,
+ digest ==,
+ directory ==,
+ distributive ==,
+ dlist ==1.0,
+ doclayout ==0.4,
+ doctemplates ==,
+ easy-file ==0.2.2,
+ emojis ==0.1.2,
+ exceptions ==0.10.4,
+ fast-logger ==3.1.1,
+ file-embed ==,
+ filepath ==,
+ generically ==0.1,
+ ghc-bignum ==1.1,
+ ghc-boot-th ==9.0.2,
+ ghc-prim ==0.7.0,
+ gridtables ==,
+ haddock-library ==1.11.0,
+ happy ==1.20.0,
+ hashable ==,
+ haskell-lexer ==1.1,
+ hourglass ==0.2.12,
+ hsc2hs ==0.68.8,
+ hslua ==2.2.1,
+ hslua-aeson ==2.2.1,
+ hslua-classes ==2.2.0,
+ hslua-core ==2.2.1,
+ hslua-marshalling ==2.2.1,
+ hslua-module-doclayout ==1.0.4,
+ hslua-module-path ==1.0.3,
+ hslua-module-system ==1.0.2,
+ hslua-module-text ==1.0.2,
+ hslua-module-version ==1.0.2,
+ hslua-objectorientation ==2.2.1,
+ hslua-packaging ==2.2.1,
+ http-api-data ==0.4.3,
+ http-client ==,
+ http-client-tls ==,
+ http-date ==0.0.11,
+ http-media ==,
+ http-types ==0.12.3,
+ http2 ==3.0.3,
+ indexed-traversable ==0.1.2,
+ indexed-traversable-instances ==,
+ integer-gmp ==1.1,
+ integer-logarithms ==,
+ iproute ==1.7.12,
+ ipynb ==0.2,
+ jira-wiki-markup ==1.4.0,
+ libyaml ==0.1.2,
+ lpeg ==1.0.3,
+ lua ==2.2.1,
+ memory ==0.17.0,
+ mime-types ==,
+ mmorph ==1.2.0,
+ monad-control ==,
+ mono-traversable ==,
+ mtl ==2.2.2,
+ network ==,
+ network-byte-order ==0.1.6,
+ network-uri ==,
+ old-locale ==,
+ old-time ==,
+ optparse-applicative ==,
+ pandoc-lua-marshal ==0.1.7,
+ pandoc-types ==,
+ parsec ==,
+ pem ==0.2.4,
+ pretty ==,
+ pretty-show ==1.10,
+ primitive ==,
+ process ==,
+ psqueues ==,
+ random ==,
+ resourcet ==1.2.6,
+ rts ==1.0.2,
+ safe ==0.3.19,
+ scientific ==,
+ semialign ==,
+ semigroupoids ==5.3.7,
+ servant ==0.19,
+ servant-server ==0.19.1,
+ simple-sendfile ==0.2.30,
+ singleton-bool ==0.1.6,
+ skylighting ==0.13,
+ skylighting-core ==0.13,
+ skylighting-format-ansi ==0.1,
+ skylighting-format-blaze-html ==0.1,
+ skylighting-format-latex ==0.1,
+ socks ==0.6.1,
+ some ==1.0.4,
+ sop-core ==,
+ split ==,
+ splitmix ==,
+ stm ==,
+ streaming-commons ==,
+ strict ==,
+ string-conversions ==,
+ syb ==,
+ tagged ==,
+ tagsoup ==0.14.8,
+ template-haskell ==,
+ temporary ==1.3,
+ texmath ==,
+ text ==,
+ text-conversions ==,
+ text-short ==0.1.5,
+ th-abstraction ==,
+ th-compat ==0.1.4,
+ th-lift ==0.8.2,
+ th-lift-instances ==0.1.19,
+ these ==,
+ time ==1.9.3,
+ time-compat ==,
+ time-manager ==0.0.0,
+ tls ==1.6.0,
+ transformers ==,
+ transformers-base ==0.4.6,
+ transformers-compat ==0.7.2,
+ type-equality ==1,
+ typed-process ==,
+ unicode-collation ==,
+ unicode-data ==0.3.0,
+ unicode-transforms ==,
+ uniplate ==1.6.13,
+ unix ==,
+ unix-compat ==0.6,
+ unix-time ==0.4.7,
+ unliftio ==,
+ unliftio-core ==,
+ unordered-containers ==,
+ utf8-string ==1.0.2,
+ uuid-types ==1.0.5,
+ vault ==,
+ vector ==,
+ vector-algorithms ==,
+ vector-stream ==,
+ wai ==3.2.3,
+ wai-app-static ==,
+ wai-extra ==,
+ wai-logger ==2.4.0,
+ warp ==3.3.22,
+ witherable ==0.4.2,
+ word8 ==0.1.3,
+ x509 ==1.7.7,
+ x509-store ==1.6.9,
+ x509-system ==1.6.7,
+ x509-validation ==1.6.12,
+ xml ==1.3.14,
+ xml-conduit ==,
+ xml-types ==0.3.8,
+ yaml ==,
+ zip-archive ==,
+ zlib ==
diff --git a/repo/pandoc/pandoc.xibuild b/repo/pandoc/pandoc.xibuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12d2406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repo/pandoc/pandoc.xibuild
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+DESC="universal markup converter"
+MAKEDEPS=" ghc cabal zlib libffi"
+cabal_update() {
+ echo "Freezing pandoc dependencies"
+ # Resolve deps and generate fresh cabal.config with version constraints.
+ cabal update
+ (
+ cd "$BUILD_ROOT"
+ cabal v1-freeze --shadow-installed-packages
+ # Add version tag at the first line.
+ sed -i "1i--$PKG_VER" "cabal.config"
+ mv "cabal.config" "$startdir/"
+ )
+prepare() {
+ apply_patches
+ if [ "$(head -n 1 "$BUILD_ROOT/cabal.config")" != "--$PKG_VER" ]; then
+ die "Requirements file is outdated, run 'abuild cabal_update'"
+ fi
+ ln -sf "$BUILD_ROOT/cabal.config" "$BUILD_ROOT/cabal.project.freeze"
+build() {
+ cabal update
+ cabal install --only-dependencies
+ cabal configure \
+ --prefix='/usr' \
+ --enable-tests \
+ --enable-split-sections \
+ --ghc-option="-split-sections" \
+ --flags="+embed_data_files -trypandoc +static"
+ cabal build --jobs=${JOBS:-1}
+check() {
+ cabal test --jobs=${JOBS:-1}
+package() {
+ _bindir="$PKG_DEST/usr/bin"
+ mkdir -p "$_bindir"
+ cabal install \
+ --installdir="$_bindir" \
+ --install-method=copy
+ install -Dm644 man/pandoc.1 "$PKG_DEST"/usr/share/man/man1/pandoc.1