path: root/repo/xi/sysconfigs/sysconfigs.xibuild
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'repo/xi/sysconfigs/sysconfigs.xibuild')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/repo/xi/sysconfigs/sysconfigs.xibuild b/repo/xi/sysconfigs/sysconfigs.xibuild
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dadea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repo/xi/sysconfigs/sysconfigs.xibuild
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+DEPS="bootscripts sh"
+DESC="Default system configs for xilinux"
+package () {
+ mkdir -p $PKG_DEST/etc/
+ mkdir -p $PKG_DEST/etc/sysconfig
+# cat > $PKG_DEST/etc/sysconfig/ << "EOF"
+## Distro Information
+#DISTRO="xilinux" # The distro name
+#DISTRO_CONTACT="" # Bug report address
+#DISTRO_MINI="xi" # Short name used in filenames for distro config
+## Define custom colors used in messages printed to the screen
+## Please consult `man console_codes` for more information
+## under the "ECMA-48 Set Graphics Rendition" section
+## Warning: when switching from a 8bit to a 9bit font,
+## the linux console will reinterpret the bold (1;) to
+## the top 256 glyphs of the 9bit font. This does
+## not affect framebuffer consoles
+#BRACKET="\\033[1;34m" # Blue
+#FAILURE="\\033[1;31m" # Red
+#INFO="\\033[1;36m" # Cyan
+#NORMAL="\\033[0;39m" # Grey
+#SUCCESS="\\033[1;32m" # Green
+#WARNING="\\033[1;33m" # Yellow
+## Use a colored prefix
+## Manually seet the right edge of message output (characters)
+## Useful when resetting console font during boot to override
+## automatic screen width detection
+## Interactive startup
+##IPROMPT="yes" # Whether to display the interactive boot prompt
+##itime="3" # The amount of time (in seconds) to display the prompt
+## The total length of the distro welcome string, without escape codes
+#wlen=$(echo "Welcome to ${DISTRO}" | wc -c )
+#welcome_message="Welcome to ${INFO}${DISTRO}${NORMAL}"
+## The total length of the interactive string, without escape codes
+##ilen=$(echo "Press 'I' to enter interactive startup" | wc -c )
+##i_message="Press '${FAILURE}I${NORMAL}' to enter interactive startup"
+## Set scripts to skip the file system check on reboot
+## Skip reading from the console
+## Write out fsck progress if yes
+## Speed up boot without waiting for settle in udev
+## Speed up boot without waiting for settle in udev_retry
+## Skip cleaning /tmp if yes
+## For setclock
+## For consolelog (Note that the default, 7=debug, is noisy)
+## For network
+## Delay between TERM and KILL signals at shutdown
+## Optional sysklogd parameters
+## Console parameters
+#FONT="lat0-16 -m 8859-15"
+ cat > $PKG_DEST/etc/profile << "EOF"
+umask 022
+PS1="\u@\h \w $ "
+export PATH
+export PS1
+# Termcap is outdated, old, and crusty, kill it.
+unset TERMCAP
+# Man is much better than us at figuring this out
+unset MANPATH
+ cat > $PKG_DEST/etc/inputrc << "EOF"
+# Begin /etc/inputrc
+# Modified by Chris Lynn <>
+# Allow the command prompt to wrap to the next line
+set horizontal-scroll-mode Off
+# Enable 8bit input
+set meta-flag On
+set input-meta On
+# Turns off 8th bit stripping
+set convert-meta Off
+# Keep the 8th bit for display
+set output-meta On
+# none, visible or audible
+set bell-style none
+# All of the following map the escape sequence of the value
+# contained in the 1st argument to the readline specific functions
+"\eOd": backward-word
+"\eOc": forward-word
+# for linux console
+"\e[1~": beginning-of-line
+"\e[4~": end-of-line
+"\e[5~": beginning-of-history
+"\e[6~": end-of-history
+"\e[3~": delete-char
+"\e[2~": quoted-insert
+# for xterm
+"\eOH": beginning-of-line
+"\eOF": end-of-line
+# for Konsole
+"\e[H": beginning-of-line
+"\e[F": end-of-line
+# End /etc/inputrc
+ cat > $PKG_DEST/etc/shells << "EOF"
+ /bin/sh
+ cat > $PKG_DEST/etc/lsb-release << "EOF"
+ cat > $PKG_DEST/etc/os-release << "EOF"