path: root/repo/meta/repo-system.xibuild
blob: c1326e9f086adc58cda1a65beb962c2a3ec70c4d (plain)
# This file was automatically generated, do not edit!

DESC="All the the packages available in system"
DEPS=" acl acpid argp-standalone attr binutils bootscripts brotli bzip2 cacerts dbus dhcp efibootmgr efivar elfutils elogind eudev execline expat findutils freetype2 gc gdbm gettext glib gmp gnutls gobject-introspection gperf grub guile gzip iana-etc icu imlib2 intltool js78 kbd kmod krb5 ldns libarchive libcap-ng libcap libdwarf libelf libffi libgudev libidn libldap liblinear libndp libnghttp libnl libp11-kit libpcap libpipeline libpng libpsl libptytty libsasl libseccomp libsigsegv libssh2 libtasn1 libtirpc libtool libunistring libusb libxcrypt libxml2 libxslt lua lz4 lzo mkinitramfs mpfr mtdev musl-fts musl-legacy-compat musl-obstack musl ncurses nettle networkmanager newt nspr nsss nss openssl pahole pam pcre2 pcre perl perl-xml-parser polkit popt psmisc queue-standalone readline rtmpdump s6-linux-init s6-linux-utils s6-portable-utils s6-rc s6 sbase sed shadow skalibs slang sqlite3 sysklogd tar tcl tomlc99 ubase utmps xxhash xz zip zlib zstd"