AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-06-15removed redundant Origin field from xi infov1.6davidovski
2022-06-15added pretty info commanddavidovski
2022-06-06fixed install scriptv1.5.6davidovski
2022-06-06fixed sort to be fasterdavidovski
2022-06-04xibuild to build in different dirv1.5.5davidovski
2022-06-04fixed [installed] appearing during updatesdavidovski
2022-06-02fixed issues with not finding librariesv1.5.4davidovski
2022-06-02removed printing nothing at the end every timev1.5.3davidovski
2022-06-01made file command work for /usr/ symlinksdavidovski
2022-05-31added bootstrap keys to a config optiondavidovski
2022-05-31added default cmd optiondavidovski
2022-05-31fixed using wrong checksum when downloading packagesv1.5.2davidovski
2022-05-31fixed get not finding package versionsv1.5.1davidovski
2022-05-31removed unecessary parts from xipkg confv1.5davidovski
2022-05-31removed idea of reposdavidovski
2022-05-29fixed issues with missign lines in dep graphv1.4.3davidovski
2022-05-29fixed infinite install timev1.4.2davidovski
2022-05-29preserving /etcv1.4.1davidovski
2022-05-29fixed not rebuilding installed packagesdavidovski
2022-05-28added build help infov1.4davidovski
2022-05-28Merge branch 'master' of git.cheetah.remote:xilinux/xipkgdavidovski
2022-05-28fixed build to correctly builddavidovski
2022-05-28added build commanddavidovski
2022-05-17implemented xi infodavidovski
2022-05-15added installer tuidavidovski
2022-05-15fixed basename usage in validatedavidovski
2022-05-15moved to using xipkg as executable namedavidovski
2022-05-14added backwards compat for md5sumdavidovski
2022-05-11removed extra syncdavidovski
2022-05-11switched to using sha512 instead of md5 sumdavidovski
2022-05-04made help screen colorfuldavidovski
2022-05-01fixed lib64 symlink with bootstrapv1.3.1davidovski
2022-05-01fixed ignoring symlinksv1.3davidovski
2022-04-28fixed install script and checking for rootdavidovski
2022-04-12fixed non-posix comparisonv1.2.2davidovski
2022-04-12fixed not using EUID for posixv1.2.1davidovski
2022-04-12added serial downloads and checking for rootv1.2.0davidovski
2022-04-11added preserve to tar commanddavidovski
2022-04-11creating parent dir for logfilev1.1.8davidovski
2022-04-11added error loggingv1.1.7davidovski
2022-04-09fixed umask for bash install scriptdavidovski
2022-04-09fixed broken permisisons for bootstrapdavidovski
2022-03-31added bash as user default shelldavidovski
2022-03-31removed extra wait stepsdavidovski
2022-03-31chroot to make dirsdavidovski
2022-03-31fixed var tmp for dracutdavidovski
2022-03-31added dracut needed /var/tmpdavidovski
2022-03-31fixed postinstallv1.1.6davidovski
2022-03-31posix readdavidovski
2022-03-31added more press to continuedavidovski